Forum Replies Created
Thanks Marcus! I had to mess around for a bit to figure out how to pass that to the Event Manager call, but it works like a charm. For anyone else attempting to do the same, here is my code. This outputs events in category 2, within the next 7 days:
<?php if (class_exists('EM_Events')) { $scopedates = date('Y-m-d',current_time('timestamp')).date(',Y-m-d',current_time('timestamp')+60*60*24*7); $args = array( 'orderby' => get_option('dbem_events_default_orderby'), 'order' => get_option('dbem_events_default_order'), 'scope' => $scopedates, 'category' => 2 ); echo EM_Events::output( $args ); } ?>
Thank you! ??
Hugely helpful, thank you! I’ve got all my slideshows working now. You have quite honestly saved my life with this plugin- it’s been a long, hair tearing week. ?? Cheers!
Oh my word. That’s so dead simple I can’t believe I got it wrong. You may want to correct some of the examples on your home page- they’re formatted with quotes:
Thanks so much for the help!
Hi there! Let me give you a full rundown.
My settings page is as follows:
Slide Height: 400
Slide Width: 920The site is here:
https://www.chessboardcreative.comFor the time being, only the large one at the top with featured images is your plugin. (There is troubleshooting going on with another plugin, but I am not holding out much hope.) The shortcode I am using for that slideshow is:
[meteor_slideshow slideshow="featured-images-show" metadata="width: '920', height: '330', fit:'1', containerResize:'1'"]
Note that I have hidden the navigation items using “Visibility:hidden;” in the CSS for display purposes. See the empty space below the slideshow? It appears that’s because the height on the div class “.slides” and “.slide” have a height of 400. Is this due to the fact that I am calling the page the slideshow is embedded on to into my home page template?
The slideshow on this page is also using your plugin: shortcode is as follows:
[meteor_slideshow slideshow="amish-burlesque-on-stage-show" metadata="width: '600', height: '400'"]
Unfortunately, the images here seem off center, if the right size- I was under the impression images ought to be centered in this newest version?
Let me know if any more details can help. Thank you for such a quick response!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Slidepress – How to link images to pagesNot that you guys are still seeking an answer, but just in case anyone comes across this in the future:
If you go into the style settings for your gallery, under the Content tab, you’ll want to select “Launch Hyperlink” Under Content Area > Action.
From there, in the media editor where you’re adding your images, their title, and caption, you can put your hyperlink into the description field, save your changes, and the image and caption area should launch that hyperlink in the same window.
Had to search the Slidepress forums – and some OLD posts- for an answer. Hope that helps someone else seeking the same info.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Slow, Failing WP Plugin & Theme InstallationsThanks to everyone who worked to clarify this issue- I’ve got multiple clients with the problem. So is this in the trac? Will it be fixed by WordPress at any point? Trying to find info and failing.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Images and JS are broken links on inside pages?Thanks Moshu.
That second tip helped the images show up on all the page templates- I sort of dove into this and missed that, though it makes total sense.
At first, this didn’t work either:
<script type=”text/javascript” src=”<?php bloginfo(‘stylesheet_directory’); ?>/”></script>
Then I thought to check the permissions on the JS- the server default had set it too low for the browser to run it, so I set them to 755 and it works beautifully.
Thank you for helping me out, it makes me feel INCREDIBLY silly when it’s stuff like this- but then, with coding, I find it almost always is….
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Images and JS are broken links on inside pages?Ah ha.
I keep forgetting that with these PHP sites paths go from the root directory, not necessarily the directory the file’s in. Yay being completely new to things.
I’ve moved the JS to the root directory of the installation, so now just calling it as “src=”filename.js”” format should work.
However, it still isn’t working on the inside pages.
Also, the images still aren’t working either- and just for kicks, I added them to the main directory images folder as well, and they don’t work from there either.
Still puzzled.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Images and JS are broken links on inside pages?Thanks for the quick response. I have it in the same folder as the rest of the template- what should the link be? What should image paths be? They’re in the “images” directory in my theme folder as well.
Also curious for future reference why it would have started off working and then stopped.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: A New Theme Editor Issue?Well, I’ve removed all my plugins, though I only had six or so (including the ones that came with the original install) And the problem magically dissapeared. I’ve been adding them back in and implimenting them one by one, and then testing- so far, I haven’t managed to recreate the issue.
If I do ever figure out which plugin it was, I’ll post back here.
Forum: Installing WordPress
In reply to: My blog is being attacked by a-hole spammers!!!Have you tried any of the spam plugins in the “Extend” section?
My apologies for starting a topic that’s already got an ongoing set of discussions.
The search function hasn’t been working for me, and I hadn’t managed to find the appropriate thread until now.
Seems the solution is to downgrade to the next most recent version of WP? Is this true?
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Support forum search not working?Good, I thought I might be going nuts. I too, have been having this issue all day- apologies in advance if I’ve been asking questions that have already been answered….