Forum Replies Created
Thank you so much for your help! I didn’t make any changes to the Fee Plans prior to this occurring so I think something happened when the plugin auto-updated. I went in to see if something was wrong with the fee plans and thought I had deleted all but our Free Plan but that didn’t work either. Turns out it was disabled somehow, so I enabled it after your email and that works. Thanks again!
They are enabled and all free. Nothing on that part of the settings changed. I’ll use the contact form, thank you!
Thank you for your fast replies and assistance! I created a staging environment and copied it over. I deactivated all plugins except Business Directory. I activated TwentyNineteen theme. I hadn’t viewed the plugin or page on the staging site, but I cleared the cache anyway. I am still seeing nothing in the options for the Fee Plan, and the list is still in the same order.
I think I may have found the issue. In addition to this sort issue, the “Fee Plan” field disappeared when the plugin updated. I just ignored it since we don’t charge. These three all have “No Plan” and “Incomplete” as their attributes in the admin listing of entries. Could that be it? I was going to post a separate forum post for that issue, but it looks like they may be related. I went in to the fee options, and they are all showing as they were before. But when adding or editing an entry, there’s a blank dropbox in that box under “Plan Details”
Thank you, but the same is still occurring for me, even using a different browser and incognito mode. Note that there is a “Central Methodist University STUNT” listing that is in the right place because I added it a while back. Be sure you’re not using that one as a reference for this.
I also just did a reverse sort, and the same three listings – Central Methodist University, East Central University, and Rockhurst University – appear at the bottom. Interestingly enough, they appear in the opposite order (Rockhurst, East, and Central). So it looks like they are being grouped by something and then sorted.