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Oh wait.. but I have another environment that was not upgraded from wordpress MU that is running wpmu’s domain mapping plugin and is working well and playing nice. Man… now I’m confused again….
More testing to come..
Did some more testing today and found a couple of things.
1st – We had our wp-content in a different location and defined in the wp-config file. Something like this:
define( ‘WP_CONTENT_DIR’, ‘/location-of-content/wp-content’ );
When I removed that and then used the domain mapping plugin suggested: it worked. Wahoo.
I have been using the wpmudev domain mapping plugin ( because it plays nice with shibboleth (which we are using for authentication). I am trying to get the other plugin to play nice with shibboleth now. It may be a setting thing on the plugin. There are lots of options in the plugin.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] [Plugin: The Events Calendar] RSS FeedThanks for your reply robloagatta. We will look into what we can. We have a number of other projects going right now so we may just end up waiting till the fall anyway.
We appreciate the great plugin and look froward to seeing what y’all do with it!
Wahoo… yes indeed. We are good to go! Just needed to add that one line. I hate when you spend some much time on something and it is a simple change like that. I hope this help others that might have this same problem. Thanks again Donncha.
You know how typing things out helps you think a bit. Well, I went to my MU install and tried fiddling there. I found out that you don’t need the second part of my solution above. So all you have to add is the following:
define(‘WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE’, true);
(Be sure to add it up around the database info… well, really just not at the end of the wp-config.php file).
That has gotten my local dev back up, and the caching column available on the sites page. The cache seems to be working too. But then again it was working earlier too.
Send some notes to the server folks to have it applied to the dev production server (yes we have a dev prod server… hehe).
Fingers crossed!
Well, this is a bit harder than we thought. Apparently the tests I did locally were on a brand new wordpress multisite database. You can not just add these lines to an older database because they have different tables.
define(‘WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE’, true);
define( ‘MULTISITE’, true );If you add these into an older MU config file you get a “Error establishing a database connection” on the front end and a “One or more database tables are unavailable. The database may need to be repaired.” on the backend.
Repairing the tables does not help. I think that when you define multisite like this it is looking for some specific tables and structure that is defined in the multisite install.
I did a compare of the two table structures you can see here:
So… I have two options right now I think (but please tell me if I am wrong). I can mess with the tables on the multisite install (27K tables), OR I can figure out a way to tell the plugin that this site is multisite without having those lines in the config file.
Could you tell me how I might accomplish the second option? It seems easier to modify the plugin than to start modifying the database. I hate to leave the dev path though of course so if you can add an option to the plugin that would be even better… ?? I can’t be the only one that had an old MU site and upgraded it to Multisite that are using the super cache plugin.
Thanks for your help Donncha!
Ah ha! Found it I think. I was finally able to replicate the problem locally and play with it more.
It turns out that the following line was below the absolute path stuff (below the “That’s all, stop editing!” line).
define(‘WP_ALLOW_MULTISITE’, true);I also had to add in the following line below that:
define( ‘MULTISITE’, true );
I think because my site was wordpress mu when we started it was not included. I thought just adding in the first part would work. But it requires both to work correctly. I am pushing this fix out to our dev environment now and will confirm if it is working as expected after this.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [The Events Calendar] [Plugin: The Events Calendar] RSS FeedDid anyone ever get this working. We are looking for the same thing.
To answer roblagatta’s question. Mostly we want to show the feeds on other sites in the University. Have a way they coudl pull the rss and show the title, description and date. We could even write another wordpress widget to pull that data from RSS and look for elements in the feed and display it. That would be the most common way.
The first step however is to get more data in the feeds. Right now it is just title and description on the day I publish it. It doesn’t even include the date.
Thanks for any tips anyone has already figured out here. I’ll post here if I don’t hear from anyone and figure this out ourselves.
Donncha, I have done some local testing myself and can’t seem to replicate it except for on our dev and prod environments.
I’m sorry. What do you mean by a “manually debugging the output of get_supercache_dir() and add an error_log to prune_super_cache logging the directory it’s looking in”. Create some php file and put it somewhere? I’m just getting familiar with PHP. Sorry about that. But I can certainly do that.
As an aside I did notice some differences in the cache being built. In the tests I did the cache was created something like this:
In the supercache folder there are then each of the site names.
But our environment it looks like this: are some top level pages for domains. Not sure what those are. Viewing them it looks like content, but not theming.
I spoke too soon. It is definitely clearing out the whole cache. Now that I can see it I can tell very easily.
Could it be because we had an old MU site that was upgraded to Multisite when it merged? I read something about that causing some problems somewhere. Thoughts?
Doing some more digging. So there is a folder in \wp-content\cache\supercache that has all the cached stuff, and there are folders in there for quite a few sites. They don’t seem to be deleted. But I’m not sure if it recreating them or they are just there.
Doing some more testing. Thanks Donncha!
I have version 1.1 installed on my site already and my testing so far seems to clear the whole cache. I am just looking at cached files on the network under Contents and doing some tests on sites on the network. There are never more than 10 caches pages in contents at a time.
We are running an slightly older version of wordpress… could that play a role. Version 3.3.2 I think.
Some other info about our settings:
– mod_rewrite
– Don’t cache pages for known users
– Mobile device support
– Clear all cache files when a post or page is published or updated
– Only refresh current page when comments made
– Cache Timeout: 86400
– Time: 86400
(Of course it never gets any where close to this)I see this Debug option. I have a dev server I can test this on, but I’m not sure how this will work. I’ll play a little, but any thoughts you can give would be great. Perhaps it is just a setting.
Thanks for this awesome plugin. You really are awesome and we appreciate it so much!
Just an update. I downloaded the file above and had the same results. I did deactivate the plugin and make the changes and reactivate it with the same results. Going to check with the sys admin to see if they have any thoughts. Thanks for your help.
We are self hosted. This is at It is a multisite subdomain site ( It is a pretty complicated setup with 4 servers a load balancer in front of it, etc. I can get more info. I don’t maintain the infrastructure myself. Is there something I should be asking in particular?
We are working on setting up a multi-site instance to replace all webservices at UNC. This will host and a variety of other huge traffic sites. We really want to activate this plugin site wide (with a network option) and were going to look to modify the plugin for that later so we can set it for the whole site.
Anyway, thanks for your help and thoughts. Seems to be working great for other file types (exe application/octet-stream).
Hmmm… no dice. Here is what I have tried.
dmg octet-stream
dmg x-apple-diskimage
dmg application/x-apple-diskimageAll of them still give me the “[filename] has failed to upload due to an error
Sorry, this file type is not permitted for security reasons.”Thanks so much for your help.