Forum Replies Created
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Relevanssi - A Better Search] Not working with themeDarn, still no luck. Nothing changes!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Relevanssi - A Better Search] Not working with themeThanks! Here’s the link to the Pastern:
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Frontend Checklist] Checklist formattingOops and a third:
I noted 2 years ago in this forum you said you were working on text wrapping in the PDF for longer items that get cut-off. Is there a fix for this yet?
Thank you!
JessicaForum: Plugins
In reply to: [teachPress] Remove BibTex Link (bottom of pubs)Your newest update fixed the error ?? Thank you!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [teachPress] Remove BibTex Link (bottom of pubs)Hmm ok, thanks for checking. I also see this:
[Warning] Invalid CSS property declaration at: * (minified.css.php, line 1)
[Warning] Invalid CSS property declaration at: * (minified.css.php, line 1)
[Warning] Invalid CSS property declaration at: * (minified.css.php, line 1)
[Warning] Unexpected CSS token: : (minified.css.php, line 1)
[Log] JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed, version 1.4.1 (jquery-migrate.min.js, line 2)Is there a way to downgrade and return to the previous version, which seemed to work just fine? I’d hate to have to stop using the plugin. Thanks!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [teachPress] Remove BibTex Link (bottom of pubs)Thanks for the quick response.
I see this:
/*! jQuery Migrate v1.4.1 | (c) jQuery Foundation and other contributors | */
“undefined” == typeof jQuery.migrateMute && (jQuery.migrateMute=!0), function(a, b, c) {
function d(c) {
var d = b.console;
f[c] || (f[c]=!0, a.migrateWarnings.push(c), d && d.warn&&!a.migrateMute && (d.warn(“JQMIGRATE: ” + c), a.migrateTrace && d.trace && d.trace()))
function e(b, c, e, f) {
if (Object.defineProperty)
try {
return void Object.defineProperty(b, c, {
configurable: !0,
enumerable: !0,
get: function() {
return d(f), e
set: function(a) {
d(f), e = a
} catch (g) {}
a._definePropertyBroken=!0, b[c] = e
a.migrateVersion = “1.4.1”;
var f = {};
a.migrateWarnings = [], b.console && b.console.log && b.console.log(“JQMIGRATE: Migrate is installed” + (a.migrateMute ? “” : ” with logging active”) + “, version ” + a.migrateVersion), a.migrateTrace === c && (a.migrateTrace=!0), a.migrateReset = function() {
f = {}, a.migrateWarnings.length = 0
}, “BackCompat” === document.compatMode && d(“jQuery is not compatible with Quirks Mode”);
var g = a(“<input/>”, {
size: 1
}).attr(“size”) && a.attrFn, h = a.attr, i = a.attrHooks.value && a.attrHooks.value.get || function() {
return null
}, j = a.attrHooks.value && a.attrHooks.value.set || function() {
return c
}, k = /^(?:input|button)$/i, l = /^[238]$/, m = /^(?:autofocus|autoplay|async|checked|controls|defer|disabled|hidden|loop|multiple|open|readonly|required|scoped|selected)$/i, n = /^(?:checked|selected)$/i;
e(a, “attrFn”, g || {}, “jQuery.attrFn is deprecated”), a.attr = function(b, e, f, i) {
var j = e.toLowerCase(), o = b && b.nodeType;
return i && (h.length < 4 && d(“jQuery.fn.attr( props, pass ) is deprecated”), b&&!l.test(o) && (g ? e in g : a.isFunction(a.fn[e]))) ? a(b)[e](f) : (“type” === e && f !== c && k.test(b.nodeName) && b.parentNode && d(“Can’t change the ‘type’ of an input or button in IE 6/7/8”), !a.attrHooks[j] && m.test(j) && (a.attrHooks[j] = {
get: function(b, d) {
var e, f = a.prop(b, d);
return f===!0 || “boolean” != typeof f && (e = b.getAttributeNode(d)) && e.nodeValue!==!1 ? d.toLowerCase() : c
set: function(b, c, d) {
var e;
return c===!1 ? a.removeAttr(b, d) : (e = a.propFix[d] || d, e in b && (b[e]=!0), b.setAttribute(d, d.toLowerCase())), d
}, n.test(j) && d(“jQuery.fn.attr(‘” + j + “‘) might use property instead of attribute”)),, b, e, f))
}, a.attrHooks.value = {
get: function(a, b) {
var c = (a.nodeName || “”).toLowerCase();
return “button” === c ? i.apply(this, arguments) : (“input” !== c && “option” !== c && d(“jQuery.fn.attr(‘value’) no longer gets properties”), b in a ? a.value : null)
set: function(a, b) {
var c = (a.nodeName || “”).toLowerCase();
