Hi webdesignerchristian, thanks for your answer! But I′m not sure I′m following you…
Maybe the answer is just removing the registration form and let users only log in to their premade accounts after I pre registered them (a001, a002, a003, etc)
But… How can I let them set their own password and email when they log in into their accounts? Will I have to inform users about their password preset by me using this method? Maybe a plugin that let′s users choose their password upon first login?
The thing is that I probably focused the whole thing wrong… I have seen this used in many applications, but I′m not sure I′m understanding it.
Users have a alphanumeric ID that needs to be their username. (or at list, something that stays in a url for example mysite.com/user/A001
Users set their profile, adding their ID number on their profile.
But… here′s the catch, That ID has to be previously stored somewhere, just in case a (spammer, or external person to the group) wants to register himself with a made up id, won′t be able to complete the form.
Hopefully someone understands what I′m trying to archive… I′m not even 100% understanding myself.