i’ve got a doozey and would appreciate any help.
i installed donncha’s domain mapping plugin for mu.
it works just fine when i set the IP address in the plugin and then set up a redirect from my external domain to the mu hosted subdomain using Aname IP forwarding.
my domain diet-evolution.com resolves to diet-evolution.prestigious-hosting.com —- but does not ‘mask’ the url’s so as far as the browser is concerned he’s left diet-evolution.com and has ended on a different site.
Problem comes in when I then add the domain into the plugin in order to map the links so the user experience of being on diet-evolution.com is maintained
Now the domain won’t resolve and the browser times out with a message that the domain lookup failed – this is due to the fact that the mu installation refers back to the domain name and the domain name forwards to the mu installation.
so it kinda keeps going in circles.
i’ve tried moving hosts and dns on the domain server, but this has no effect, so I’m stumped.
any ideas?