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  • Joel MMCC


    Potential workaround to my above: add a Custom CSS Class (maybe “meow-gallery-block”) to the Meow Gallery Block in the Gutenberg editor (under “Advanced”) when creating or editing the Gallery Post. You can then use CSS to override the “display: block;” and replace it with “display: inline !important;” like this:

    .meow-gallery-block img {
       display: inline !important;

    I’ve not actually tried this yet, but hypothetically it should work. Will do so when I’m done with another project.

    I’m having the same issue with FirmaSite, a BuddyPress-compatible Theme based on Bootstrap. The problem appears to be in Bootstrap, which is a very popular framework with lots of advantages. Its CSS seems to _force_ gallery thumbnails to be display: block no matter what we do in Custom CSS, since there are no handy selectors we can be sure would only apply to galleries (and not, say, customized Buddypress Member lists with avatars).

    Basically, your plugin is apparently fundamentally incompatible with any Bootstrap-based Theme the way things stand. I had to switch to the standard Gütenberg Gallery Block to tide us over. That one at least uses CSS selectors that we can manipulate more effectively and isn’t overridden with Bootstrap’s grid.

    Thread Starter Joel MMCC


    VERY CRITICAL: Part of the reason we had a Child Theme was to insert vital affiliate tracking code into the <head> of each page. This is no longer working! For now I’m going to have to hand-modify the Parent Theme’s header.php file, and I really don’t want to have to do that!

    Thread Starter Joel MMCC


    Forgot to mention that I also tried rebuilding the Permalinks. Still no change.

    Did you try using the Advertising module in the AMP Page Builder? Or, if you need more flexibility, the Advanced AMP Ads extension?

    Another suggestion, perhaps easier to implement: have the “Blank Form” template be a real template (not a truly blank form without a template file as it is now) that consists of an empty row at the top followed by a second row with only a Submit button, so that even when someone starts with the Blank Form template, they still get a Submit button and would have to manually delete it or its row in order to save a form lacking one, which would be much less easy to do unintentionally.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 5 months ago by Joel MMCC. Reason: Clarified that “Blank Form” isn’t a real template at persent (I looked at the code)

    I know that support is not provided through this forum, but this is a suggestion for improvement, not a request for support:

    How about having the Form Layout designer, when you click “Save Form,” if there is no Submit button, pop up an alert warning the user about this? It could offer three options:

    • Auto-Add default button labeled “Submit” at bottom of form, then save.
    • Save form as-is, without Submit button (if you have some reason you want to do that, like saving a work-in-progress).
    • Cancel saving form and return to Layout designer so you can manually add and customize a Submit button yourself.
    Thread Starter Joel MMCC


    Sorry, I just saw your Reply since I was getting so much mail from having subscribed to this plugin’s support that I had it routed to another folder that I stopped checking after awhile because I didn’t hear back from you.

    Anyway, I kept updating to later versions (currently 4.6.12 released just about an hour ago as I type this). Flushed Permalinks. Still no change. Then I tried changing the template.

    The previously set template was “Full-width, No Sidebar.” But our theme does have a (right) sidebar, so that triggered an “ah-ha!” in my mind. I then told it “Default Events Template,” and that appears to have fixed it, at least in the sense that it now displays a calendar. None of the other two would work — all three other than “Default Events Template” fail with the same display problem of just displaying unformatted text.

    However, despite not being the “Full-width, No Sidebar” template, the calendar is displaying the full width and thus shoving the sidebar down the page below the calendar, which is not what we want. I’ll play with other settings and see if we can fix it, but so far no luck. Still not acceptable.

    Your plugin should handle the situation of the template not matching the theme more gracefully than just displaying unformatted text, and it should also handle right sidebars without shoving them down the page.

    Below is the system information copied from your Help page, slightly redacted for security (only admin username/email and the home directory portions of system path are redacted):

    Home URL
    Site URL
    Site Language
    Character Set


    Install keys

    WordPress version
    Permalink Structure
    PHP version

    max_execution_time = 90
    memory_limit = 256M
    upload_max_filesize = 64M
    post_max_size = 8M
    display_errors =
    log_errors = 1


