9 years, 7 months ago
There’s no error, bravo. It still remains one warning on the tag: SiteNavigationElement encompassing menus. Google says: The node is empty. Check that this is intentional and delete it if necessary.
Otherwise the rest is green …….
9 years, 8 months ago
With this release, I have no error unless the comments:
UserComments is not a valid type known target for how the property.
I always look Best regards
Hello, the error is still present Data Testing Tool said:
Blog is not a valid type known target for mainContentOfPage property.
With: mainEntityOfPage error disappears ….
I also modified the comments or there was an error as
Best Regards
We must follow this path: Theme (omega) / lib / functions then the worker attr.php file and change the game
function omega_attr_content( $attr ) { $attr['id'] = 'content'; $attr['role'] = 'main'; $attr['itemprop'] = 'mainEntityOfPage';
that’s what I did. Best regards
After some research I think I found the solution by replacing:
I have no error. To be continued …..
9 years, 11 months ago
Good Morning a little research I found the solution with a
<div class="post-excerpt"> <?php the_excerpt('100'); ?> </div>
it is fine thank you