JB Christy
Forum Replies Created
Thanks, Willie.
I submitted this question from the plugin’s Support page as you requested. I did so yesterday and again just now. I get no indication that the submit was successful, as I’m just returned to the same page. Also, I’ve gotten no response since submitting the question yesterday. Can you confirm that my question was submitted successfully?
FYI, there’s a typo in the markup on the Support page. The closing
tag for Issue description is missing the<
. So the label renders on screen as Issue description:/label>.I’m asking a question about how the plugin behaves. I wasn’t aware that I was requesting a new feature. What new feature would I be requesting?
If updating the CDN after a post is created isn’t already something this plugin can do, I’m happy to write an action on, say, ‘save_post’ that calls some function in this plugin to trigger a push to the CDN. I would just need to know what function to call to trigger the push.
Thanks in advance for your help.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ultimate Posts Widget] Display custom post categoryI also want support for custom taxonomies associated with custom post types. This may be a showstopper for me.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Ultimate Posts Widget] Display posts only within current TaxonomyI was just about to enter a support request with the very same issue. I’d really like this plugin to support custom taxonomies that are associated with custom post types. This might be a showstopper for me.
Otherwise, it’s a great plugin!
Forum: Reviews
In reply to: [Localize Time] excellent!Thanks so much for taking the time to submit a review. I really appreciate it. Glad you like the plugin!
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Localize Time] fail?Oh, good, I’m glad it’s working for you now!
I see in your case that you would want a general “Tuesdays” and “Thursdays” as opposed to specific dates, but the time API’s that I have to work with (PHP and Javascript) rely on specific dates. Sorry ’bout that.
Thanks for using the plugin! Hope you find it helpful.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Localize Time] fail?FYI, the fact that I see the correct time in both browsers on my machine (Chrome and Firefox on a Mac) means that the server-side part of this plugin is working correctly. The problem must therefore be on the client side, i.e. your machine and / or browser. Your customers may well be seeing the correct times even if you aren’t. I know that’s not much comfort, but it’s something to be aware of.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Localize Time] fail?I set my computer’s time zone to be US Eastern (New York) and I see the correct times on your site:
Appointments and calls accepted during these times:
Tuesday and Thursday evenings,
from 7pm to 11pm, GMT -8: Pacific Time (adjust for daylight).In your local time zone this would be:
From: Tuesday 7:00 PM PDT (8/19/2014 10:00:00 PM EDT)
To: Tuesday 11:00 PM PDT (8/20/2014 2:00:00 AM EDT)and:
From: Thursday 7:00 PM PDT (8/21/2014 10:00:00 PM EDT)
To: Thursday 11:00 PM PDT (8/22/2014 2:00:00 AM EDT)Some things to try:
- Ensure your computer’s time zone is set correctly.
- After ensuring your timezone is set correctly, quit out of your browser and restart.
- Open your browser’s console and see if you see any Javascript errors. If so, post them here and I’ll see if I can figure out what’s happening.
- Try a different browser, or a different machine if you can.
By the way, this shortcode is intended to work with a specific date and time, as opposed to “Tuesdays” and “Thursdays”. When you say “Tuesday 7:00 PM” it interprets that as “next Tuesday”, not Tuesdays in general (8/19 is what I see). The effect will be roughly what you want except for the week right before we start / stop daylight savings time, when the quoted time will be off by an hour. That’s not what’s causing your problem. I just wanted to be sure you understand how it works.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Localize Time] fail?Can you send me a link so I can check it out?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Twitter Stream] Please add action when Tweets are updatedIt would also be nice if you would allow filtering the tweets, either before or after parsing them (or both).
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ALO EasyMail Newsletter] Newsletter menu disappeared in Admin after upgradeOh, this thread reports the problem and identifies the solution: just deactivate and reactivate the plugin. Phew! Glad it was so easy!
See also this article, which was referenced in the above-mentioned thread.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [ALO EasyMail Newsletter] Newsletter menu disappeared in Admin after upgradeI have the same problem. I suspect it has to do with user roles not being recognized properly, but I haven’t gotten into the code yet to confirm. Would definitely appreciate a fix for this ASAP!
Hi, polenisland!
I tried your shortcode on my system without the ‘,a| ,a| ‘ at the end. I don’t have your data, but my column headings look fine. And your source code looks just like mine. I stepped through the code in the debugger and saw no problems.
Here’s the shortcode I used:
[sorttablepost id="tablasolares" type="press" meta="sol-referencia|Ref.,sol-tecnologia|Tecnología,sol-cliente|Cliente,sol-localizacion|Loc.Geográf.,sol-potencia|Pot.Pta(mW),sol-lazos|Núm.Lazos,sol-area-colectores|área Col.(m2),sol-tipo|Tipo Col.,sol-area-planta|área Pta.(m2),sol-temperatura|Temp.Vap.(oC),sol-presion|Pres.Vap.(bar),sol-almacenamiento|Alm.Térm.,sol-tipo-almacenamiento|Tipo Alm.,sol-horas|Horas Alm.,sol-fecha|Fecha Contrat." nothumb="true" nodate="true" nocats="true" notags="true"]
And here’s the HTML that was generated (formatted for easier reading):
<table class="sortable" id="tablasolares"> <tr> <th>Title</th> <th>Ref.</th> <th>Tecnología</th> <th>Cliente</th> <th>Loc.Geográf.</th> <th>Pot.Pta(mW)</th> <th>Núm.Lazos</th> <th>área Col.(m2)</th> <th>Tipo Col.</th> <th>área Pta.(m2)</th> <th>Temp.Vap.(oC)</th> <th>Pres.Vap.(bar)</th> <th>Alm.Térm.</th> <th>Tipo Alm.</th> <th>Horas Alm.</th> <th>Fecha Contrat.</th> </tr> </table>
I’m sorry, but I don’t see the problem. The only thing I can think is maybe some un-printable character got in the meta list that prevented the explode() from recognizing the final | and it retained the previous value of $title. You might try deleting the last few columns (maybe from Tipo Alm. to the end) and retyping them.
Wish I could be more help, but I’m afraid I can’t reproduce your problem.