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  • Thread Starter jcarrier


    Jeremy –

    I’m not sure you revcieved this so I wanted to post it again in the forum. Here is what I have figured out about making the category hashtags prefix to publicized posts.

    – I have disabled all plugins except for Jetpack, Jetpack Category Hashtags, and Buzz Burner to easily troubleshoot why category does not prefix to published posts.

    – If I press the publish post button within edit posts for a post that I write using the WordPress editor, then the post publishes with the prefix category included.

    – If I run a campaign from Buzz Burner plugin that pulls in feeds and publishes when you press “Run Campaign”, it does not prefix category to published posts.

    Can you please let me know how I can easily modify the code snippet below so that it adds the category prefix when a Buzz Burner campaign is run?

    I have your temp admin still enabled to take a look at the issue when you have a minute. I am very close now. Thanks again.


    P.S. Interestingly, if the WP Bitly plugin is activated, the publicize custom message box does not include it but it IS included in the Twitter publicized post!


    // Create our custom Publicize message
    function jeherve_cust_pub_message() {
    $post = get_post();

    // Grab the first category of your post
    if ( !empty( $post ) )
    $categories = get_the_category( $post->ID );

    if ( !empty( $categories ) ) {
    $previous_cust = get_post_meta( $post->ID, ‘_wpas_mess’, true );

    $custom_message = ‘#’ . $categories[0]->cat_name . ‘ /’ . ‘ ‘ . $previous_cust;

    update_post_meta( $post->ID, ‘_wpas_mess’, $custom_message );

    // Save that message
    function jeherve_cust_pub_message_save() {
    add_action( ‘save_post’, ‘jeherve_cust_pub_message’, 21 );
    add_action( ‘publish_post’, ‘jeherve_cust_pub_message_save’ );

    Thread Starter jcarrier


    Jeremy –

    I realized that the email notification I received had some URL encoding issues.

    Therefore, I copied/pasted the original code snippet that you provided in the WP forum. I inserted that as a code snippet using but that did not add the Category Hashtags to publicized posts.

    Also, I tried to copy/paste the original code snippet into a custom plugin. That activated without issue but once again it did not add Category Hashtags to publicized posts.

    Is there something else that I need to do at this point for Category Hashtags to be added to publicized posts? Please let me know.

    Thanks again.


    Thread Starter jcarrier


    Jeremy –

    Thanks for the reply. Here is what I have attempted thus far:

    I activated the plugin and added the code snippet to the plugin/functions.php file. Unfortunately, I couldn’t figure out how to activate the functions.php file with the new code. It just kept stating ‘inactive’.

    Next, I tried another plugin by the same author but the category hashtags did not show in the publicized posts for either Facebook, Twitter or Tumblr after inserting the code snippet.

    Lastly, I tried to create a custom plugin and upload the zipped file to my WP install. This worked fine based on the custom code snippet provided but failed on activation.
    Here is the error code that I received upon attempting activation:

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘&’ …

    The error in the code snippet corresponds to the following:

    $categories = get_the_category( $post->ID );

    I am running a LAMP install (PHP 5.3) of a 3.6.1 WP website. Please advise how best to resolve the code snippet issue so I can get this up and running.

    Thanks again.


    Thread Starter jcarrier


    Jeremy –

    Thanks for your patience with solving this issue. I confess I am not a guru programmer like yourself. Can you simply provide a rewritten code snippet to insert into the current publicize.php script?

    I sort of get how this may work in implementation but can’t quite put it together right.

    Thanks again.


    Thread Starter jcarrier


    Jeremy –

    Thanks for the reply.

    I see that the following is the filter that I should revise:

    $this->default_prefix = Publicize_Util::build_sprintf( array(
    apply_filters( ‘wpas_default_prefix’, $this->default_prefix ),

    Please advise exactly how I should revise it so that Jetpack publicize would publish as:

    #Category Title URL

    Thanks again for your help.


    Thread Starter jcarrier


    Jeremy –

    Yes; I got it to work so I trashed the test posts associated with the issue.

    Regarding, adding category hashtags, I suspect that I simply have to change:

    var $default_prefix = ”;
    var $default_message = ‘%title%’;
    var $default_suffix = ‘ %url%’;

    To the following:

    var $default_prefix = ‘#%category%’;
    var $default_message = ‘%title%’;
    var $default_suffix = ‘ %url%’;

    For some reason, it doesn’t seem to work. Can you advise how to fix it within the publicize.php file? Thanks again.


