Well, I’ve worked and worked on code. Its 4 a.m. And my eyes are starting to glaze over. It could be the code, or the 4 beers. Either way. I’ve got the layout about how I want it. But now I’m having some trouble getting the headlines to display from the appropriate category.
I’m sure there’s only one thing I’m missing. I used part of the code from your theme and then parts from others.
I thought it might have just been goofy because I didn’t have enough posts, but that doesn’t appear to be it.
Here’s some of the code I think I’m having issues with.
<!–sports. for some reason this is not grabbing the right stories.–>
<div class=”sports”><h5>Sports</h5>
$posts = get_posts(‘cat=3&numberposts=5’);
foreach ($posts as $post) :
<div class=”sports”>“><?php the_title() ?></div>
endforeach; ?>
<!–end of sports–>