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  • Thread Starter jmires



    Thanks so much – this fixed it! The “All Posts” page that was taking 50 seconds to load and running 18,000 queries now loads in under a second with ~50 queries.

    For those with a similar issue, the fix was:

    1. Install Yoast Test Helper plugin
    2. From the SEO section of Yoast Test, do ‘Reset indexables tables & migrations’, ‘Reset Prominent words calculation’, and ‘Reset Internal link counter’
    3. Go to SEO > Tools and run SEO Data Optimization (it completed this time)

    Michael, to answer your question about JS errors when trying to run SEO Optimization: before the fix, when SEO optimization wouldn’t complete, I didn’t get JS errors but the ajax calls were as follows:

    1. a POST to /wp-json/yoast/v1/indexing/prepare that returned {"objects":[],"next_url":false}
    2. a POST to /wp-json/yoast/v1/indexing/terms that also returned {"objects":[],"next_url":false}
    3. a single POST to /blog/wp-json/yoast/v1/indexing/posts that resulted in a 500 error

    Thanks again – really appreciate the assistance!

    Thread Starter jmires


    Hi Priscilla,

    Thanks so much for helping to troubleshoot this! To clarify, it’s not always editing a post (i.e. /wp-admin/post.php?post=27862&action=edit) where the extreme slowness occurs. Where we often see it is on the post list page in the in admin area, so URLs like /wp-admin/edit.php or /wp-admin/edit.php?post_type=our_custom_type — though we do see it on other post-related admin pages and on the user-facing front end.

    To answer your specific questions:

    1. On the WordPress default post type, we don’t use any custom fields, but we do see the problem when loading the default post type listing page, and on the user-facing end when loading the single-article view for some posts (but not all posts!). It’s always the same posts that are slow, in both the admin area and the user-facing end. We have about 10 custom post types, and those typically have 3-5 custom fields each – mostly selects and true/false fields.

    2. There are no console errors on any pages where we see the issue.

    3. There are no PHP errors on any pages where we see the issue. There are a few notices, but no errors.

    4. Query monitor doesn’t show any slow queries, but shows thousands and thousands of queries on pages with the slow loading. Here’s an example of loading the “All Posts” page for the default post type: As you can see – over 50 seconds to load the page, with 18 thousand queries.

    For the most part there aren’t database errors, but the handful that are present are Yoast-related. It is always the same one, an “INSERT INTO wp_blog_yoast_indexable…” where the error message is “Unknown column ‘estimated_reading_time_minutes’ in ‘field list'”.

    We have some custom post type pages that load normally (about 1 second) and run about ~40 queries. All of the pages that are slow run about 18,000 queries.

    5. We’ve run everything against our staging site, but unfortunately we don’t experience the problem there in the first place, and we were able to run SEO Optimization there without any problems. The DB tables for WordPress are not kept in sync between staging and production, so it’s an apples to oranges comparison.

    6. Yeah, we haven’t been able to update to a more recent version of PHP because we have a lot of legacy custom code and third party libraries in other areas of the site that need updating in conjunction with the PHP upgrade. It’s on our roadmap to update to 7.4 this summer. But even so, 5.6.40 is still within the minimum requirements for both WordPress core and Yoast wordpress-seo, so I think it should still function?

    Thanks for your assistance!

    Thread Starter jmires


    Thanks very much for the sleuthing and reporting back! I now suspect that my issue may have been similar (auto drafts and issues with post_author field for this post_type) rather than really caused by the Page Comments Off Please plugin.

    Thread Starter jmires


    Good luck – if you discover anything please report back for others’ benefit.

    Thread Starter jmires


    I didn’t look into the details of it since the plugin causing the issue was one no longer needed.

    If debugging the conflict with your necessary plugin is challenging, you might try installing Page Comments Off Please on a dev copy of your site and seeing if it causes the same issue for you. If so, that might be easier to debug since Page Comments Off Please is a pretty small amount of code.

    Thread Starter jmires


    It was Page Comments Off Please ( which was actually duplicating functionality that was available in the theme options for the theme the organization is using. Deactivating Page Comments Off Please restored correct functionality for adding new posts.

    Thread Starter jmires


    Ugh, turns out it was a plugin conflict after all – I wasn’t as careful as I thought in checking every plugin initially. Resolved now, not a CPTUI issue. Very sorry to have bothered you with this.

    Thread Starter jmires


    Thanks for the quick reply. I am trying to add posts as admin. I don’t think it’s an issue with roles or capabilities, as:

    1) I’m trying to add posts with a user with admin priveleges
    2) I can edit posts, just not add new ones for this post_type
    3) In CPTUI, the capability is “post”

    It definitely seems to be something with retrieving the correct post_ID for the next post when adding a new one for this type. It should have the value for the next auto_increment value for wp_posts, but it’s returning 0 every time, which I think is the cause of the “Submit for Review” issue.

    I just don’t see anything wrong with the database that would cause this. Any other ideas?

    Thread Starter jmires


    Thanks for the quick response – that’s the route I was heading as a workaround, but was concerned that the markup might change with a plugin update and throw things off (particularly the nth-child row selection for the Table Options table) but I will just monitor after each update and update the CSS selector if necessary.

    Thanks again!

    Has anyone found a solution to this? I’m in the same boat – username with no special characters, Katz Constant Contact API plugin authenticates just fine, but I get the “Invalid username/password combo” error.

    I initially had a username that was an email address. But after changing the username, deleting and re-installing the plugin, etc. I still get the same error.

    This is on:
    Wordpress 3.5.1
    Gravity Forms 1.7.5
    Gravity Forms Constant Contact Add-On 2.0.3

    Thanks in advance for any ideas!

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