7 years, 4 months ago
OK I have just found it, and fixed it, hopefully it doesn’t break again
Also how do I reset my access token from the instagram feed WD plug in?
I tried the link, but it says this –
You have not authorized any applications to access your Instagram account.
It appears that the instagram feed is not working again?
it says the access token provided is invalid
7 years, 7 months ago
thanks for your quick replies, so I just sit tight and wait for the new version to be released then to fix it?
8 years, 9 months ago
Hi Ross
I have sent you a second message via the support page, as the first link I gave you might not be any good, so have just popped the form into a page
thanks in advance! Jenny
The CSE came from my account settings. I went through all of this with eway support chat.
I can send you a link to the form, will send via your support page, as it is being built at the moment. thanks.
As I said above I have put the client side encryption in and eway have also checked it is correct, hence why I am now messaging you to help out.