Jeffery Moore
Forum Replies Created
Not sure where I originally saw it but I found this post that reports the issue and provides a fix as well. I haven’t tried it myself but reading the code, it looks like it should work.
I might suggest trying to find a way to add this into your theme’s functions.php file instead of modifying the plugin code since an upgrade to it could undo your changes and re-introduce the bug.
Nevermind, I just found this bug reported elsewhere. My bad.
Hi, I have been having a strange issue with the plugin/CC. I am using two instances of the CC signup widget in my sidebar, one signs the user up for one list, the other to a different one (can be seen here: What happens is that when I sign up for the Alumni Reconnect list, I get a confirmation email that says I have been added to a list called “No Interest”. I thought it was a bug with Constant Contact’s software but their tech support says the issue is in the WP plugin’s API and that all I can do to rectify the issue is to use one form or ask you guys about it. It seems more user friendly to me to use two forms so I’d prefer to do that.
Is the tech wrong? He says the issue lies in the fact that CC has my email in their database and because of how the API works, it moves me out of the default list and into the Alumni Reconnect one and therefore the API confuses their system into thinking I’ve been added to a list called “No Interest”. His explanation makes a vague amount of sense to me but I wanted to run this by the gurus behind the plugin to get their take before moving to a single form.
Thanks in advance for any advice or help you guys can provide!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: OpenCart WordPress IntegrationI have created a plugin package that pulls data into WordPress from OpenCart (like your second phase) and it works pretty well. The name I chose (months ago) was WP3OC, or WordPress3 OpenCart. ?? I have not released it in any way yet, but I will when it is ready. I am curious how popular such a plugin would be — are a lot of people looking for this functionality? No better place to ask than here I suppose.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: A way to know if the loop has hit the last post availableJust one more bit to add to this.
I had started testing my blog with more entries, but, once I got more than 5 posts added, the count() function call above would always return the number 5 no matter how many actually were there.
I looked it up and this was because there is an argument called ‘numberposts’ whose default value is 5 (for some reason). Setting it to -1 fixes the issue by removing any limit in the number of posts returned by get_posts().
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: A way to know if the loop has hit the last post availableI figured out a way to get this value. I put this code above my main loop:
//get number of posts allowed per page
$posts_per_page = 0;
while (have_posts()) {
There are probably simpler ways, but this one works for me!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: A way to know if the loop has hit the last post availableOnly other concern I have would be…
This seems to work only when you have less posts than what you have set your ‘limit per page’ value to. If I could retrieve this number with PHP code, I know how to easily solve the problem. Googling returns hundreds of matches regarding simply setting this value in the GUI. haha
Any ideas?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: A way to know if the loop has hit the last post availableBRILLIANT! (in the Red Bull guy voice) It works like a charm, thank you for you excellence, esmi!
I found a solution that worked for me when I had this problem. McAfee Security Center contains a module called McAfee Privacy Service. One feature of this module is the disabling of the <iframe> tag in web browsers. This is a really stupid feature, but here’s the fix:
The upload module relies on <iframe>, so all I did was disable the Privacy Service. Hope this helps others pulling their hair out like I was.