Rename Login page dont work anymore from v5.2.1
Hi @amaycom
Rename login page generally works and this is the first time come to know after 6 days release there is such any issue.
can you please let me know what exact issue is ? Do renamed login page do not loads the login page ?
From my observation, the renaming works, but the login page additionally remains accessible at its old URL (/wp-login/).
Unfortunately I discovered this thread too late and just opened an additional ticket on this topic.
Hi @fgruen
I have replied to you another thread, the issue in thread seems to be qTranslate XT plugin. Do you have that plugin installed?
I have already tried that. Even if all plugins except AIOS are disabled, the behavior remains the same. The issue also occurs on different pages that use different compositions of plugins.
I copy from version 5.1.18 to v5.1.21 code in file classes/wp-security-process-renamed-login-page.php and insert in the end of file. And now Custom login page is working. but logout dont work. i cant logout from admin. logout doesn’t matter anymore, but…
if (function_exists('qtranxf_init_language') && strpos($home_url_with_slug, $login_slug)) {
$parsed_home_url_with_slug = parse_url($home_url_with_slug);
$home_url_with_slug = $parsed_home_url_with_slug['path']; //this will return just the path minus the protocol and host
} if (untrailingslashit($parsed_url_path) === $home_url_with_slug || (!get_option('permalink_structure') && isset($_GET[$login_slug]))) {
if (empty($action) && is_user_logged_in()) {
//if user is already logged in but tries to access the renamed login page, send them to the dashboard
// or to requested redirect-page, filterd in 'login_redirect'.
if (isset($_REQUEST['redirect_to'])) {
$redirect_to = wp_sanitize_redirect($_REQUEST['redirect_to']);
$redirect_to = wp_validate_redirect($redirect_to, apply_filters('wp_safe_redirect_fallback', admin_url(), 302));
$requested_redirect_to = $redirect_to;
} else {
$redirect_to = admin_url();
$requested_redirect_to = '';
$redirect_to = apply_filters('login_redirect', $redirect_to, $requested_redirect_to, wp_get_current_user());
} else {
global $wp_version;
AIOWPSecurity_Utility_IP::check_login_whitelist_and_forbid(); status_header(200);
if (version_compare($wp_version, '5.7', '>=')) {
require_once(AIO_WP_SECURITY_PATH . '/other-includes/wp-security-rename-login-feature.php');
} elseif (version_compare($wp_version, '5.2', '>=')) {
require_once(AIO_WP_SECURITY_PATH . '/other-includes/wp-security-rename-login-feature-pre-5-7.php');
} else {
require_once(AIO_WP_SECURITY_PATH . '/other-includes/wp-security-rename-login-feature-pre-5-2.php');
} die;
} return false;-
This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by
Hi @amaycom,
Here you have the login page url like {siteurl}{langcode}{renamed_login_slug} is that have the issue or some thing else.
If possible can you share it with expiry burn after read so only once it can be read by me. I have installed qTranslate plugin and enabled 3 lang with woo commerce here login page for me loads the {siteurl}/en/{mylogin_slugin} for me not default language set /de/ and woo commerce lost password link being used and it works fine.
Here AIOS 5.2.0 have “Renamed login page to have language change dropdown” being added that is why
introduced.Here 5.1.8 and old code tries instead relative url full url path. which means
relative url do not match with{langcode}/{renamed_login_slug}
I have sent the fix before blow can you please upload that comment line 258 and check as above snipboard image?
//$home_url_with_slug = home_url($login_slug);
new version 5.2.2 dont work login page for qtranslate xt
You will not return it all the same ?
Hi @amaycom
As I have sent fix but it was not working so still this issue is not merged and not released in 5.2.2
Can you please download the AIOS plugin zip file and upload it add new plugin and replace it.
Below image mentioned the which changes should fix the qTranslate XT plugin conflict as per the 5.1.8 code.
Hi @amaycom
Did you check by uploading as per the last my reply AIOS zip file of dropbox?
It has the QT Translate plugin related changes rolled back.
This reply was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by
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