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  • Thread Starter Joe


    The old version didn’t “like” inline styles on images. This is fixed in the new version. ?? Download it at the same link above.



    They’re in the download, readme.txt



    Well, not to toot my own horn ?? , but the Wysi-Wordpress mod doesn’t require any modification of the WordPress code. You just click to activate it in the plugins section of WordPress. You’ll have to modify two lines of the plugin’s code(this is not a WordPress file) to get the image manager going, but that’s it.

    If you don’t like it, all you have to do is delete the plugin and things are back the way they were. ??

    Most of the blog spam comes through anonymous proxies, so unfortunately there’s no way to actually track down who’s responsible :-(. Besides, I don’t think that there’s even any sort of law relating to the content of posts in a public forum in the U.S. And I’m not sure that I would want there to be one…(free speech and all)

    The blog spammers are definitely getting smarter. Just a few weeks ago, you could prevent them from spamming you just by changing the filename of your comment-posting file. Now, the spambots actually parse through the page and look for the filename of the posting script!

    Since installing authimage, I have not gotten a single spam(knocks wood). I’ve even set up my version to use an easier to read font, greater color contrast, and only a 4 digit code, but the spammers still can’t seem to get around it ??

    If you open up authimage.php, find this near the beginning:
    ImageTTFText($im, 18, 5,
    That 18 is font size in pt. The 5 is the angle in degrees.

    Note that the angle is already skewed a bit by default (5 degrees), so it should be “good enough for now” as-is.

    Thread Starter Joe


    FCKeditor is good, but in my tests it seemed a bit slower to load than TinyMCE. Likewise the popups for link, etc. are a little slower.

    However, if the TinyMCE Mozilla problem can’t be fixed, I will probably put up an FCKeditor version for Mozilla folks.

    Thread Starter Joe


    I’m having a problem troubleshooting the image paths thing since I can’t reproduce it and no one else has reported having the same problem :-(.
    Try this:
    1.Open up Wysi-Wordpress/wordpress.js
    2.Find the line:
    theme_advanced_toolbar_align : “left”,
    3.Just below that line, add this:
    relative_urls : false,
    4. Test out the editor to see if paths are fixed. If not, try adding this after the relative_urls line:
    remove_script_host : false,
    5. Test again.
    Be sure to open a new browser to test each time so that the javascript is reloaded, and you don’t get the unchanged cached version.

    Those “image-reader” bots aren’t very accurate though. They have problems with certain fonts and with skewed characters. If you know just a tiny bit of PHP, you can change both the font and the skew angle in the authimage hack. So, unless there’s a huge leap in spam bot technology, this is a safe solution for a while.

    However I agree that eventually the spammers will probably figure out a way around this, too.

    The best anti-spam hack I’ve seen is Authimage. It requires the poster to enter in an image code(which the spam bots can’t read). EXCELLENT hack!

    You can see what it looks like in the comments section of my blog:

    Thread Starter Joe


    mosco and tzar: Yeah, the editor seems to bomb out in Mozilla-based browsers. Unfortunately, I’ve had to add an IE-only note to the download page :-(. Mozilla support is just a bit too flaky for now.

    mosco: As for the images thing- It sounds like you might have the wrong values set in plugins/ibrowser/config.php. The plugin should produce absolute links to images, and does in my testing blog. Recheck your lines 21 and 45 in config.php. These control the path to images.

    Thread Starter Joe


    Denis- I did some Mozilla-testing and I now see what you mean. For some reason, the problem ONLY occurs in Mozilla!??? IE saves the content as it should.

    I will check into this.

    Thread Starter Joe


    tzar: Whoops! I forgot to add the hook for the page editor in the original version. Ita€?s in there now. Just download the new 1.5 version and replace ONLY the file wysiwordpress.php in your plugins directory.

    Thread Starter Joe


    There’s currently no way to do image editing in TinyMCE :-(. The project is constantly being updated, so hopefully they will add it eventually.

    I know what you mean about the htmlarea pic browser. When I was using it, half the time the pics would load in a blank window without the controls, and in IE the window would sometimes not load at all. With alot of images in the directory, it would take a looooong time even when it did work. The htmlarea browser apparently performs a “thumbnail check” on every file in the directory when it loads.

    The TinyMCE image browser has fewer features, but it seems pretty stable.

    Thread Starter Joe


    The plugin will create a new paragraph when you hit Enter.(p)

    If you just want a single linebreak, hold down shift while hitting Enter. That will produce a single linebreak.(br /)

    Thread Starter Joe


    moxie–There is a built-in image uploader and browser. You can upload images and put them directly into your post.

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