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I would like customers to enter different quantities by size. For example, select 2 Large shirts, 5 xtra large shirts, and 1 Small shirt. The price matrix field does not seem to support this.
So I need to use the variation quantity field to make this happen. However, you are saying that if I use variation quantity, it will always detach from the WooCommerce pricing I have set up?
when you visit that link, select a product color (like Safety Green). When you do this, it adds a quantity of one item below the variation quantity table, before I have actually indicated I want anything.
Then, if I decide I do want to add an item, it Adds it to the auto-created one – always resulting on one more unit than the customer wants.
Can you try again please – make sure and select a color
Roan – I found your query and it relates to my exact requirements. Were you able to get the problem of the double discount solved. Is this extension fully meeting your needs in applying a quantity discount based at the product level (quantity based on total number purchased across variations)? Thanks – just wanted to confirm before purchasing PRO. thx
To close the loop – Apple processed my ticket and fixed.. didn’t tell me how but for some reason it wasn’t update.. all set now!
Thank you for the reply. There is a Fast Velocity Minify plugin. I am looking into how I can prevent that from minifying the RSS feed. Appreciate the feedback.Shawn,
Apple help said the image was the wrong size and that is why it wasn’t showing up, even though the Powerpress site and Apple site said 3000×3000 was the size. I am trying a smaller one (1400×1400) to see if that makes a difference.We’ll see.
Thanks – appreciate it. I actually put a ticket in on the connect site since it still didn’t update. Will see if they have any words of wisdom.
Thank you Shawn.
I have requested a refresh on that. After 24 hours if that doesn’t show, any suggestions?