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  • Thread Starter johnnybach4


    A big apology to all. I took on this website, as a volunteer, when those who had run it before left and no one knew where.

    Just found out, about 10 minutes ago, that when the website was created, certain parts were locked out so as to avoid problems with the Internet and it’s this lockdown that stops any way of shutting down PDFs.

    This will now be sorted – but not by me! I’m ready for a triple brandy – if I can save up enough money, otherwise, it’s back to the boot polish!

    Sorry for troubling the forum but, at least, I can relax, it’s not my fault!

    Thread Starter johnnybach4


    Hello Steve,
    Thanks for your reply and the links. I’ve looked at them but will need to dig deeper. They sound more like I’d prefer to do. I’ve got a lot of learning to do!

    Strangely enough, some of the smaller pdfs I created do have the close button – it’s the large ones that don’t, for some readon.

    Stranger still, on YouTube there are a number od videos showing how to add or imbed pdfs into a post or a page but none tell you how to close them down and return to the previous page!.

    Thanks, once again, for your trouble and the links.


    Thread Starter johnnybach4


    Ah Andrew, that’s what I realised when I woke up this morning! I have to find and contact the Company that set up WordPress for us.

    My apologies but a lot of things happened yesterday, with the Museum installation, and I was looking for some quick answers!



    Thread Starter johnnybach4


    Thanks both – that was quick!

    Thanks Staartmees – I’ll have a look at the image map, as you suggest.

    Thanks WebAssembler, That sounds promising but I’ll have to read the tutorials in depth as, while I’ve got used to WordPress, plug-ins are all new to me and I’m learning as I go along.

    Thread Starter johnnybach4


    Thanks Jay,

    From my limited knowledge, that’s exactly what I think. Unfortunately I don’t have total administrative rights over this WordPress website but will email those who do and put pressure on them.

    Thanks again,


    Thread Starter johnnybach4


    Ross, I don’t want to use both passwords because the pdf works out at just over 3mb and the size of print still makes it difficult to read for someone with not the best eyesight.

    And I have 10 such pdfs! The same goes for the image though it’s slightly smaller. If I did use both, I would be taking up about 60mb of memory on just ten newspaper cuttings!

    I understand the HTML, that’s no problem but I need to find a way of showing the image/pdf large enough to read easily and, for some reason, I can’t seem to achieve that.

    I could set the size of each pdf/jpg using HTML but that’s messy and too time consuming.

    I’ve added pdfs before and never had a problem so what am I doing wrong now? I’ll keep trying and, perhaps, it will dawn on me but it hasn’t so far!

    I’m sorry but if this isn’t a localhost question, where should I go to ask it?

    Thread Starter johnnybach4


    Hello Ancawonka,
    Thanks for your reply. I tried not to give too much information, which was obviously the wrong thing to do, so I apologise.

    The WordPress website is on a dedicated server on our local museum but the people who put it there (about 4 years ago) have gone and no one knows how to operate it. The website, as far as a viewer is concerned, has no Internet connection, no printing facility and no way for the information to be downloaded – the system is intended, purely, for visitors to learn about local history – my job, as a volunteer, is to add the information.

    Seeing the programme just sitting there, with very little information, I offered to do what I could though I knew nothing about WordPress. Due to my ignorance, I keep coming up against problems, all of which so far I’ve solved but this one I can’t. To help me to learn, I’ve installed WordPress on my own computer and am, now, enjoying it.

    I tried to convert Excel sheets into PDFs using many online conversion websites but all failed. Then I tried Excel 2016 and that does it beautifully.

    I can pick up the PDFs I’ve created, on my version of WordPress, at home on my computer, and they look good but I have a back button so going back to the page is no problem. I use Internet Explorer that comes with Windows 10.

    I live several miles from the museum so send my work there over the Internet, which means that what looks good on my computer jammed the terminal up at the museum so I don’t want to do too many trial runs as I have to go home to change or delete whatever causes the jam!

    What ever PDF reader is installed must have been put there by whoever created the program in the first place – I’ll try to find out more, for my own benefit but how to do that, I’m not sure.

    All other PDFs have, in the top right hand corner, a circle with a cross, which closes the PDF but not those produced by 2016 Excel.

    The only thing that I have installed, both on my WordPress here at home and at the one in the museum, is TablePress.

    From what you’ve said, I need to find out what program is reading the PDF, what browser is reading WordPress. In fact, I need to understand more of what I’m looking at and what I’m working with.

    The strange thing is, that all other PDFs, and large images, have this circle with a cross but these don’t. Just as a matter of interest, it seems that PDF conversion programs (which is what I’ve used for all documents and images) prefer A4 portrait sheets and, of course, Excel are landscape – this seems to be part of the problem.

    By the way, I hope I’ve got the right forum – it’s very difficult, sometimes, to nowhere to go when you are not sure what you’re asking but thank you for taking the time – and if you have any idea or need any more information from me, I’ll be pleased to hear.

    Once again, my thanks,


    Thread Starter johnnybach4


    Sorry Jason, for taking so long to reply, but I’ve had a bit of a medical problem and have spent far too long at hospitals and having tests!

    I, also, didn’t realise that I had to reply on the website so I just replied to your email!

    The WordPress problem has been solved by my son in my absence – smart Alec, that he is!

    regards and apologies,

    Thread Starter johnnybach4


    Just thought that I’d better explain that when I create the new page (this will be a gallery, by the way) its permalink is “(home page)/Grand Avenue” and I can’t seem to change this to “(home page)/Streets/Grand Avenue”, which is what I want it to say.

    Sorry but I really am a newcomer!

    Thread Starter johnnybach4


    Thanks James,

    I thought so as I couldn’t find anything to the contrary but it’s good to have confirmation! Thanks very much – I’m very grateful.


    Thread Starter johnnybach4


    I’m sorry C.T. but, honestly, I can’t understand what you’re asking me! Anyway, I’ve worked out how to do what I want.


    Thread Starter johnnybach4


    To say I’m not familiar with custom post types is a massive understatement —- I really am that new! But I can learn, given time so I’ll have a look, later on today. It sounds interesting.

    Thanks very much for your reply, sterndata.


    Thread Starter johnnybach4


    Thanks sterndata, for your very quick reply! Yes, I think automatic links sound the best way for me to do it.

    I did “reply” to the original email I received from sterndata but when I clicked on the link given in that email, I was brought here so I’m sending my reply again, just in case that’s what I should have done the first time.


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