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  • Thread Starter Jack Rogers



    My current version of Sermon Manager is Version 2.10.2. I don’t recall when I updated it, but it was at this version prior to the import attempt.

    Please let me know whatever else is needed for troubleshooting. Nothing personal, but as a matter of principle, I don’t share login credentials (seems like that could also put you in a risky position). I can gladly provide sql query output, httpd logs, and any Linux/httpd config and/or debugging info needed.


    Thread Starter Jack Rogers



    I limited the first query to 5, as I doubt there’s any benefit to showing the entire list of sermons.

    mysql>  SELECT * FROM wp_sb_stuff LIMIT 5 ;
    | id | type | name                               | sermon_id | count | duration |
    |  1 | file | 071909AM.mp3                       |         1 |    80 | 27:06    |
    |  2 | file | Victory_7.26.09am.mp3              |         2 |    93 | 23:57    |
    |  3 | file | Set Apart_07.26.09.mp3             |         3 |    83 | 17:14    |
    |  4 | file | He Is Our Peace_08.02.09.mp3       |         4 |    82 | 23:26    |
    |  5 | file | What Does God Require_08.09.09.mp3 |         5 |    91 | 23:22    |
    5 rows in set (0.00 sec)


    mysql> SELECT * FROM wp_options WHERE option_name = 'upload_path' ;
    | option_id | blog_id | option_name | option_value       | autoload |
    |        60 |       0 | upload_path | wp-content/uploads | yes      |
    1 row in set (0.01 sec)

    However, the actual Sermon Browser upload location on the server is:
    This is confirmed both by browsing the server itself, as well as the Sermon Browser Options page in the WordPress Dashboard. I looked through the wp_options table as well as some wp_sb_* tables to see if I could find where this setting is stored, but did not find it.

    Hope that’s the info you were looking for.


    Thread Starter Jack Rogers



    I’ll run these queries after work this evening. No need for phpMyAdmin, the MySQL CLI is the only interface I use. ??

    Incidentally, I don’t recall seeing a table named “wp_sb_stuff” when I was poking around, but I may have just overlooked it.

    If I recall correctly, sermons are uploaded to wp-content/uploads/Sermons. But I’ll confirm this evening (I’m on US CST).

    Thanks for your help.


    Thread Starter Jack Rogers


    I can (privately) provide the URL of my dev/test site, if needed.

    Incidentally, I added a single sermon manually, and it works as expected. It’s just the imported sermons that are broken.


    Thread Starter Jack Rogers


    Thanks,Nikola. Looks like you’re on a roll today. ??


    Disregard the previous post. It looks like I happened to look at one of the few sermons for which no passage was listed in the original version. The field populated correctly on other sermons.

    Thread Starter Jack Rogers


    Disregard. It looks like I happened to look at one of the few sermons for which no passage was listed in the original version. The field populated correctly on other sermons.

    I’m not getting replies on my question posted to the Sermon Manager section of this forum, so I’ll try it here. It should be a “softball” question.

    I’ve completed the export process on my “test” site. The “Main Bible Passage” for each sermon did not get imported. Is that a known issue, or perhaps even by design?

    Incidentally, I’m still on PHP 5.3.3, but Sermon Manager recommends at least PHP 5.6.0. I doubt that’s related, but may as well specify it.


    Thanks for posting this. I’m sure it will be helpful when we and others are ready to migrate.


    @wpforchurch (Igor),

    You’ve answered my questions, and probably others’ questions. Only time will tell what level of support is available here in the WordPress support forum. Since we use several plugins, it would get quite costly if we needed paid support for each of them. So hopefully, the community here will be helpful.



    Thanks so much for the detailed background info. That does indeed fill in the gaps. I installed Sermon Manager on our “test” site months (or years?) ago, but we were already pretty invested in SermonBrowser and with no migration path, I deactivated Sermon Manager.

    So based on your response, the only “practical” way forward for SermonBrowser users is to migrate to Sermon Manager.

    I see wpforchurch offers subscription-based support for Sermon Manager. Will there be (or is there) community support here or somewhere else?


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by Jack Rogers.


    I’m suddenly confused. I thought we were waiting on an update to SermonBrowser. This topic is:
    Support ? Plugin: Sermon Browser ? Updates are coming very soon

    In fact, Mark said:
    “The good news is a new developer is already working on bringing SermonBrowser back to the WordPress repository, and we’ll soon have news of SermonBrowser’s future.”

    So I went to my dashboard and checked for a plugin update for SermonBrowser, and it’s not there. In re-reading, I see this is not about Sermon Browser, but about “Sermon Manager”. Has Sermon Browser been replaced, or is this an alternative plugin? I see your first post where you mentioned “Sermon Manager” being able to import from SermonBrowser, but nothing from Mark about a retirement of SermonBrowser.

    Are you “the developer” that Mark was referring to? If so, can you connect the dots for us (if they’re actually supposed to be connected)? What’s the plan for SermonBrowser?


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by Jack Rogers.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by Jack Rogers.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by Jack Rogers.
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 3 months ago by Jack Rogers.


    I’d be really surprised if you don’t eventually find lots of stuff is not behaving as you expected. This is because most configs are in the database, which you reused. I’m at work and unable to examine my Sermon Browser installation from here. But I’d recommend editing your MySQL dump file to replace all instances of the old path with the new path. If you’re a Linux user, this is an easy change using “sed -i …” (it makes the changes “in place”). Be sure to make a backup copy first. Once the edits are done, import the modified database.


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 5 months ago by Jack Rogers.

    That’s really disappointing. It seems this plugin is in a death spiral. I hope I’m wrong.


    We’ve had a similar issue before. We’ve tried to avoid it by avoiding all special characters in the filenames (they should be fine for sermon titles, just not for filenames). You should be able to rename them from the command shell, then re-link them from the sermon page.

    I can only speculate, but I’d imagine that should be on the list of things to fix once the work resumes on Sermon Browser. It would be interesting to see a prioritized to-do list. ??


    • This reply was modified 7 years, 9 months ago by Jack Rogers.
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