After giving this further digging, I rewrote the function pages_to_option_elements to show all pages (or you could change the parameters of get_pages() if you only wanted to show the children of a specific page, etc). According to the documentation, query_posts is not recommended to be used by plugins or themes, so I’ve changed it to use get_pages instead. You are welcome to include this code in future versions of the plugin if it improves the plugin.
function pages_to_option_elements ( $current_page_id )
$pages = get_pages();
foreach ( $pages as $page ) {
$option = '<option value="' . $page->ID . '" ' . selected( $current_page_id , $page->ID ) . '>';
if ( $page->post_title != '') {
$option .= $page->post_title;
} else {
$option .= _e( '(no title)' , 'simple-page-to-sidebar' );
$option .= '</option>';
echo $option;