Johannes Weber
Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Quick Adsense] why not updating the plugin?Great. Thanks for the hint. I just moved to WP QUADS! Feels better now. ??
Hi Jeremy,
I blogged again today. These are the results: All three connections worked with Publicize (Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook). However, different images were chosen:
– Facebook shows the correct one (the yellow leaves):
– Twitter does NOT show the correct featured image but an image that was placed in the post later:
– Same for LinkedIn that also showed the “walking man” rather than the featured image.Do you have an idea?
- This reply was modified 8 years ago by Johannes Weber.
Hey Ray,
sorry for the delay. I am quite busy these days…
The main problem is described in the other forum. That is: As I had enabled your plugin, there was some strange behaviour within the “Publicize” section. WordPress could not store any changes I was doing within that section. After disabling your plugin it worked again. The author of the JetPack plugin said the following: “the plugin might be creating a JavaScript error that breaks other elements relying in JavaScript, for example.”
I will try to reproduce the issue and will send you any logs.
Could you give it another try, and make sure all checkboxes are checked before you publish?
Yes, when publicizing my next post next week I well take special care about the checkboxes. (Though I am pretty sure that it was checked.)
Thanks!Hi Jeremy,
I just published a new post (it was scheduled, to be exact). It was correctly puliziced on LinkedIn and Facebook but it did NOT appear on Twitter at all. I tweeted it manually.
This is the blog post: is my Twitter account:
Tweets by webernetzAt least there was no trouble with the images. BUT: This time I had no gallery within the post, nor a picture with a link. I suppose that this might be related to the problems I had in the past.
Hi Ray,
I have disabled the plugin for now because of the problems I reported here: will enable it again when this is fixed. Afterwards I will test it. Thanks.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Quick Adsense] why not updating the plugin?+1
That’s interesting. Is this the first time this happens, or do you experience the same issue with all posts?
I am not fully sure since I changed a few plugins (open graph, etc.) during the last weeks. I’ll keep on investigating in the future weeks.
Did you update Jetpack between the time you first uploaded that Featured Image and the time the post was published?
Uh, difficult question. I do not know anymore.
Could you try to create a brand new post today, and let me know if you experience the same issue?
Yes, I am currently publishing once a week on Tuesday. So tomorrow comes the next post. I will update you on any issues here.
Thanks a lot!Could you send me a link to the image URL that was used instead of the Featured Image on LinkedIn and Twitter? Is that one of the gallery images I can see towards the bottom of your post?
Yes, it was the first image of the four images at the bottom of my post. This is the URL of the image that was used on LinkedIn and Twitter: you also let me know how you created the Featured Image? Did you use the Featured Image option appearing below the Publish button and the category / tag selection in the post editor? Did you add that Featured Image before to hit Publish?
What happens when you add a Featured Image, save a draft, and then hit Publish? Does it help?Yes, I am always using the “Featured Image” section within the GUI. And yes, I added the featured image weeks ago and it always appeared correctly after saving the draft, etc.
It might be useful to let the plugin author know so they can check what the conflict is exactly;
Hi Ray,
I am using the most current version: 1.4.1
Could you try deactivating each one of your plugins, one at a time, and let me know if you find a conflicting plugin?
Yes, here we go: It is the following plugin that prevents the saving of the “Edit Details” section: “Search by Algolia – Instant & Relevant results”. I tried this plugin for their instant search feature on the site. But I can attest that this plugin causes the error within the blog editing. For now I disabled it.
Hi Jeremy,
at first: Thanks again for your great help!
Excellent! Was this after deactivating a specific plugin?
No, it just worked with all of my plugins activated.
Did you create the message and then hit Publish right away, or did you save your draft first?
Yes, created the message and then hit Publish right away.
I can’t say for LinkedIn and Twitter because I don’t have access to the form, and it appears you’ve deleted the Publicize tweet for the latter, but Facebook appears to use the correct Featured Image on my end:
Oh yes, sorry, you are correct: Facebook loaded the correct image. Sorry for that. BUT both other sites (LinkedIn and Twitter) did not load the correct one. LinkedIn still shows it: you expect a different image to be used?
Yes, LinkedIn and Twitter should have shown the featured imgage (the colorful keys).
In some cases, like when using Publicize for Twitter accounts …
Ok, is there an option to NOT send the featured image to Twitter so that it uses the twitter:image meta tags?
- This reply was modified 8 years ago by Johannes Weber.
Uh, yes, I will try to do that.
One more remark: I just published a blog post. All connections from publicize (in my case: Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn) were used to publish the blog post, but with the default text (though I tried to insert some custom text just before I hit “publish”).
Furthermore, on all three plattform the image that was used was NOT the featured image, though the og:image and twitter:image pointed to the correct one. Is that correct? Is Publicize using other images than the open graph tags?- This reply was modified 8 years ago by Johannes Weber.
Hi Jeremy,
thanks for your fast reply. I did your proposed steps. is now connected again and it shows my working connection within the URL.
However, inside the posts it is still not working. The “Edit Details” section is still not storing my changes.You can access my blog here:
Thanks a lot!
JohannesForum: Plugins
In reply to: [Shariff Wrapper] Backend funktiniert nicht mehr: Timeout auf ServerJa, das sieht gut aus. ?? DANKE!!!
(Wobei es gefühlt ein paar Sekunden l?nger dauert, bis die Counter erscheinen. Aber das k?nnte auch an meinem Server liegen…?)