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I have the same problem at one of my websites ( Same as rode3d wrote it.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ocean Extra] footer is not displayed on posts due to OceanWP Extra PluginThanks a lot. I didn’t knew this option.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Blocksy] feautere request: accessibility-ready planning?okay, thanks a lot. happy to hear that ??
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: [Blocksy] feautere request: accessibility-ready planning?Okay, just asking bc your theme is not listed here if you click on feature “accesibility ready”
sorry for late reply, I didnt had any time last week. I will write you an email. Thanks so far
- This reply was modified 7 months ago by jesi707.
I have done what you wrote above. The mu-plugin is also shown on the wordpress frontend plugins -> must use.
But sadly nothing changed. It didn’t solve the problem.
I tried it and it doesnt help. Its still in the CSS at the Customizer so you can check it yourself.
I made also an !important behind it, still same problem.
Kind regards,
Yes, there is the video:
The point is: it scolls up to the heading over the form. But the heading is not important to fill the form. The pictures and the next buttons are important but the main part of the displayed part after klicking the next button is the heading above. So this is totaly unintuitive and not ergonomic because the user has to orientate after every click new.
Thanks for answering me and waiting for my late reply.
I checked it. You are right. There was some other code causing this error. Thanks.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Premium Addons for Elementor] Time based content sometimes wrongthanks a lot ??
Hi, thanks for fast reply.
Your solution causes some other problems
- image is bigger and text is not overlaying but if I change size the background color-space is not getting bigger (the gray area).
- yes, some of the labels are now centered. But this is not exctly what I meant.
I would like to center everything, you can have a look here: this is how it should look like.
And also: the labels are centered but if you look at long label-text comparing to the pictures, nothing is centered.
- This reply was modified 8 months ago by jesi707.
- This reply was modified 9 months, 4 weeks ago by jesi707.
- I’m not using any smtp-plugins
- nothing changed after deactivating all other plugins
- I don’t know that bc exactly I don’t have access to the server-backend.
- Yes, I checked the settings at the form and the general settings for sending emails with forminator. I tried different emails, nothing changed.
BUT this morning, I was checking some general settings at the function.php (I did nothing) but I received an Email from Forminator that someone used the form.
I checked the email-log-plugin and there are 2 emails logged.
The first was, that wordpress was updatet to 6.4.3 and the second was the mail by forminator. So I don’t know why but it works again.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Backup Migration] backup doesnt completeI solved my problem. My solution was to check the database prefix at “wp-config.php”. There was a wrong prefix. After I checked this, it worked.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Backup Migration] backup doesnt completeMy debug code: BMI-HEPz11i9-12377
- This reply was modified 10 months, 2 weeks ago by jesi707.