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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Publishing post and 404 errorHi demetrios,
What theme are you using and where did you download it from?
Would you mind providing a link to your site?
Were your posts showing up okay before now, or is this a new site?Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Installed Duplicator, now I can't even log into my siteAlthough I cannot resolve your question, I just wanted to assure you that both your site and login screen are still intact.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: want to display two category filter in prortfolio pageWorkality Lite is not a theme currently in the themes repository. Pose your questions to the theme author’s support forum at the link you posted above.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Adding multiple catagorysAfter you create a child theme and browse through Evan’s links again, you can see if your question has already been answered in the Vantage theme’s support forum or start a new thread there. There might also be a plugin solution compatible with your theme, so check there as well.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Charset ProblemYou’ve already set your lang=”es-ES” and it’s working in chrome. I’m not a savvy enough dev to diagnose further, but I did find this tidbit online relating to the wp-config.php file and setting WPLang to es-ES:
WordPress Localized Language, defaults to English.
* Change this to localize WordPress. A corresponding MO file for the chosen
* language must be installed to wp-content/languages. For example, install
* to wp-content/languages and set WPLANG to ‘es-ES’ to enable Spanish
* language support.
define(‘WPLANG’, ‘es-ES’);The last step is to upload your created language files to the language folder of your theme using FTP / SFTP. If you’re using a Spanish translation, you’ll need to upload the es_ES.po and files to your theme folder.
Maybe that will take care of the issue in other browsers. Sorry to not have been of more help. Perhaps someone who has experience with this problem will weigh in. I’ve found quite a few unresolved queries on the forum regarding the display of non-english characters.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Broken TexteditorGreat. However, keep in mind that there was no ‘problem’ with the visual editor only displaying in half of the available space. It always look like that.
The two editors are distinctly different. The Visuell editor is the default editor. The Text editor doesn’t just use more of the editor area, it allows you to write your posts in HTML. Although it is easy to switch between the two, sometimes HTML entities can get lost going back and forth.
Read up on the differences between the two here on
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Charset ProblemIn the <head> of your site, the charset is missing an opening quotation mark. That could be the problem.
charset=utf-8″ should be charset=”utf-8″. See if that works.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Broken TexteditorRight, so follow the directions in the 2nd paragraph above. Above the “X”, click on “text” editor instead of the “visuell” editor. Is that what you’re describing?
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Broken TexteditorIf you want a full-screen distraction-free writing area without seeing anything else, click on the “X” here.
If you want to see the toolbox, etc while you are working, I think what you’re looking for is the “text” tab on the right side of your post. It looks like you’re working in the “visuell” editor. Choose “text” (next to “visuell” and above the “X” icon I mentioned).
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Broken TexteditorYes, you’re referring to your posts/pages editor, so find the icon that looks like an “X” all the way on the right side of your page under the words “visuell/text”. Click it and boom!, you’re in full-screen mode.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Broken TexteditorAre you referring to your posts/pages editor or your Appearance->Editor?
If referring to your Posts/Pages editor, the icon for full-screen is now all the way on the right, under the word “text” where you choose between visual/text editor.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Log inwoot! Glad to be of help; best of luck with your site.
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: WordPress "makes" empty post on home pageIt appears that all of the empty “Leave a Reply” boxes at the bottom of the home page are all tied to “post-1783”. See if you can find that post# in your posts and if there’s either something weird added to the end of the post or whether you’ve got something setup in jetpack relating to post #1783.
The home of your theme’s support forum looks to be here. Go down the page and click on the Questions tab. Your source code lists your theme as “/themes/dw-wallpress-1.1.0-theme/” vs. “/themes/dw-wallpress/” so you may have a custom/child theme overriding something. Hope that helps!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Admin slow / hosting issuesSorry to hear your first foray into WP isn’t going as smoothly as hoped. Having a dedicated developer your first time can be worth the extra expense. They can be there to test the theme, plugin combos and do some explaining/hand-holding to get through any road bumps before and after launch.
Keep in mind that WordPress itself is stable and that the themes and plugins listed here on have been vetted. (That doesn’t mean that every combo of plugins/themes is trouble-free.) The key to using WP isn’t to “avoid using plugins”, it’s making sure that paid resources outside of the sphere of, such as your paid theme authors, hosting co and developers are providing you with timely customer service.
If they have already, then it sounds like you have isolated a particular plugin as contributing to the speed issues, so perhaps the next step is simply finding a substitute plugin for that particular functionality. Don’t get discouraged, best of luck moving forward!
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Redesigning your wordpress siteThere are a bunch of WP/bootstrap themes. Just be aware that bootstrap is now up to v3.1.1 and many of the starter themes you find may be based on earlier versions. If you don’t need a lot (or any) of bootstrap’s js functionality or responsive css, there are many other WP frameworks and starter themes that can also save you time in development. _s (underscores) is a great starting point, and is used by the Automattic team when it starts work on the default WordPress themes.
More importantly, address the “why”s of your company’s redesign. Is your co. just looking to spruce up its WordPress site or make it responsive? Is there new functionality it needs? Let the main goals of your site dictate how you do your WordPress redesign, as opposed to folks who just want something that looks “cool” or “more modern”. Answering the questions “What are our site’s goals?” and “What are our users’ needs?” will help you get past the ‘blank canvas’ stage and on track to designing your next WordPress site. Good luck!