return “button” === c ? j.apply(this, arguments) : (“input” !== c && “option” !== c && d(“jQuery.fn.attr(‘value’, val) no longer sets properties”), void(a.value = b))
var o, p, q = a.fn.init, r = a.find, s = a.parseJSON, t = /^\s*</, u = /\[(\s*[-\w]+\s*)([~|^$*]?=)\s*([-\w#]*?#[-\w#]*)\s*\]/, v = /\[(\s*[-\w]+\s*)([~|^$*]?=)\s*([-\w#]*?#[-\w#]*)\s*\]/g, w = /^([^<]*)(<[\w\W]+>)([^>]*)$/;
a.fn.init = function(b, e, f) {
var g, h;
return b && “string” == typeof b&&!a.isPlainObject(e) && (g = w.exec(a.trim(b))) && g[0] && (t.test(b) || d(“$(html) HTML strings must start with ‘<‘ character”), g[3] && d(“$(html) HTML text after last tag is ignored”), “#” === g[0].charAt(0) && (d(“HTML string cannot start with a ‘#’ character”), a.error(“JQMIGRATE: Invalid selector string (XSS)”)), e && e.context && e.context.nodeType && (e = e.context), a.parseHTML) ?, a.parseHTML(g[2], e && e.ownerDocument || e || document, !0), e, f) : (h = q.apply(this, arguments), b && b.selector !== c ? (h.selector = b.selector, h.context = b.context) : (h.selector = “string” == typeof b ? b : “”, b && (h.context = b.nodeType ? b : e || document)), h)
}, a.fn.init.prototype = a.fn, a.find = function(a) {
var b =;
if (“string” == typeof a && u.test(a))
try {
} catch (c) {
a = a.replace(v, function(a, b, c, d) {
return “[” + b + c + ‘”‘ + d + ‘”]’
try {
document.querySelector(a), d(“Attribute selector with ‘#’ must be quoted: ” + b[0]), b[0] = a
} catch (e) {
d(“Attribute selector with ‘#’ was not fixed: ” + b[0])
return r.apply(this, b)
var x;
for (x in r), x) && (a.find[x] = r[x]);
a.parseJSON = function(a) {
return a ? s.apply(this, arguments) : (d(“jQuery.parseJSON requires a valid JSON string”), null)
}, a.uaMatch = function(a) {
a = a.toLowerCase();
var b = /(chrome)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(a) || /(webkit)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(a) || /(opera)(?:.*version|)[ \/]([\w.]+)/.exec(a) || /(msie) ([\w.]+)/.exec(a) || a.indexOf(“compatible”) < 0 && /(mozilla)(?:.*? rv:([\w.]+)|)/.exec(a) || [];
return {
browser: b[1] || “”,
version: b[2] || “0”
}, a.browser || (o = a.uaMatch(navigator.userAgent), p = {}, o.browser && (p[o.browser]=!0, p.version = o.version), ? p.webkit=!0 : p.webkit && (p.safari=!0), a.browser = p), e(a, “browser”, a.browser, “jQuery.browser is deprecated”), a.boxModel = = “CSS1Compat” === document.compatMode, e(a, “boxModel”, a.boxModel, “jQuery.boxModel is deprecated”), e(, “boxModel”,, “ is deprecated”), a.sub = function() {
function b(a, c) {
return new b.fn.init(a, c)
a.extend(!0, b, this), b.superclass = this, b.fn = b.prototype = this (), b.fn.constructor = b, b.sub = this.sub, b.fn.init = function(d, e) {
var f =, d, e, c);
return f instanceof b ? f : b(f)
}, b.fn.init.prototype = b.fn;
var c = b(document);
return d(“jQuery.sub() is deprecated”), b
}, a.fn.size = function() {
return d(“jQuery.fn.size() is deprecated; use the .length property”), this.length
var y=!1;
a.swap && a.each([“height”, “width”, “reliableMarginRight”], function(b, c) {
var d = a.cssHooks[c] && a.cssHooks[c].get;
d && (a.cssHooks[c].get = function() {
var a;
return y=!0, a = d.apply(this, arguments), y=!1, a
}), a.swap = function(a, b, c, e) {
var f, g, h = {};
y || d(“jQuery.swap() is undocumented and deprecated”);
for (g in b)
h[g] =[g],[g] = b[g];
f = c.apply(a, e || []);
for (g in b)[g] = h[g];
return f
}, a.ajaxSetup({
converters: {
“text json”: a.parseJSON
var z =; = function(b) {
var e, f, g = this[0];
return !g || “events” !== b || 1 !== arguments.length || (e =, b), f = a._data(g, b), e !== c && e !== f || f === c) ? z.apply(this, arguments) : (d(“Use of‘events’) is deprecated”), f)
var A = /\/(java|ecma)script/i;
a.clean || (a.clean = function(b, c, e, f) {
c = c || document, c=!c.nodeType && c[0] || c, c = c.ownerDocument || c, d(“jQuery.clean() is deprecated”);
var g, h, i, j, k = [];
if (a.merge(k, a.buildFragment(b, c).childNodes), e)
for (i = function(a) {
return !a.type || A.test(a.type) ? f ? f.push(a.parentNode ? a.parentNode.removeChild(a) : a) : e.appendChild(a) : void 0
}, g = 0; null != (h = k[g]); g++)
a.nodeName(h, “script”) && i(h) || (e.appendChild(h), “undefined” != typeof h.getElementsByTagName && (j = a.grep(a.merge([], h.getElementsByTagName(“script”)), i), k.splice.apply(k, [g + 1, 0].concat(j)), g += j.length));
return k
