Forum Replies Created
You can renew a license on our website, on your licenses listing:
The website doesn’t exist anymore, if you kept it in a bookmark you can update it to point to our new website.
We released a version 9.8.1 to patch this issue, thank you for reporting this.
The update through the WordPress update page is available for the free version, and will be available in a few hours for paid versions (the time it takes for the cache to clear).
In the latest version each campaign type has its creation button:
You don’t need tu uninstall AcyMailing, you can download the zip file from our website (or here if you have the Starter version) then upload it under Plugins => Add New.
It will ask you if you want to replace the current files with the ones you uploaded. It won’t impact your AcyMailing data.
If you’re unsure, you can make a backup of your database beforehand (it is always a good idea to have regular backups of one’s website in case it is needed for whatever reason ??).
The “powered by” image is added in the file plugins/acymailing/back/classes/mail.php near line 1091. Maybe the file hasn’t been updated correctly?
You can check the file and if it doesn’t search the image in the “editor” folder, you could re-install the plugin.
The AcyMailing tables should be named like this:
In this error message, the prefix seems to be missing the trailing “_”. Or maybe all your database tables have “wp_skcit_com” as prefix?
You can open the file wp-content/plugins/acymailing/back/tables.sql to find the tables creation queries we use to create our tables. Note that all occurrences of “#__” must be replaced by your database tables prefix (be it in the table names or the constraints).
This error message can show up when one of the system emails fails to be saved in your database. This can have various causes, such as a full database, a missing column, a security that rejected the content, etc…
For now, you could click the “Nein, danke” link at the bottom of the page, then the skip link at the top-right of the next page.
You could also take a look at your database error logs file if you have access to it in order to find the cause of this error.
Here are the triggers based on user actions, available by default. You can also have more triggers based on the integration plugins installed (triggers specific to WooCommerce for example).
Note that here, “user” refers to the AcyMailing subscriber, not the WordPress account.
The other triggers (that aren’t based on a user action), are all based on a time frequency (every day / Monday / 2 hours / 15 minutes etc…).
I’ve tested the WordPress user import into AcyMailing subscribers, while selecting multiple roles in the filter, and all users of the selected roles were imported.
Please note that the AcyMailing subscriber import page allows you to also subscribe the imported users to a list, but if they were already existing and unsubscribed from the list, they won’t be re-subscribed to it.
Yes, the filter “Group” actually refers to the WordPress “Roles”, we may need to rename this filter ??
Yes, the “Each time AcyMailing is triggered” would also work fine, it is triggered approximately every 15 minutes.
The automations are only available in the Enterprise version of AcyMailing.
You mentioned that the issue was that “it does not unsubscribe users that no longer have one of these roles”.
The AcyMailing user import page isn’t supposed to unsubscribe users, this is why I got confused and thought you were using an other feature to achieve what you described.
There is no dedicated feature to do what you described, but you could do it using multiple automations. Here is an example with two automations that would work to link one role with one list:
Trigger: every day
Action: AcyMailing list => Subscribe users to List A
Action targets: Group => In Group ATrigger: every day
Action: AcyMailing list => Unsubscribe users from List A
Action targets: Group => Not in Group AHow exactly did you set up the subscription and unsubscription with lists based on user roles?
Did you use an AcyMailing automation? Do you do it using the AcyMailing REST API or code API? Do you maybe try to do it from the user import page?
To change user subscriptions based on the WP user roles, I would use multiple automations that run every day for example.
Si vous avez un IDE comme PHPstorm par exemple et que vous avez les sources de votre site en local, vous pouvez faire une recherche globale sur tous les fichiers de wp-content/plugins/ avec ctrl+maj+F
The WordPress translation system only sends the translations when at least 90% is approved by the locale’s translation team.
For now, only 69% of the Romanian translation has been approved, and 30% has been rejected because some words needed to be changed (we however don’t have the knowledge to check/fix them): you don’t mind having these rejected translations, I attached the “raw” version of the ro-RO translations here:
The link will expire in a week.To get the current translations in json format, you can also call this URL:
Have a nice day
It seems that an other plugin uses the same library as we do for the preparation of emails, but we modified it on our side.
The next version won’t have this issue anymore as we’ll use an unmodified version of this library.
I however don’t have a solution in the meantime, other than temporary disabling either AcyMailing or the other plugin loading this library.Hello,
Could you temporary activate the WordPress debug mode to get the “real” error message?
You can edit the file wp-config.php and add this code:
define( 'WP_DEBUG', true ); define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true );
If a line already exists in the wp-config.php file to define “WP_DEBUG”, modify it instead and add the “WP_DEBUG_LOG” line after it.
Once done it will create the file wp-content/debug.log and add any error message that occurs in it.