John James Jacoby
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Alpha/Beta/RC
In reply to: When will WordPress 2.7 stable will be released?It’s done, when it’s done.
There was a blog a few weeks back saying that they were behind schedule but that beta’s would be released by November 10, which they have been. Aside from a few small hiccups, I find the nightly builds to be stable enough to work with privately if you’re interested in getting a jump on 2.7.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Knowing NothingYou won’t need to, because the top, left, height, and width properties will restrict where the background image will be visible. ??
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Knowing NothingFor the wp508 site, you can see the image I used to make the normal and roll-over states…
Basically it’s one image that includes all of the states of the link, and you adjust the background image accordingly. You’re correct that opacity will not validate, nor will it really work 100% correctly in all browsers, so just manually create the state and put them in 1 file. ??
Here’s another file showing a similar trick, with states for normal, hover, and current.
Forum: Requests and Feedback
In reply to: BUGS BUGS BUGS 3 BUGS IN 3 DAYSHmm… I experience none of those issues, so rather than blame everyone else, why not see if maybe there is something you have done to cause this?
Try a smooth upgrade process and report back.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Knowing NothingI am using Firefox 3.0.3 on Windows XP, so maybe the float issue is specific to that for some reason?
Check out: below where I would submit a comment, and you’ll see both the previous and the next post links right next to each other.
As far as turning the ‘knowing nothing’ into a link, what I do is something like this…
<a href="whatever" id="foo"><span>Whatever</span></a>
Then in your CSS, put something like…#foo { position: absolute; height: 100px; width: 100px; left: 200px; top: 200px; background: url(sfaf) top left no-repeat; } #foo span { position: absolute; height: 0; width: 0; overflow: hidden; }
It’s a little trick to make an empty anchor that you can style however you’d like. Could even put that in your h1 and make sure the link matches the title.
I would do that for your main page links also… You can see this technique applied at the footer of my Section 508 website at for a working example.
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Knowing NothingWow at first glance I find it very refreshing. If this is a custom theme then my hat is off to you.
One thing that would bring it a step up, is maybe an alternate state for mouse over and current item. When the “knowing nothing” is the same font as your navigation, but one is a link and the others are not, it confused me immediately even though I figured it out just as fast. That momentary judgment call throws off the usability right away.
Also, the second link in your single.php #navigation doesn’t float right like it probably should.
Honestly I love the overall design and I think it works well with what you’re communicating, so that is a very good first step. ??
Forum: Everything else WordPress
In reply to: How do I change my forum email addressSame… ??
Forum: Alpha/Beta/RC
In reply to: Image Sizing Radio Buttons Greyed outThe reason those options are grayed out is because no image is available in those sizes.
This either means a thumbnail could not be produced at the time of upload, or the image itself is smaller than the grayed out sizes.
This is not a 2.7 issue, this is by design and worked the same way in 2.6.
Forum: Alpha/Beta/RC
In reply to: Where did manage go? Where do we put the “manage” pages now…The problem is exactly what you said…
Even settings need to be managed, but they shouldn’t be under manage, they should be under settings…
I think your solution is probably best for your needs, to create a custom top level menu that your plug-ins can use…
Forum: Alpha/Beta/RC
In reply to: [WP 2.7-beta3] Edit PagesSimilar problem, only it doesn’t show pages after the first child page in my list. No error message however.
nvm, saw the bug in the tracker.Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Help with shiny new blogNo it’s not a theme issue. Look at this thread. ha good call!
Forum: Your WordPress
In reply to: Help with shiny new blogHmm… I’ve tested your website on my XP machine with FireFox 3, Safari, Opera, and IE7, and the only problem I see is that IE7 isn’t displaying anything past the
<div class="postcontent">
line of code in your source when I view it, which is obviously a problem since a majority of your audience will be using IE.Might be a problem with the XML you have in there or the conditional statements?
I don’t experience a horizontal scroll bar however. I would ask the people complaining for more information about their machines and report back here with more info…
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: WordPress Themes for EducationCheck out my WordPress Section 508 initiative at
I can’t promise perfection, but I am dedicated to the cause.
Forum: Alpha/Beta/RC
In reply to: Turn off “Post Revision”-featureI feel like in the Revisions section, each link to view a past revision should also include a “Purge Past Revisions” link, so that revisions previous to that specific one can be totally removed.
I have a blog that uses images and is still in its infancy, so adjustments are made here and there with image sizes and typographical layout to prevent orphans, etc… All of these little tweaks result in database entries that are totally useless to me…
If space was virtually unlimited I agree this wouldn’t be an issue, however I’m working with a 100MB database limit, and can already see that space is going to be important. Hopefully this is an option or a plug-in soon.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Almost Fixed!! How Can I Stop The Extra Line?Just as with this forum’s text, a single enter (return) after “cross dorm parent.” should give you this result (a new line, not a new paragraph). Two enters (return return) after “to this school!”” will give you a new paragraph. New lines should not have extra added space around them.
I think that isn’t exactly true. I can say also that my visual editor is acting a little silly since 2.6.2. Adding paragraphs and line breaks in strange places but only after the post is saved or published. It will not edit them real time if you switch views between visual or html, but it does insert a paragraph tag for me after only pressing enter once.
The proper way to do this would be using SHIFT + ENTER to only go down one line, at which point the visual editor should insert a BR.
I hope that makes sense and helps a little? I find that it does help to have a basic knowledge of HTML for situations like this, when the visual editor doesn’t play 100% nice.