hi the_danny,
There should be another section underneath the “default and custom icon pool” called “Logo Icon // Menu Items & Page Icons” – This section allows you to decide what icons should be shown next to the Menu Page Listing, and check a box that allows the pages to show up on the site. You can also sort the order of the pages there.
If that area isn’t showing up, try uninstalling and re-installing the plug-in, perhaps something corrupted when you installed. That, or disable other plug-ins and see if perhaps another one is interfering with WPtouch.
If your links are external (and not to pages within your wordpress blog) you’ll need to set up a page that is named the link, then add another plug-in for redirecting that page to an external URL. (Or at least that’s the only way I could find how to do it.) I used Redirector Mod.
I’m not sure if it’s necessary to say this, but in order for it to show up in the navigation options for the WPtouch, the links must be actual pages that are set up on your WordPress blog.