Forum Replies Created
Thank you for your reply email,
I would just like to state I currently host a variety of websites with many many different plugins that all run fine and have never caused the devastation that the Envira Gallery update did.
Your offer of a full refund after the many hours work your update crash caused me in repairing the website, I feel is extremely weak, for the record your company has not offered me anything in the wasted hours of my time, as I was fully entitled to a full refund within the 14days, though I appreciate your apologies.
After spending Over $186 on your product and within a few hours, your update had totally crashed the customer’s website I was working on, irespect of php versions etc.
I think is shameful, let alone the hours and hours work it caused me in getting the website back active again and repairing the damage.I work as an electronic design engineer for a high end electronics company and whenever we are at fault in anything we do, my company will go to the enth degree to keep our customers happy by either offering financial compensation or an incentive to apologize for any inconvenience we have caused.
What a shame Envira Gallery don’t follow the same code of practice when at fault! in at least offering some form of good will gesture to address the hours of wasted time I had to endure in repairing the damage their update caused me, oh no other plugin has ever caused this.
I would just like to add, this product is a superb gallery when working and I honestly have no complaints about the product itself, just simply disappointed and amazed in the fact that powers to be at Envira gallery did not offer me any form of good will gesture or financial offer to offset the hours of work, worry and inconvenience that was caused.