Forum Replies Created
Forum: Alpha/Beta/RC
In reply to: How to tell if we’re on the dashboard?Oh, one other thing…
Do you know if that same functionality can be used for plugin pages? So, like, something like this:
add_action('admin_head-my-plugin-page', 'your_function');
Thanks again for your help. ??
Forum: Alpha/Beta/RC
In reply to: WordPres 2.7 Beta 3 – no data in admin panelThis could be a bug… Perhaps you should try opening a ticket on the WordPress Trac. Just an idea…
Forum: Alpha/Beta/RC
In reply to: How to tell if we’re on the dashboard?add_action('admin_head-index.php', 'your_function');
That works perfectly! Thank you so much!I never knew about that… Do you know if there is any documentation on that or is it just one of those “known only by those who already know about it” things? ??
I’ll also keep in mind your other suggestion.
Thanks again!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Easy Admin Color Schemes] Easy Admin Colour SchemesAre you still getting this problem with the new version 2.0 of the plugin? I just released it. I changed a few things in 2.0 in an attempt to fix the issue with not being able to set schemes but I’m not sure if that fixed it for other people. It has always worked for me so it’s hard to tell if what I changed fixed it or not.
Also, I am aware that selecting schemes from the built-in scheme chooser on the profile edit page doesn’t work. I have a note about that in the plugin PHP file. I believe it is an issue with WordPress.
Anyway, please let me know if you’re still not able to select schemes from the plugin page in the new version 2.0. I’d be interested to know if what I changed in 2.0 had any effect on the issue some people were having, like you apparently.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Easy Admin Color Schemes] Easy Admin Colour SchemesHave you made the “schemes” directory writable? Also, if you want to be able to modify the Washedout scheme that comes with it, you have to make that writable as well.
I’m not 100% sure why but, on my server the only file permissions that seem to work are 777. I’m not sure if that is something with how my server is configured or if it’s an issue with my plugin or what, but maybe give that a try and see if that changes anything. Assuming, of course, you’re on a server that requires file permissions; Linux, etc.
Something that may help further, what exactly were you trying to do when you got the error? Adding a scheme, editing a scheme, setting it as your current scheme, what?
Thanks again for your help.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: Easy Admin Color Schemes] Easy Admin Colour SchemesWhat was the error you got? I need that to be able to debug.
Thanks for your report.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress Stats ProblemI’m having the same problem since upgrading to 2.5. But, the info for the stats plugin does say it’s only compatible up to 2.3alpha. So I guess that would explain why it’s not working for us 2.5ers. Guess we’ll just have to wait until they release a new version which is compatible with 2.5. Heres to hoping that will be soon… *crosses fingers*
I just uploaded the new version. That should fix the problem. Please let me know if it does fix it for you.
Hey there,
Yes, there is currently an issue with getting the modification times of the css files on some servers. I’m working on the next version of the plugin as we speak. I’m going to make a change that will just not display the mod times if your server is having trouble with it. So, you’ll still be able to use the plugin. I should have done it that way to begin with…Anyway, I’ll post back here once I have the new version out; which should be very shortly. ??
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: New Plugin: Easy Admin Color SchemesI was just accepted into the plugin repository! So, you can find this plugin here now too.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Archive Page Sorted by Year and MonthOh, that would be great! I might try to come up with some code for now but if you were to make a plugin like that I would definitely use it. Thank you! ??