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Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Water Lily] footerHello edvinaspauza,
John702 here. was just visiting the forum and saw your request for felp and thought I might be of some assistance.
The first thing is to back up your website and are you working with a child theme? the most important thing is to back up your website.
You will probably have to go into your footer.php file itself. Some where near the bottom of that file you will find the php statement that is powering that “powered by” statement. for safety reasons just comment it out for now. that is put <!– statement –> this is a comment out element. You may have to look very close at it for the beginning and the ending, so be very careful.
You will find the words “Powered By WordPress and the version number”, look for the opening part of the element and put <!– and then find the ending part of the element and put –> that will comment that statement out and expand it until you get it the way you want.
Thank You and if you need more help you can contact me through WordPress forum.
John7022Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Writr] Writr Theme – Changing Background Color On HomepageHello Erika
John7022 here. First you need to back up your site before doing any work on it. Second you will need to download and activate “simple custom css” a WP plugin.
Inserting these rule decorations should get rid of all the white space.
there are 2 rules that will give you a chance to change colors if you wish inst of getting rid of it.following is the code you will have to insert into the simple custom css editor. These are all in your css style sheet DO NOT EDIT the style sheet use simple custom css editor instead. The changes will stick.
#page:before {
background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #fff;
<!– change the #fff color to what ever you want or
change to transparent to get rid of the white
space in the upper section.–>
}body#homepage h1 {
display: none;
}.genericon-document:before {
display: none; (Add this rule)
}.content-area {
background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #fff;
<!– change the #fff color to what ever you want or
change to transparent to get rid of the white
space around the video.–>
}You can copy and paste the rules into the simple custom css editor if you wish. just cute out the comments.
You will notice that we did not write the whole rule, we just wrote what we were changing and it will stick.
Thank You and try this, it will work if you follow what I said if it makes since to you.
Thank You
John7022Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Stargazer] Changing Header and Panel ColorHello Jaysol33
John7022 here again. I forgot. I don’t know what browser you use but for me I use FieFox and I have a extension called “FireBug” installed to help me when I need to edit a web page. You can find tutorials on Youtube or Google for Firebug tutorials if you need instructions on how to use Firebug.
Have fun and I am here if you need me.
Thank You
John7022Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Stargazer] Changing Header and Panel ColorHello Jaysol33
John7022 here. If you will download and activate “simple custom css” plugin from the WP plugin depository you can edit your theme anyway you wish. You will need to know some css styling though and it will hold all your modifications through any updates that come along to the theme itself.
I downloaded the theme and played with it for a while and everything edited perfect.
Have fun and I’ll be here if you need me. Sorry I can’t do all the work for you, you will need to learn how to. Don’t forget to back-up your site before doing any work to it.
Thank You
John7022Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Stargazer] Changing Header and Panel ColorHello Jan
John7022 here. ThanksThank You
John7022Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Stargazer] Changing Header and Panel ColorHello Jaysol33
John7022 here. I have an idea that might help you and me. What is the name of your theme and is it a premium theme, free or paid for? Where can I download a copy so I can put it up on my site to figure some of this stuff out for you. Sorry, but this has been driving me crazy not being able to figure this out and hoping to have a copy of the theme will help.
Thank You
John7022Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Stargazer] Changing Header and Panel ColorHello Jayso133,
John7022 here. How you doing today? anyway find your css file that contains body.custom-background and comment it out. That will take care of one and then go to your style.min.css and find #menu-primary and do the same thing with custom-background.
That brings up another issue, for the life of me I can not find where the font color is for the menu. May be you can find it or know where it is.
Where are the panels you refer to?
If you haven’t already go to the WP plugins and download and actvate simmple custom css and that will give you a css editor that will help with your modifications.
Thank You
John7022Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Stargazer] Changing Header and Panel ColorHello jayso133
John7022 here. He is right and I keep forgetting to remind people of doing that. i am new to the forum and sometimes I take other peoples knowledge for granted.
It is not really hard to create a child theme most of the work is already done for you. There are several good tutorials on the internet for creating child themes. Just google for one.
If you don’t want to create a child theme then get the custom CSS plugin as esmi mentions, but if you have to edit your main files I strongly suggest that you create a child theme and backup everything before you start, that way you will have a copy of your starting point.
Sorry, I forgot about the child theme. I work with them most of the time and take them for granted, thinking everybody uses them.
thank You
If I remember right that little bit of code goes into your css file and on line one or there abouts.Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Stargazer] Changing Header and Panel ColorHello Jayso133
John7022 here. Go to your css style sheet and insert background-color: #******; (*******) represents any color. that should take care of it. It did when I inserted it into the code with firebug.
Thank You
John7022Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Child Theme vs. Custom CSSHello ma3ry,
John7022 here. Keep building the child themes and put a custom css file in them. if you use just the custom css in the theme itself when that theme gets updated you loose all your customization and have to start all over, where as a child theme will hold the customization.
thank You John7022
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Writr] Writr Theme – Changing Background Color On HomepageHello Erika,
John7022 here. I was visiting the forum and saw your request for help.
I went to you site and saw what might be the problem. all those meta tags, title tag, links to the scripts, and the style tags have to go up in between the header tag <header> insert tags here </header>. After that work from there to get your site the way you want it to be.
Thank You
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Stargazer] Changing Header and Panel ColorHello Jayso133
John7022 here. I was visiting the forum and saw your request for help. I visited your example page and came to the conclusion that you will have to create a loge in a png format with a transparent background for the background to disappear.
As far as the color change in the panel behind the posts/blog is just a background-color: #******; change in your css file. Your example does not give me enough information to give any more help than that.
If you require more help Please feel free to reply to this post and if you can give out the actual site url that would help solve this issue real quick.
Thank You and look forward to hearing from you.
John7022To whom it may concern,
John7022 here. “SORRY” I was under the impression that since it was requested as advice or a recommendation I would give the one I use and very happy with. Did not mean for it to become or misinterpreted as spam. I have no affiliate attachment to either of the hosting sites.
Thank You
John7022Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Mantra] Change site title font size and font typehello kylerbarton,
John7022 here. If I understand your request correctly you want to change the font size of “Kyler Barton”. Just insert this little bit of code into your custom css editor and that should do it.
You will have to play with it for a while to get the font-size you want though. You can also Put in the font-family, font-weight, just about anything you want to do with the title, just play with it till you get what you want.
`h1 #site-title {
font-size: 36px;
}Yes Kyler using the custom css is probably the safest way to go. It will hold all your customizations even through the updates.
Have fun and I look forward to hearing from you.
John7022Hello smartclem,
John7022 here. I wasn’t trying to impress you with the responsive side of the theme, it is more important to have a child theme that goes along with the main (parent) theme that way when WordPress and/or blacbird gets updated your modifications stay intact and you do not lose all your hard work.
The responsive theme I spoke about earlier is the number one downloaded theme in the WordPress theme repository and is the easiest to work with. By the way that is the name of it “Responsive”. It is updated just about every month or so and is developed by one of WordPress employee’s, if I remember right, the best part is it is free.
Thank You and look forward to hearing from you.