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  • I don’t understand. So the problem persists or you have solved it?

    Because according to pingdom, the page is finished loading. I doubt it executes all of your post-loading javascript as well. Go to your page and check the page source. Is the JavaScript there? Is it doing what it’s supposed to be doing?

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Something Broken

    The problem is that your theme breaks if you add too many menu items. Is there anything you can get rid of in the navigation? You need to get rid of two things, or fix your theme.

    Are you getting any errors?

    Ok so I signed up for a account and poked around. Looks like they don’t store error_logs for individual users. Free hosting isn’t generally a reliable solution especially for wordpress. If I were you, I would backup all of the files, backup the database, and move to a real hosting provider. I know that doesn’t help your current situation but it is very difficult to diagnose a problem when all of the clues to what’s going on are hidden away from the website administrator.

    The only thing I can really suggest is to contact support for your hosting provider.

    If they aren’t any help, backup your data and move to another host.

    Sorry :/

    If you go into your wp-config.php and add the following:


    You can change it back temporarily which will allow you to get back in to your site and fix it.

    Change to whatever the real URL is of your website.

    Are you using W3TC or something similar. Sounds like your CSS files aren’t loading.

    function is_subscriber() {
        global $current_user;
        if( is_user_logged_in() ) {
            if ( user_can( $current_user, "subscriber" ) ){
                return true;
            } else {
                return false;

    I haven’t tested this but this should get you started


    Do you have access to the apache error_log file? That could give us some insight as to what’s going on.

    If your install was working previously, chances are small that your wp-config.php file has issues. It’s kind of a long shot.

    So if I understand you correctly, the actual website is accessible but the admin area is giving you an internal server error. You did say that it was working on and off though so I’m a bit confused. Do you mean that you are only intermittently getting a 500 error?

    What type of hosting do you have? It might be worth calling them and trying to get access to the error log. That’s usually the easiest way to figure out what’s going on with an error like that.

    On another note, I’m going to second what Tomis said. If you aren’t sure what you’re doing, you could end up doing more harm than good. Be careful poking around.


    BTW, I went to and that seemed to work fine. Does the problem only occur after logging in?

    Can you access the database through a web host panel or via ssh on your web server?

    The theme author means that if you’ve done any file-level editing of the theme itself, be it CSS or PHP changes, they will be overwritten by the update.

    Check your wp-config.php and make sure that the username and password for your database is correct as well as the database name itself. It should look like this:

    // ** MySQL settings - You can get this info from your web host ** //
    /** The name of the database for WordPress */
    /** MySQL database username */
    /** MySQL database password */
    /** MySQL hostname */
    define('DB_HOST', 'localhost');

    Here is a link to the theme’s page. If you notice the boxes in question seem to be part of the theme. There is likely an option to set the text for them.

    Look all through the menus for Theme Options or something like that. If you have no luck then go to Appearance > Editor. Look for a page called front-page.php or home-page.php or something similar.

    Right the template files are just the basic structure. The info is stored in the database. Do you have ssh access to the server?

    The theme you are using is called “Churchope” by themeaholics. Maybe that will help in your googling. It is a premium theme so unfortunately a lot of people on here won’t be as willing to help because no one is going to buy a theme in order to provide free support.

    In the wordpress dashboard go to Appearance > Editor. That will allow you to access your theme template files.

    WordPress is different from just building a static HTML site. It is a blogging system/CMS so all of the content is stored in a database and displayed through php templates. It’s not quite as simple as just “switch to html version” because there is not de facto HTML version to be seen. Just HTML sprinkled with PHP. WordPress also has a plugin system which allows website authors to pull from a lot of already written source code. The code you are looking for may be part of a plugin or it might be part of a theme template file.

    Too user friendly? Isn’t that a strength? Take a look in wp-content/themes/your-theme-name and look for the template file for the home page. Should be some php and html for your home page. You might find it in there.

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