    AddToAny Share Buttons version 1.7.25 by AddToAny(
    Botnet Attack Blocker version 2.0.0 by Misha von Bennigsen(
    Comet Cache version 170220 by WebSharks, Inc.(
    Easy Social Buttons version 1.2 by Kossykh Sergey(
    NextCellent Media Library Addon version 2.1.0 by niknetniko
    NextCellent Gallery version 1.9.35 by WPGReady, Niknetniko based on Alex Rabe & PhotoCrati work.(
    NextGEN Gallery Optimizer version 2.1.5 by Helpful Media
    WP REST API version 2.0-beta15 by WP REST API Team(
    The Events Calendar version 4.6.12 by Modern Tribe, Inc.(
    UI for WP Simple Paypal Shopping Cart version 1.1.1 by Svetoslav Marinov (Slavi) |
    WP Simple Paypal Shopping cart version 4.3.9 by Tips and Tricks HQ, Ruhul Amin, mra13(
    WP Theme Test version 1.0.8 by Nakashima Masahiro(

    Network Plugins

    MU Plugins



    schema-version = 4.6.12
    recurring_events_are_hidden = hidden
    previous_ecp_versions =

    [0] => 0
    [1] => 4.5.4
    [2] => 4.5.5
    [3] => 4.5.6
    [4] => 4.5.8
    [5] =>

    latest_ecp_version = 4.6.12
    last-update-message-the-events-calendar = 4.5.4
    earliest_date = 2017-06-17 09:00:00
    earliest_date_markers =

    [0] => 566

    latest_date = 2017-07-15 17:00:00
    latest_date_markers =

    [0] => 600

    donate-link =
    postsPerPage = 10
    liveFiltersUpdate = 1
    showComments =
    showEventsInMainLoop = 1
    eventsSlug = events
    singleEventSlug = event
    multiDayCutoff = 00:00
    defaultCurrencySymbol = $
    reverseCurrencyPosition =
    embedGoogleMaps = 1
    embedGoogleMapsZoom = 10
    debugEvents =
    tribe_events_timezone_mode = event
    tribe_events_timezones_show_zone =
    stylesheetOption = full
    tribeEventsTemplate =
    tribeEnableViews =

    [0] => list
    [1] => month
    [2] => day

    viewOption = month
    tribeDisableTribeBar = 1
    monthEventAmount = 3
    enable_month_view_cache = 1
    dateWithYearFormat = F j, Y
    dateWithoutYearFormat = F j
    monthAndYearFormat = F Y
    dateTimeSeparator = @
    timeRangeSeparator = –
    datepickerFormat = 0
    tribeEventsBeforeHTML =
    tribeEventsAfterHTML =
    google_maps_js_api_key = AIza###############################RzHg

    WP Timezone
    WP GMT Offset
    Default PHP Timezone
    WP Date Format
    F j, Y
    WP Time Format
    g:i a
    Week Starts On

    Common Library Dir
    Common Library Version

    At any rate, not fully Resolved!

    Thread Starter Joel MMCC


    Found a workaround for those using the Google News Lite widget and getting the “<b><i>This RSS feed URL is deprecated</i></b>” message from Google News as the first returned result.

    Basically, you have to replace all instances of “PROPER Google News Lite” widget with the “PROPER RSS” widget instead, and manually paste in the correct RSS URL. To get that, go to Google News, search for the string that was the “Keyword or phrase” of the PROPER Google News Lite widget, then when you see that feed being displayed, scroll to the footer and right-click on “RSS” (first item in the footer links) and Copy its URL or Link or Shortcut (depending on browser), then paste that into the PROPER RSS widget URL box. Set Title and other parameters as desired (un-check the “Blurbs” checkbox if you want it to look more like the PROPER Google News Lite widget and not take up more vertical space with usually redundant repeated text beside admittedly handy thumbnails of the featured photo or other image from the linked article).

    You have to repeat this process for each such widget in use. Or, better yet, PROPER could just fix their Google News Lite widget to use the new-format URLs. If you can’t wait for that, though, use this workaround or find another plugin (one that’s, er, PROPERly maintained).

    One difference with this workaround is that unlike PROPER Google News Lite, the PROPER RSS plugin will not display the source of the link, only the title. For instance, where PROPER Google News Lite might’ve displayed something like, “<b><i>Cool News Article Posted with Clever Headline</i></b> — <b><i>Example News Online</i></b>”, PROPER RSS would leave off the em dash and everything following it, leaving just “<b><i>Cool News Article Posted with Clever Headline</i></b>” and not mentioning which website the linked article came from.

    Thread Starter Joel MMCC


    It’s a very popular and powerful free theme, available for install from the repository.