var B = a.event.add, C = a.event.remove, D = a.event.trigger, E = a.fn.toggle, F =, G = a.fn.die, H = a.fn.load, I = “ajaxStart|ajaxStop|ajaxSend|ajaxComplete|ajaxError|ajaxSuccess”, J = new RegExp(“\\b(?:” + I + “)\\b”), K = /(?:^|\s)hover(\.\S+|)\b/, L = function(b) {
return “string” != typeof b || a.event.special.hover ? b : (K.test(b) && d(“‘hover’ pseudo-event is deprecated, use ‘mouseenter mouseleave'”), b && b.replace(K, “mouseenter$1 mouseleave$1”))
a.event.props && “attrChange” !== a.event.props[0] && a.event.props.unshift(“attrChange”, “attrName”, “relatedNode”, “srcElement”), a.event.dispatch && e(a.event, “handle”, a.event.dispatch, “jQuery.event.handle is undocumented and deprecated”), a.event.add = function(a, b, c, e, f) {
a !== document && J.test(b) && d(“AJAX events should be attached to document: ” + b),, a, L(b || “”), c, e, f)
}, a.event.remove = function(a, b, c, d, e) {, a, L(b) || “”, c, d, e)
}, a.each([“load”, “unload”, “error”], function(b, c) {
a.fn[c] = function() {
var a =, 0);
return “load” === c && “string” == typeof a[0] ? H.apply(this, a) : (d(“jQuery.fn.” + c + “() is deprecated”), a.splice(0, 0, c), arguments.length ? this.bind.apply(this, a) : (this.triggerHandler.apply(this, a), this))
}), a.fn.toggle = function(b, c) {
if (!a.isFunction(b) ||!a.isFunction(c))
return E.apply(this, arguments);
d(“jQuery.fn.toggle(handler, handler…) is deprecated”);
var e = arguments, f = b.guid || a.guid++, g = 0, h = function(c) {
var d = (a._data(this, “lastToggle” + b.guid) || 0)%g;
return a._data(this, “lastToggle” + b.guid, d + 1), c.preventDefault(), e[d].apply(this, arguments) ||!1
for (h.guid = f; g < e.length;)
e[g++].guid = f;
}, = function(b, c, e) {
return d(“ is deprecated”), F ? F.apply(this, arguments) : (a(this.context).on(b, this.selector, c, e), this)
}, a.fn.die = function(b, c) {
return d(“jQuery.fn.die() is deprecated”), G ? G.apply(this, arguments) : (a(this.context).off(b, this.selector || “**”, c), this)
}, a.event.trigger = function(a, b, c, e) {
return c || J.test(a) || d(“Global events are undocumented and deprecated”),, a, b, c || document, e)
}, a.each(I.split(“|”), function(b, c) {
a.event.special[c] = {
setup: function() {
var b = this;
return b !== document && (a.event.add(document, c + “.” + a.guid, function() {
a.event.trigger(c,, 1), b, !0)
}), a._data(this, c, a.guid++)), !1
teardown: function() {
return this !== document && a.event.remove(document, c + “.” + a._data(this, c)), !1
}), a.event.special.ready = {
setup: function() {
this === document && d(“‘ready’ event is deprecated”)
var M = a.fn.andSelf || a.fn.addBack, N = a.fn.find;
if (a.fn.andSelf = function() {
return d(“jQuery.fn.andSelf() replaced by jQuery.fn.addBack()”), M.apply(this, arguments)
}, a.fn.find = function(a) {
var b = N.apply(this, arguments);
return b.context = this.context, b.selector = this.selector ? this.selector + ” ” + a : a, b
}, a.Callbacks) {
var O = a.Deferred, P = [[“resolve”, “done”, a.Callbacks(“once memory”), a.Callbacks(“once memory”), “resolved”], [“reject”, “fail”, a.Callbacks(“once memory”), a.Callbacks(“once memory”), “rejected”], [“notify”, “progress”, a.Callbacks(“memory”), a.Callbacks(“memory”)]];
a.Deferred = function(b) {
var c = O(), e = c.promise();
return c.pipe = e.pipe = function() {
var b = arguments;
return d(“deferred.pipe() is deprecated”), a.Deferred(function(d) {
a.each(P, function(f, g) {
var h = a.isFunction(b[f]) && b[f];
c[g[1]](function() {
var b = h && h.apply(this, arguments);
b && a.isFunction(b.promise) ? b.promise().done(d.resolve).fail(d.reject).progress(d.notify) : d[g[0] + “With”](this === e ? d.promise() : this, h ? [b] : arguments)
}), b = null
}, c.isResolved = function() {
return d(“deferred.isResolved is deprecated”), “resolved” === c.state()
}, c.isRejected = function() {
return d(“deferred.isRejected is deprecated”), “rejected” === c.state()
}, b &&, c), c
}(jQuery, window);Does that help?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [teachPress] Remove BibTex Link (bottom of pubs)Thanks for the update!
I just downloaded the newest version, and unfortunately it does not seem to work like the older version. Our publications page now just comes up blank where we originally had all the listing using [tpcloud]. Any ideas?