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  • Thread Starter JG99


    My site looks very similar to this one:

    Thread Starter JG99


    OK, will do.

    Thread Starter JG99


    Here’s the header file link:

    And here’s the stylesheet file link:

    Thread Starter JG99


    Michael, it works! Thank you.

    Can I ask one more question?

    You will notice that this theme has a drop-down menu. I would like the menu to be at the top of the photo, rather than at the bottom. Can you help me change that?

    Thread Starter JG99


    Thread Starter JG99


    Are you saying I should paste the code for the entire theme? Or just for archive.php?

    Thread Starter JG99


    Michael, you can see where it says “Jillij version 14” and then below that it says “Sunday, July 6th, 2008”

    I want to remove “Sunday, July 6th, 2008”

    Thank you for helping me.

    Thread Starter JG99


    MichaelH, is the key in the [Hack. Set $post so that the_date() works.] section?

    I have been able already to turn off the date on current posts, I am concerned now with the archives.

    Thanks for your help, sorry to post so much code. How can I post code in a neater fashion?

    <?php get_header(); ?>

    <div id=”content” class=”narrowcolumn”>

    <?php if (have_posts()) : ?>

    <?php $post = $posts[0]; // Hack. Set $post so that the_date() works. ?>
    <?php /* If this is a category archive */ if (is_category()) { ?>

    <?php if (function_exists(‘lang_picker_respect_more’)) : ?>
    <h2 class=”pagetitle”><?php printf(__(‘Archive for the ‘%1$s’ Category’), lang_picker_respect_more(single_cat_title(”,false))); ?></h2>
    <?php else : ?>
    <h2 class=”pagetitle”><?php printf(__(‘Archive for the ‘%1$s’ Category’), single_cat_title(”,false)); ?></h2>
    <?php endif; ?>

    <?php /* If this is a daily archive */ } elseif (is_day()) { ?>
    <h2 class=”pagetitle”><?php printf(__(‘Archive for %1$s’), get_the_time(__(‘F jS, Y’))); ?></h2>

    <?php /* If this is a monthly archive */ } elseif (is_month()) { ?>
    <h2 class=”pagetitle”><?php printf(__(‘Archive for %1$s’), get_the_time(__(‘F, Y’))); ?></h2>

    <?php /* If this is a yearly archive */ } elseif (is_year()) { ?>
    <h2 class=”pagetitle”><?php printf(__(‘Archive for %1$s’), get_the_time(‘Y’)); ?></h2>

    <?php /* If this is a search */ } elseif (is_search()) { ?>
    <h2 class=”pagetitle”><?php _e(‘Search Results’); ?></h2>

    <?php /* If this is an author archive */ } elseif (is_author()) { ?>
    <h2 class=”pagetitle”><?php _e(‘Author Archive’); ?></h2>

    <?php /* If this is a paged archive */ } elseif (isset($_GET[‘paged’]) && !empty($_GET[‘paged’])) { ?>
    <h2 class=”pagetitle”><?php _e(‘Blog Archives’); ?></h2>

    <?php } ?>

    Thread Starter JG99


    MichaelH = GENIUS


    Thread Starter JG99


    I ended up making a new file with my image in it and then uploading it to the “images” file of my theme. I gave it the same name as the default image file (renamed the default image file, then uploaded the new image under the former image file’s name). Works like a charm!

    P.S. – make sure your image size has precisely the same dimensions as the default image.

    Thread Starter JG99


    Thread Starter JG99


    Is there a Kubrick forum that I should be looking at?

    Thread Starter JG99


    OK! I figured it out! Michael, you are the man!

    P.S. – Do you think we should clean up this thread a little, maybe remove some of the unnecessary posts where I pasted in all the code? Also, Otto’s email address is on here, don’t want him getting a bunch of spam emails as a result. I leave it up to you – thanks again for helping me!

    Thread Starter JG99


    Michael, that’s brilliant – I can’t thank you enough.

    One more tweak, sorry to be such a bother:

    As it stands now, the number of times each category appears shows up in parentheses, for example:

    Burritos (3)

    Is there a way to eliminate the number and the parentheses around it, so that it is simply “Burritos?”

    Thank you again.

    Thread Starter JG99


    OK! I understand! Sorry that I overcomplicated things in my mind.

    So now IT’S WORKING!

    One small tweak I would like to make:

    With PHP Code Widget, I can write a “title.” In this case, I am titling it “Categories.”

    However, in your code you have the following line:

    $wlc_param_list=’orderby=name&show_count=1&title_li=Categories on first post&include=’ . $cats;

    Can I remove the “Categories on first post” somehow? That way, each page will simply show “Categories” (the title I have given the PHP Code Widget).

    How would I alter the code you have given me to accomplish this?

    THANK YOU MICHAELH! I really appreciate your help!

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