john ackers
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Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [eCampaign] experience and thoughtsMark, thanks for the feedback. Long posts are good, they are interesting to me! Will get back to you tomorrow.
Actually that’s something I hadn’t thought much about. I have only used the email action functionality in real campaigns.
If you are using the petition mode (e.g. [ecampaign class=’EcampaignPetition’]
then the person signing the petition shouldn’t get any confirmation email; you can customise the message on the screen though by changing the {success } field.But it is possible you are using the default (email action) mode, in which case, the site visitor would get a copy of the theoretical email sent to the target which perhaps doesn’t exist. Does the email you are talking just have text in it or are there details of the site visitor, like their browser type, or referrer shown as well, normally sent to the campaign address.
In any event, there probably needs to be a customisable email, as you suggest above. Do you need to be able to just edit the text, would it be the same text for different petitions? Would it be sufficient to put an editable email template on the ecampaign settings page, which would be used for all petition confirmations?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ecampaign] [Plugin: Ecampaign] Capture email addressesFirst point, it should be possible to specify other classes. However the corresponding file containing the class must exist , in your case addToList.class.php.
On your second point, it looks like the ecampaign_log table is missing. It should be fixed if you deactivate and activate the plugin, that normally happens on upgrades.
Thanks for flagging this, I will add these points to the FAQ and/or readme.html.
Will email you offline.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ecampaign] [Plugin: Ecampaign] Capture email addressesThe pestering is good!
The CSV view is a link on the top of the log page wp-admin/tools.php?page=ecampaign-log. You select what you want, bring it up on the page then click on CSV.
Well i tried putting in EcampaignPHPList” as you typed and it does screw up the rest of the form. The fault is mine because i’m not handling quotes correctly and will fix.
However if you don’t use any quotes in any of these fields, you should get correct behaviour. That does raise a potential problem if there are spaces in the address of PHPList configFile for example on a windoze host.
By the way I’m expecting to have to do at least one functionality change/bug fix for the PHPList interface because I am not completely au fait with how PHPList is normally used.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ecampaign] [Plugin: Ecampaign] Capture email addressesJust to let you know that the CSV view is in the current release 0.81. And subscription to PHPList should be in a release next week.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ecampaign] [Plugin: Ecampaign] Capture email addressesThree possible approaches:
a) According to you can batch import addresses from an IMAP mailbox (campaignMail receives an email for each completed campaign action) but you might end up including people that haven’t checked an opt in box.
b) On version >= 0.80, you can access the email addresses using this sql command:
select visitorEmail from wp_ecampaign_log where checkbox1 and (state=’sent’ or state=’signed’) ;
I will add this as a CSV view of the ecampaign log in next release.
c) PHPList doesn’t appear to have an API to allow subscriptions. Might have to use an unofficial route or worse simply push rows into the PHPList database. Is PHPList going to be running on the same host?
By the way, a better way of hacking into ecampaign is to create a new class say EcampaignPHPList which extends EcampaignTarget, add a send() method (invoked when site visitor sends email to target), call the parent, then add the hook into PHPlist. The benefit is that ecampaign files can be updated without fear of loosing PHPList functionality. Hope this makes sense.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: Write To Them plugin to find MPs / Campaign toolstopiman
FYI. There is UK/MP lookup in the 0.80 version ecampaign, uploaded today.
On version 0.80, you can set any field as readonly using the html attribute e.g. {subject readonly=’readonly’ Planning application P1234}. Any attributes are copied across to the input field.
Not sure what you mean by hide fields. You can remove them from the template in the settings page. Adding custom fields: can you give me some examples of how they would be used, would they appear somewhere in outgoing emails?
I am trying to avoid HTML formatting because it would be a fair bit of work. Do you think they make a stronger statement? I am doubtful.
Sorry for very late reply.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ecampaign] [Plugin: Ecampaign] Email to Friends not popping upThat’s really strange, I’ve not seen that before. Presumably you can see the form if you inspect the HTML. If yes, it sounds like a javascript problem and potentially related to the browser (I have tested various versions of IE, Chrome, Firefox). If no, a configuration problem. Can you give me a link to access the page?
Sorry for very slow response. I didn’t have my alerts set correctly.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ecampaign] [Plugin: Ecampaign] Capture email addresseszactoff, Bruce
In 0.80, you’d want to add the necessary PHP to the send() method of EcampaignPetition.class.php. (This method will get moved to EcampaignTarget.class.php, it’s logical home).
Which mailing lists are you thinking of? I’m happy to add that functionality.
How do you think unsubscribe (and email address) changes should be handled? Would this be done by email requests?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ecampaign] Error with EcampaignDieter
I know this post is 4 months old and, sorry, I have only just seen it. Should you still need help, can you give me some more information. Apologies.
I think you are editing the default template for the form. That’s only used to initialize the template presented under the settings >> ecampaign page (/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=ecampaign).
If i understand what you want to do, you should be able to update the text directly on the settings page to anything you like. If not, shout.
I will be uploading a significant revision of this software at the weekend which allows the form fields and text to be defined in each post, has full logging, a sidebar showing latest activity etc and basic petition support.
Just to mention that 0.75 has a nasty bug in it. It’s adding one row per page read (I think) in wp_postmeta. Will try to fix in next 2 days.
Captcha, a counter and email verification are in the 0.75 release on the ecampaign plugin page.
You should be able to locate the counter and descriptive text anywhere in the form by changing the template.
I am not sure how Raven’s anti spam works as it doesn’t say but I think it’s intended to be a slight deterrent that spammers would work around if it became widely used. Thanks for feedback.
Ahni, Sorry only just seen this. Yes I think a counter would be useful as well. Should the count will be displayed when the form is presented, or should it be displayed after the message has been sent, or either! Will put that in next release, probably do it next week.
On captcha, do you have a preference for the type (e.g. image, video) or prefer a particular plugin.
I wonder whether email verification is also required. It would be easy to send an email to the site visitor with a 3 or 4 digit code then simply unhide the field in the form to accept that code, that would discourage spammers.
I was also thinking that it might be possible to specify keywords or phrases that had to be in the body of the message, and so check the message was directly relevant to the campaign, and reject messages that didn’t contain them but that might not put off spammers.