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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy Modal] [Plugin: Easy Modal] eModal-Overlay Not Extending to Bottom@tessina:
Try: The version that I am using is the latest version available from the WordPress plugins page.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [jQuery Tinytips] [Plugin: jQuery Tinytips] can't make it workHello dymodan — try this:
After following the installation instructions: go to your dashboard menu: Settings –>jQuery TinyTips–> select “Automate jQuery TinyTips for all”. Then add “title” attribute with tooltip content where you want the tooltip to appear.”
Eg: my link”
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [jQuery Tinytips] [Plugin: jQuery Tinytips] nothingLove the plug-in! Just what I was looking for. It should be ranked higher in WordPress, as the higher ranked tooltip plug-ins aren’t nearly as good as yours!
I have a little experience in programming, thus was able to figure-out (with a little digging), that the title class needs to be added. Perhaps under “Installation” you might want to consider adding the final steps: select enable for all links, add title attribute with tooltip content where you want the tooltip to appear. (What about images? Haven’t tried any yet, but might be useful)
Anyways, great work here. Keep it up!
Thanks for the “fix”. I think that I needed to do something similar, however was hoping for more of a non-intrusive fix from the developer, so that if changing themes in the future, I don’t need to remember all of the hacks that I have have done to the main coding (and there have been quite a few). I am working on different homepage coding at any given time, and the one thing about WordPress is that the plugins make coding much easier — most of the time….!
Great that you figured it out…..How did you do it….?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy Modal] [Plugin: Easy Modal] eModal-Overlay Not Extending to BottomI found some information that might be useful (check at the bottom for IE6 fixes):
I’m not a coder, but can (sometimes) manipulate other people’s codings…..with varying success…..
Thank you for the reply. Downloaded the WP Developer Assistant. Checked for the “manage_users_columns and manage_users_custom_column” — both had no extra file names.
Next, unchecked the “Show single status column” option — showed two columns — logged-out and tried to log back in as a NORMAL (testing) user to get locked out on purpose. Logged back in as administrator — still blank columns (both).
Finally, checked the html — nothing in the cells for both columns (both for the locked-out user and another ‘testing user’ that is not locked-out).
No luck anywhere…..sorry about that. I like the plug-in, but it must be conflicting with another plug-in…..
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy Modal] [Plugin: Easy Modal] eModal-Overlay Not Extending to BottomThe update sounds great! The scrolling modal fix seems that it will work well… about the “fixed position” CSS for IE(6) — will there be other (conditional or other) coding to take IE’s quirks into account? (I seem to remember a javascript fix for this issue from a few years ago, but can find the code now)
Looking forward to the update
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy Modal] [Plugin: Easy Modal] eModal-Overlay Not Extending to BottomI’d rather be saying “sayonara IE6”. I agree that programming for it can be difficult, but it (unfortunately) still is used quite a bit around the web / world — thus where possible, I try and program “hacks” for it, though I am NOT a programmer, and just rely on bits of code posted around the web.
Maybe our 200% ~ 250% height will have to do for now…..
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy Modal] [Plugin: Easy Modal] eModal-Overlay Not Extending to BottomNice bit of coding for the window scrolling — I also prefer the “old way” of not scrolling with the screen (I’ll have to give it a try).
As for the “fixed” positioning, IE6 has difficulties with this — I still get more than 1/3 of IE traffic using IE6, unfortunately…..
I also tried the “body: 100%” fix, but to no avail. — I think that I remember a javascript code fix for this way back, but am unable to find the code…..anybody else….?
(as for making the overlay really long – using a px value instead of % — this also makes the page longer – you can see the scrollbar elongate…..not very pretty)
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy Modal] [Plugin: Easy Modal] eModal-Overlay Not Extending to BottomI changes the CSS file and made the “overlay” height 200% which seems to work in Safari, but I’m worried about other browsers, esp. IE
I did some searching for CSS fixes, but found nothing useful, nor anything related to 200% height; both of which are a little dis-heartening…..
Via the Users –> All Users menu option. It shows the “Locked / Disabled” in the header, but the individual user status is not displayed.
Thank you for the replies. I am using quite a few plug-ins, but these are the ones that should be (I think…..) directly effecting user information.
Custom Login Redirect
DRP WordPress User Management
Registration Form Widget
Simple Login WidgetWordPress version 3.2.1
Sorry — original message a little unclear. I was referring to the administrator’s panel, not the user panel. This would be a handy feature for the admin to see the user list at a glance — the feature is built-in, but is not working…..
Try clicking the “Generate Tag” dropdown menu — then acceptance. I haven’t used this function yet, but this would seem to be your answer. Good luck!