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  • Thread Starter jimsolt


    Yes, thank you, I have. In fact I installed one of the suggestions on that list, “WordPress 2.0 Plugin: WP-Email”, and I can’t get it to work. It seems to install properly, but when I activate the plugin NOTHING happens. The plugin shows that it is activated, but NOTHING ELSE happens.
    I anyone has suggestions to correct this, I’d appreciate them.
    I just assumed the plugin didn’t work so I was looking for another one.
    I had one that worked in v2.04, but it went into the ether with the “update” to 2.05.
    Thanks again for your reply.

    Thread Starter jimsolt


    After 4 days, I still hope for some response. Thanks.

    Thread Starter jimsolt


    There were, unfortunately, no responses to this post — a situation I find very often now in this forum.
    For those who still participate here:
    I solved this problem by trial and error.
    WP 2.0.4
    My email address as listed in the Dashboard > Users > Your profile was the same as the Dashboard > General Options. This listing is noted as “for administration purposes only.” It was created “automatically” on installation.
    I still don’t know what that address means but conferring with my host about why I can’t get email from that address, we decided to just create another email address for me and that worked for sending and receiving email.
    It is that address that I then changed the Dashboard > Users >Your profile entry to my new email account.
    I submitted a comment and was immediately notified by email.
    Can’t explain why, but this worked for me. I hope it will be helpful for others waiting for response to unresolved issues in this forum.

    Color me “slow.”
    I follow your link to exactly where it says it will take me. I then select 3.1 and it takes me to:
    Text Response for Number of Comments (looks like the right place to me)

    Displays the comments popup link, using “No comments yet” for no comments, “1 comment so far” for one, “% comments so far (is that a lot?)” for more than one (% replaced by # of comments), and “Comments are off for this post” if commenting is disabled. Additionally, ‘comments-link’ is a custom CSS class for the link.

    <?php comments_popup_link(‘No comments yet’, ‘1 comment so far’,
    ‘% comments so far (is that a lot?)’, ‘comments-link’, ‘Comments are
    off for this post’); ?>
    I understand all this I THINK.
    I also think I found this same code as mentioned in my earlier post.
    AS I UNDERSTAND THIS (AND I’M QUITE OBVIOUSLY WRONG), my blog should read, if there are 0 comments, “no comments yet”. It doesn’t. It reads AS YOU SAY the default output, No Comments.
    SO — I obviously am in the wrong place in my blog code or that code is somehow being superseded by another code.
    The result is the same: I still can’t modify my blog to read “Post Comment”.
    Thanks for continuing interest and help.

    Thanks. I can’t speak for the original poster, but I use WP 2.0.4 Default Theme.
    Dashboard>Presentation>Theme Editor>Popup Comments>
    Editing comments-popups.php

    I am surprised to see my copied html from my php file in “no comments yet” and “Post comments” is now read as html as translated, not as it is written, but hopefully you will get the point.

    I find:

    <?php } else { // this is displayed if there are no comments so far ?>
    No comments yet.

    It seems obvious that I would change No comments yet.
    to Post comment. to achieve the goal stated.

    BUT in reality my blog posts read “No Comments”, NOT “No Comments yet” so I wonder if this is the right place to make a change.

    Under Index.php I found nothing similar. Should I look more carefully there?

    Thanks for your help. This is certainly much more helpful than earlier response.
    <?php } ?>

    Your answer proves only that you know how to do this but are unwilling to share that knowledge with someone who doesn’t.
    I agree “most likely” that file is in the index.php theme folder.
    So it is. What do I do with it when I find it. I looked at that file and tried to find where the “No Comments” entry is defined — and I couldn’t find it.
    Why can’t you just answer the question? What good does a link do in this case?
    There are now 2 of us looking for this and other answers. I at least start out impressed that you know more than I do about this. Is that sufficient to warrant an answer?

    Thread Starter jimsolt


    No takers on this issue?

    Anyone? Does anyone have or know of someone who has a Default Theme on WP 2.0.4 that has been widgetized? Or is my time better spent on saving the world?

    Using Default Theme on WP 2.0.4.

    vkaryl: Yes I have activated 3 plugins as a result of this attempt to widgetize. They are, Google search, and sidebar widget. The last says it will add sidebar widgets under presentation. Under my Presentation I have only 3 choices, Themes, Theme editor, and Header Image and Color — No Widgets.

    I’m doing what you suggest with no luck. When I first added the code you suggest, I got an error about a php end not expected, but I have corrected that (not sure how – perhaps typing error)and now the blog loads alright, but still looks exactly like it did before I downloaded the widgets, activated them, and added your suggested code. In my dashboard>themes there is no “widget”.
    Though php is not my native language, it looks to me as though the <?php if ( function_exists . . . line is trying to find the “function” and can’t, so as designed it goes on with the previous code.
    Even if I’m right about this, I don’t know how to solve the problem, so help is still needed AND appreciated.

    Well, I don’t recognize that code — mine’s different — but the issue is the same, so I’ll piggy back if I may.
    WP 2.0.4, Default. I have downloaded, unzipped, and uploaded files to what should be the proper WP files — according to readme that came with download. I have also activated all I can find to activate, yet NOTHING HAPPENS. My conclusion is pretty much the same as Remex — I need to widgetize. I have from Automattic a suggested 4 line code for my sidebar, but I can’t figure out where in the sidebar code I should put it.
    Like many of the problems I am experiencing with WP, it seems my version (the latest one) is newer than most of the fixes given in the Forums. Consequently I can’t compare my files with the examples used in the instructions.
    I have emailed a similar message to Automattic, but thus far no response from them. Their web site looks like it would be perfect for modifying another version of WP, but doesn’t look at all familiar to me.
    Help appreciated. Thanks.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Who Sent?
    Thread Starter jimsolt


    Thanks drmike,

    The info is in the Dashboard > Manage > Comments as you suggested.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Who Sent?
    Thread Starter jimsolt


    You may be right, but in the “leave a reply” form there are 3 boxes to fill out: (“WP 2.0.4 Default”)
    1) Name (required)
    2) Mail (won’t be published – REQUIRED)
    3) Website

    Would this form check for valid email address, re: format or not? Would it deny a comment from someone who didn’t fill out the box?

    Would the information be available somewhere I might find it?

    Thread Starter jimsolt


    Whew! Your answer was so brief I almost missed it . . . but then again, it doesn’t require much embellishment:).
    Thanks for your help.

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