9 years ago
Work THX
API Version: 2.18.17 Post to Page
the first time works perfect and now 2 days only text!
setting is correctly
its: Add blogpost to Google+ message as an attachment
ok thx
8 – 10
Sorry my english is to bad to understand!
i have v′High rate of Visitors and very high rate of pageviews!
whats is better Inline all CSS on or off?
Hi ok i send you directly to your email!
i buy this here
what I have noticed
if cache is activated on the blog the time when an article was published (Time Ago) is not work until the cache cleared!
Show Post 1 Minute ago until the cache cleared!
ok but when i edit a approved comment, the change dont visible! the edit of a commen dont delete cache!
and browser cache have the same problems?
Post change are visible immediately but not comments
only when I update the post or delete cache change is visible in comments!
but new comments works
OK THX but i have the problem i have a comment edit and the canche not visible for other users!
if I cache enabled I am not logged-in in wordpress frontend!
there is a solution for the problem?
and have the normal cache the same problem?
when i browser caching enabled and there are new comments how long does that to you to see?