    Their website page for that theme.

    Thread Starter Joel MMCC


    Forgot to mention: yes, deactivating your plugin temporarily enabled the Customizr theme Add-to-Slider function to display and function correctly. Once done, I could then re-enable the Ecwid plugin. So the problem is definitely in yours, not theirs.

    If anyone else is having this issue, look carefully at the error as displayed in your web browser’s developer tools console. It should say something like, Type Error: wp.template is not a function but following that it should then say where the error is, and perhaps show a call stack (depending on browser).

    Look at the path given in the error. It should say something like:
    where the first ellipsis is your website WordPress Site URL, “OFFENDING_PLUGIN_HERE” is the subdirectory name of the offending plugin (which is usually close enough to its displayed name to tell you which it is), the second ellipsis will be the path from there to the actual offending .js file (this is a JavaScript error, not a PHP error, so would appear in a .js file or some other extension containing JavaScript / ECMAscript code), and the “###:##” are the line and column numbers (respectively) where the offending wp.template() call is.

    For now, once you know which plugin it is, you can simply temporarily deactivate it to allow full functionality of Custom Sidebars or other plugins that it’s interfering with, then re-enable it if you truly need the functionality of the offending plugin.

    But don’t forget to also go to the support page or website of the offending plugin and let its maker know about this. Copy-and-paste the message from your developer tools console (you can and should delete the stuff before /wp-content for site security reasons — they don’t need to know that), and also a few lines from the code itself in the section containing the erroneous wp.template(…) function calls, copied from the debugger pane of your browser development tools.

    I’m about to do just that with the Ecwid Store plugin, which is causing similar issues with PressCustomizr’s Customizr theme.

    Thread Starter Joel MMCC


    Still happens with v4.5.7 and v4.5.8.

    Hellooo!?!? ECHO!! Echo! Echo! Echo! Echo! Echo. echo…

    Thread Starter Joel MMCC


    Still happens with today’s v4.5.6 release. Still haven’t even heard from anyone on this issue.

    Thread Starter Joel MMCC


    Okay, I just tried the Customizer to do Live Previews of various themes we had installed. The issue happened in “Omega” (by ThemeHall) as well as the “Church” child theme by (as expected), so any Omega child theme would almost certainly fail as well. Since Omega is a popular base theme engine, this really needs to be addressed.

    It also happened with several non-Omega-based themes such as “AccentBox” v1.1 by MyThemeShop (which was the theme we used before switching to Church) and “Futuristica” v1.0.18 by themesforwp.

    It did not happen with any of the “Twenty …” themes that come with a typical modern WP install, nor with “Pilot Fish” v0.4.1 by Daniel Zhao, nor “WP Folio” v1.75.2 by “Steve Lambert & many others”. All of those displayed the Month View calendar.

    Also: It isn’t just Month View! Once I got it to show up using Live Preview in some other themes, I tried switching to Day and List Views. Those popped back to the Church theme, and also displayed only unformatted text with no Calendar formatting at all! So it affect the entire Archives-type page display at “…/events”!

    List View displayed:

    Find Events Event Views Navigation View As List Month Day Events From Upcoming Events Events List Navigation June 2017 Free Sunflower Trail & Festival June 17 @ 9:00 am – 3:00 pm Gilliam Park on LA-3049, 12797 Main St Gilliam, LA 71029 United States + Google Map Bertha will be exhibiting many of her artworks … [Read more…]

    while Day View displayed:

    Find Events Event Views Navigation View As List Month Day Day Of Events for June 16, 2017 No events scheduled for June 16, 2017. Please try another day. Day Navigation Next Day ? Day Navigation Next Day ?

    I also thought to call up Developer Tools in my Chrome (latest version) browser. It showed no JavaScript nor CSS nor other client-side errors. TEC writes status messages to the Console log, and those all appear to be good (“JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1” [that one may not be yours, but could be a hint as to what’s going on here], “TEC Debug: Tribe Events JS init, Init Timer started from tribe-events.js.”, “TEC Debug: tribe-events.js successfully loaded”, “TEC Debug: bootstrapDatepicker was just initialized in “tribe-events-bar.js” on:”, “TEC Debug: tribe-events-bar.js successfully loaded”, and finally “Tribe JS Init Timer: 1497628484426.341ms”).

    So, the problem appears to be server-side (PHP), not client-side. Hope this helps.

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