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Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: A new cooking siteSome of your pictures are taken in very strange light. The second one (at this moment) looks really quite horrible due to the colouring.
The pictures don’t make me want to click through to see what the recipe is because they look so unappetising.
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: Working offline with Word PressForum: Your WordPress
In reply to: online film izleI agree about the transparency issue.
I also think that you should get rid of the alexa rank and hitcounter things at the bottom of the page. They serve no purpose and look awful.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Please give me some feedback on my new website!There is a lot to like about both the design and the content.
My first criticism would be that you should do something about the mix of languages.
All of the content is in Dutch, but you haven’t changed the English phrases in the theme, i.e. “Latest entries”, “Older”, “What do you think?”.
To me that just looks odd and inconsistent.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Any feedback on our new site would be greatYep, looks good from here.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Here is my siteI left as soon as all of the popup ad windows started appearing.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Theme My Login] Theme My Login 6.3.3. DevWhy not just use the Custom Redirection module for that anyway?
Good question, I don’t remember now, but there was definitely a reason when I set it up – will go with the custom redirection now.
Both links open in the iframes without a problem for me.
What web browser are you having the problem in?
Can you give us a link to the page in question?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Theme My Login] Theme My Login 6.3.3. DevThanks for the fast response Jeff.
Now using 6.3.4 and everything is working perfectly – the new code in custom.php still doesn’t work, nothing crashes, but it just does not let you log out at all.
Will delete it for now, and have another look later.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Welcome review and feedback to improve my use of WordPress.Clean, simple and all seems to work perfectly well.
The message about the ad plugin stuck out at the side at the bottom is a bit odd though – see image
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Please let me know what you think!The header image looks very temporary and just kind of thrown in there, which doesn’t make me think of a professional company and does not inspire me to go shopping and hand over my credit card info.
I would make that my first issue to address.Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Islam Website – Comments are welcomeIt’s very very ‘standard’ looking and very grey. I also expected to be able to click on any of the ‘articles’ on the front page and go somewhere for more info, rather than only being able to navigate with the header menu.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: HS Senior needs feedbackI get a security warning, and then a temporary page from the webhosts.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Theme My Login] Theme My Login 6.3.3. DevAha!
I now have 6.3.3 working.
The problem was that it didn’t like my theme_my_login_custom.php file, which worked perfectly before. Commenting out the php in there makes everything suddenly work.
I had:
<?php function tml_template_redirect() { global $theme_my_login; if ( $theme_my_login->is_login_page() ) { if ( is_user_logged_in() && 'logout' != $theme_my_login->request_action ) { $redirect_to = home_url(); wp_redirect( $redirect_to ); exit; } } } add_action( 'template_redirect', 'tml_template_redirect' ); ?>