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Hi. A developer on my team has solved this by writing a filter as described above. If checks if an image has zero width, and if so, returns an width of 2000px. Which solves the srcset issues. (This isn’t telling the image to display at 2000px, it is just telling the front end that the original size is 2000px wide. Since it’s an SVG any number will work. By making it a large number, it will work well with any srcset settings).
Here is the code if you’re interested:
function wp_get_attachment_image_src_callback_for_svg( $image, $attachment_id, $size ) { if( empty( $image ) || !is_array( $image ) ) { return null; } if ( !empty( $image ) ) { if( $image[1] == 0 ) { $image[1] = 2000; } } return $image; } add_filter( 'wp_get_attachment_image_src', 'wp_get_attachment_image_src_callback_for_svg', 10, 3 );
Thanks. Because SVG isn’t officially supported by WordPress I don’t think the theme will be concerned with fixing this.
However in researching this I have found that since WP 4.3 there is now a filter available on wp_get_attachment_image_src
Here’s the documentation: would it be possible to add a filter that says, “If width = 0 then return width = 2000” (or some other big figure). Width = 0 would only apply to an SVG image. So in my mind that would work. The actual display width is set by CSS, but this would enable the width parameter that wp_get_attachment_image_src returns to be nice and large.
Trouble is, I don’t know how to write a filter that will only affect the width and nothing else.
Do you think this approach would work?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy Custom Sidebars] Would be great if it could it show existing sidebarsHi Sunny. Thanks for your reply, but unfortunately I didn’t explain my question very well.
I have some existing sidebars – e.g. Default sidebar, Category Sidebar – which have been created by the theme.
When I use Easy Custom Sidebars I can create a new sidebar and tell them to replace one of these existing sidebars.
However what I would also like to do is be able to select an existing sidebar in the “Select a sidebar to edit” dropdown, and then set rules for that sidebar.
For example, I would like to select the “Category Sidebar” which already exists in the theme, and use Easy Custom Sidebars to set a rule to replace the “Default sidebar” on all posts.
But at the moment I can’t do that, because Easy Custom Sidebars doesn’t display the existing sidebars in the edit list.
Would something like that be possible? Thanks.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [NS Category Widget] Expanded on current categoryYou can use CSS to hide children that are not in the current category.
Like this:
.sidebar .widget_ns_category_widget .children{display:none;} .sidebar .widget_ns_category_widget .current-cat .children, .sidebar .widget_ns_category_widget .current-cat-parent .children { display:block; }
I had the same problem, but then realised that my categories weren’t using the default sidebar but were instead using a different sidebar. My rule was “replace default sidebar with sidebar-A for all categories”. Which wasn’t working because the default sidebar wasn’t actually on the category pages. As soon as I changed the category pages to use the default sidebar, it worked. Perhaps that is the same problem on your site?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Easy Custom Sidebars] Works for custom post type but not pages?What you’re doing sounds correct. Do you have content in your “Sidebar (default)” and is this still showing up on the welcome page?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [BE Subpages Widget] Documentation for be_subpages_page_title filter?I found the problem … the alternative titles on subpages were working correctly, but I had an alternative title on the top level parent page, which shows as the widget title, and the above code doesn’t work for the widget title.
Bill provided this additional code so that widget titles shows the alternative titles too. Again this goes in functions.php or a custom plugin file:
/** * Alternative Title for Widget Title * */ function be_subpages_widget_title( $title ) { // Find top level page $parents = array_reverse( get_ancestors( get_queried_object_id(), 'page' ) ); $parents[] = get_queried_object_id(); $parents = apply_filters( 'be_subpages_widget_parents', $parents ); // See if there's an alternative title $alt = esc_attr( get_post_meta( $parents[0], 'be_alt_link_title', true ) ); if( $alt ) $title = $alt; return $title; } add_filter( 'be_subpages_widget_title', 'be_subpages_widget_title' );
Thanks Bill!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [wBounce] Template Total Override Not Accepting ShortcodesKevin, since you’ve done a couple of recent updates, would you be able to add this fix in? I’ve just had to add it back in manually.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce] Cannot submit Orderyep, same issue. has anyone found a different plugin to stop spammy registrations?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [No CAPTCHA reCAPTCHA for WooCommerce] Errors on RegistrationI have the same problem. I’ve been trying to figure out why users can’t checkout if they tick the “create an account” checkbox at checkout. They just get an error that won’t let them proceed, but there isn’t actually any error message! After disabling this plugin the problem was solved. But now I’m likely to get a bunch of spammy registrations again!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [wBounce] Plugin not working in mobileThat’s because exit pops can’t work in mobile. There is no mouse to track on a mobile device!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [wBounce] Disable on SubscribersThat’s not an option with this plugin unfortunately.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Wordpress Picture / Portfolio / Media Gallery] Bulk UploadWP Ultimate CSV Importer didn’t work for me, as it jammed on importing large images.
After hunting through a myriad of CSV importers, I finally found one that would set the featured image on the Nimble portfolio item without having to upgrade to the premium version.
I had to upload the images to the media library first, but then importing worked well.
Thanks for making an update available so quickly.
When I “Fetch and Render” in Google Webmaster Tools, I still receive a result of “Partial” render instead of “Complete”.
The message Google gives is:
Googlebot couldn’t get all resources for this page. Here’s a list:
URL: https://www.(domain)/?wordfence_logHuman=1&hid=BC792EBED726F48B127EB62EE3B894E5&r=0.03589733876287937
Type: Script
Reason: Not foundSo it is no longer trying to access this in the wp-admin directory, which is good. And the message is no longer “blocked” which is also good.
But is it a problem that Google thinks it still can’t access a file because it is “Not found”?
I had the same problem and found the solution. The “ga” documented code doesn’t work when using Yoast’s Analytics plugin. But a simple change to “__gaTracker” makes it work.
This article explains it:
Troubleshooting Universal Analytics Ecommerce Tracking in WordPress when using Yoast