    Thread Starter jcarrier


    BTW – funny enough – now all my Jetpack publicize posts to both Facebook and Twitter include links. Before links were only included in Jetpack publicize tweets.

    Is this a new change to include the shortened URL with Jetpack Publicize or Facebook policy or did Facebook just have to pick up that I had the shortened URL available?

    Very curious…

    Thread Starter jcarrier


    Jeremy –

    I spent hours on this issue this morning after taking a mental break.

    I finally figured it out. You have to complete disconnect both Facebook AND Twitter as Publicize connections, then connect Facebook FIRST otherwise Facebook publicize posts never works right. Automattic should emphasize that in the documentation.

    It’d be great if you could lend insight on how I can tweak the publicize.php to include category hashtags for Jetpack publicize tweets.

    Thanks again.


    Thread Starter jcarrier


    Jeremy –

    I am having serious trouble with Jetpack publicize to Facebook. I have determined this is not a Facebook issue after debugging the scraped URL using: (results in response code 200)

    Also, I have tried to simultaneously publish using both Jetpack publicize and the Next Scripts plugin. You can see that there is no issue when Next Scripts plugin submits the post to Facebook. As of today, when Jetpack publicize submitted the post, it only shows the title and the shortened URL even though all of the open graph tags are found as provided by WordPress SEO (doesn’t work either if it uses just Jetpack open graph tags by deactivating WordPress SEO).

    I have deactivated/reactivated all plugins, deactivated/reactivated Jetpack itself and disconnected/reconnected the Facebook app connection several times as instructed. Nothing seems to work.

    You can see that Jetpack publicize worked perfectly yesterday.

    Please advise how to resolve this issue.

    Thanks in advance for expediting.


    Thread Starter jcarrier


    Jeremy –

    Thanks for the reply.

    In the interim, I am conversant with PHP coding so perhaps you could give me some insight as to how I could tweak the publicize.php file to prefix twitter published posts to auto include a category hashtag.

    This would really help me out a great deal.

    Thanks in advance for your assistance.


    @nosilver4u – Aren’t images within the Media Library auto optimized?

    The images included in my Media Library all state either no savings or not processed. It seems like in the past there was at least some savings, and I don’t get why any would be not processed. These are new images added to the Media Library associated with posts created by a content curation plugin.

    Please let me know how I can have these images auto optimized or scheduled (cron job or otherwise) for optimization. All Media Library images that state not processed reside within the root “uploads” directory.

    Thanks again.



    I am not using a cloud api key in my EWWW IO settings. I have to get the site live for now but I plan on setting up a dev version on a subdomain by next week. I’ll be happy to debug further at that time. I thought it would be a quick fix but I can work through it further next week after I get the sandbox site up and running. Thanks again.


    @nosilver4u – Any update on the PHP Warnings and how best to resolve?

    I uploaded the latest Dev version, and here are my findings.

    I checked out the optimize more settings and it only had my theme images. Next, I deleted all the resized meta slider images in my uploads directory. Once the front end of the website was rendered again, all of the “on the fly” resized meta slider images showed up as included in images in the Optimized Images Table. Perfect.

    However, I receive two PHP Warnings on my Homepage where the Meta Slider renders. The PHP Warning errors seem to come and go but I’d like to eliminate them altogether from the front page if possible.

    Warning: filesize() [function.filesize]: stat failed for /home2/wpadmin/public_html/wp-content/uploads/image-1381764609-1861765140-300×138.jpg.tmp in /home2/wpadmin/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ewww-image-optimizer/ewww-image-optimizer.php on line 1864

    Warning: unlink(/home2/wpadmin/public_html/wp-content/uploads/image-1381764609-1861765140-300×138.jpg.tmp) [function.unlink]: No such file or directory in /home2/wpadmin/public_html/wp-content/plugins/ewww-image-optimizer/ewww-image-optimizer.php on line 1897

    You’ve really helped a lot and I can’t thank you enough. Please let me know if you need me to beta test the meta slider retro optimizing functionality prior to finalizing.

    All the best.

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