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  • Hi @gadgilaniket ,

    Hope you are doing well. I am here to assist you with solving this issue. I got a clarity on the glitch by looking to the image you shared. It makes helping you easier for me. I too faced same thing in the past. Let’s try a simple fix.

    Most of the time this issue is happening due to over with numbers of columns. The columns are adjusting it’s width themself to accommodate the other columns. Title, Author, Categories, Tags, Comments, Date are the default columns injected by WordPress. All other columns are injected by other plugins. In your case, AISEO injected some of the columns.

    You can see ‘Screen Options’ dropdown on the top of your page. Just click on it. You can uncheck all unwanted Columns from there. Remember, you can uncheck default columns like tags, categories too in case you feel it unwanted. Limit number of columns to 5 or 6 for better experience. Have a look to the screenshot of ‘Screen Options’ which is added below to make the process easier for you.


    Don’t hesitate to ask further question if this didn’t helps.

    Kind Regards,

    WordPress only have two types of editor. i.e., Gutenberg and Classic Editor. Some years ago Gutenberg replaced Classic editor. Classic Editor is still accessible by installing it’s plugin. The plugin works fine for most of the users. You can install Advanced Editor Tools plugin if want to enhance the features of Classic Editor. The plugin is awesome to do things like bold, italic things you mentioned above.

    You can tackle the issue by adding some additional CSS. You don’t have to CSS to do this. I will guide you and let’s do it.

    • Open your WordPress dashboard
    • Go to Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS
    • Copy and Paste the CSS Code given below on the next page
    • Hit ‘Publish’ button

    @media only screen and (max-width: 768px){

    Remember to clear cache after adding the CSS. It’s recommended to mark this thread as ‘Resolved’ if this code solves your problem.

    It’s better to raise your concern below your topic. Describe your concern there on detail. Any of the moderator will look to your issue.

    There are hundreds of plugins for WordPress speed optimizations. WP Optimize, Lightspeed Cache (Recommended for Lightspeed server), Jetpack Boost, Nitropack are some of leading plugins. WP Rocket is a premium option in the line-up.

    Some of these plugins have image optimization options too. Make sure that you are optimizing images also. Smush is good choice if you want to do image optimization.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Stop Auto Upgrade

    First of all, you must aware about cons of disabling automatic WordPress updates. Disabling WordPress updates will leave your site vulnerable because every update includes several security improvements.

    Some of the ways are following if still you want disable WordPress updates.

    I will tell you the easy way if you still want disabling WordPress updates. Install ‘Easy Updates Manager’ plugin. You can simply disable updates through a single click by accessing the settings of this plugin.

    There are some other ways too by editing WordPress configuration files. But it’s not recommended if you are not a technical person.

    Let me know if this works.

    Unfortunately, no. You can edit the topic until a specific time. I think ‘Edit’ option will disappear after one hour. Deleting the topic is also not possible.

    WordPress will consider deleting your topic or post if there is any serious security, legal or safety concerns.

    Reference: &

    You want back the ownership of, which lost from you earlier. You meant this?. am I right.

    If so, this issue is nothing to do with WordPress. The recommendations to resolve the issue is following.

    1. Contact domain registrar and point out the issue you are facing. If anyway, definitely they can only help you.
    2. Try to connect with owner if domain is registered by any others. Try your level best to regain domain from them.

    Thank you.

    Slow loading of websites may happen due to multiple reasons. The point regarding plugin you figured out is one of the reason. Apart from that, bad hosting, heavy size themes, misconfiguration will also results in slow loading of websites.

    I analysed your website as possible. Some of the recommendations according to that is given below,

    1. There is lot of unoptimized codes in your home page. Install one of the speed optimization plugin to optimize every codes. WP Optimize is one of the great plugin to start with.
    2. Implement proper cache settings via any of caching plugin will give significant speed boost. WP Optimize have this feature too.
    3. Configure any CDN like Cloudflare for faster delivery of assets across the globe.

    After each steps, it’s better to evaluate speed of your site through some of the user experience tools like Google Pagespeed Insights. There you will get speed optimization recommendations too.

    Hope this works.

    Thank You

    Hi @saadali4445

    Don’t be sad. I really know that how frustrating this kind of issue are.

    I think most of issues you are facing are purely related to the hosting service you are using. There may be any issue in your server configuration. So, let’s connect with the hosting support to figure out and resolve the issue.

    Also, it’s recommended to try reinstalling WordPress before reaching out to hosting support to confirm that nothing goes wrong in installation procedure. Actually I can assist you with backend side technical support to resolve this issue. But it’s not fair if you don’t have any idea about the server-side and backend of WordPress. So, i recommended you to reach out hosting support.

    One more advice too, always use reputed hosting providers to host your websites. Through that you can assure top notch support and uninterrupted services without these kind of errors.

    Thank You

    Muhammed Jazeel


    Hi @kaitlinkma,

    Hope you are doing well today.

    Do you tried clearing cache?. I think this simple thing will resolve your issue.

    Let me know in replies if you want further assistance in the issue.

    Thank You

    Muhammed Jazeel


    Hi @mrbdo,

    Hope you are doing well today.

    Don’t worry. This issue is easy to fix in majority of cases. It’s fair to initiate a backup before trying-out points given below. Here are the few things you can do:

    1. Consider clearing site cache and Cloudflare cache
    2. Which speed optimization or cache plugin are you using?. Some of the combinations on these kind of plugins may lead to blocking scripts for a certain time. Try changing the options carefully and look what happens.
    3. Try deactivating plugins one by one and reload the site after each deactivation to find which plugin causing the glitch (Remember to clear cache).

    Hope, anyone of the above will solve your issue.

    Thank You

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