Forum Replies Created
I solved this on my own by removing the action that queues the stylesheets/scripts. If it helps anyone else:
add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', 'mysite_admin_dequeue_widget_options'); function mysite_admin_dequeue_widget_options($hook){ if(function_exists('widgetopts_load_admin_scripts')){ // Check for ACF options pages if(function_exists('acf_get_options_pages')){ $acf_options_pages = acf_get_options_pages(); $hook = str_replace('toplevel_page_', '', $hook); if(array_key_exists($hook, $acf_options_pages)){ remove_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', 'widgetopts_load_admin_scripts', 100); } } } }
I was experiencing the same thing and I believe I have found the culprit.
The notice is pretty clear whats happening (though it does a poor job saying where it happened) and so I searched the plugin code for instances of
. I then looked at what values were being passed as the key.Low and behold, in
on line 118, inside of a function namedget_color()
are utilized with theterm_id
as the key if color is not set. This was the problem for me as some of my events had no category and thus noterm_id
I added an additional check forget_color()
:if( empty($this->color) && !empty($this->term_id))
This cleared up the notices for me, though I bet that just ensuring all events had a category would also do the trick. I hope this helps!
- This reply was modified 2 years ago by jayharland.
I’ve noticed it is possible to override the icons by recreating them in your theme’s style.css file.
They’re created using CSS variables like:
.em {
--icon-name: '';
}A example would be icon-calendar-empty:
.em {
--icon-calendar-empty: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='https://www.w3.org/2000/svg' xml:space='preserve' viewBox='0 0 512 512' fill='red'%3E%3Cg stroke='null'%3E%3Cpath d='M472 47.37289h-8V30.42374c0-14.01907-10.766-25.42373-24-25.42373s-24 11.40466-24 25.42373v16.94915H96V30.42374C96 16.40467 85.234 5.00001 72 5.00001S48 16.40467 48 30.42374v16.94915h-8c-22.056 0-40 19.00847-40 42.37288v372.88136c0 23.36441 17.944 42.37288 40 42.37288h432c22.056 0 40-19.00847 40-42.37288V89.74577c0-23.36441-17.944-42.37288-40-42.37288zm-40-16.94915c0-4.67267 3.589-8.47458 8-8.47458s8 3.80191 8 8.47458v25.4036c0 .00742-.001.01377-.001.02013s.001.01377.001.02013v25.4036c0 4.67267-3.589 8.47458-8 8.47458s-8-3.80191-8-8.47458V30.42374zM72 21.94916c4.411 0 8 3.80191 8 8.47458V81.2712c0 4.67267-3.589 8.47458-8 8.47458s-8-3.80191-8-8.47458V30.42374c0-4.67267 3.589-8.47458 8-8.47458zm400 466.10169H40c-13.234 0-24-11.40466-24-25.42373v-322.0339h384c4.418 0 8-3.79449 8-8.47458s-3.582-8.47458-8-8.47458H16V89.74575c0-14.01907 10.766-25.42373 24-25.42373h8v16.94915c0 14.01907 10.766 25.42373 24 25.42373s24-11.40466 24-25.42373V64.32202h320v16.94915c0 14.01907 10.766 25.42373 24 25.42373s24-11.40466 24-25.42373V64.32202h8c13.234 0 24 11.40466 24 25.42373v33.89831h-16c-4.418 0-8 3.79449-8 8.47458s3.582 8.47458 8 8.47458h16v322.0339c0 14.01907-10.766 25.42373-24 25.42373z'/%3E%3Cpath d='M448 123.64407h-16c-4.418 0-8 3.79449-8 8.47458s3.582 8.47458 8 8.47458h16c4.418 0 8-3.79449 8-8.47458s-3.582-8.47458-8-8.47458z'/%3E%3C/g%3E%3C/svg%3E");
}Above I copied/pasted the SVG information from the plugin CSS into my own style.css and changed fill to “red”.
This is not perfect if you wanted to recolor everything but it’s a start.
Marking as resolved.
Yes, once I disabled the blacklist and added the info to the .htaccess file manually, it was no longer being overwritten. Thank you.
To follow up, iThemes overwrote my modification of course, which I didn’t consider. What I ended up doing was copying HackRepair.com’s blacklist, disabling it in iThemes and manually adding it to my .htaccess with the modification.
Thank you for the help!
To follow up, if I change my backup settings to “Store Locally and Email”, I receive the emails normally.
The problem is I do not want to receive emails with the backup attached since I backup the entire server weekly, as well as the individual websites every other day. I don’t need them in my email as well.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Enhanced Media Library] 5.3 CrashesCrazy? I wonder if anyone else has noticed.
I’ve opted to no longer use this plugin and instead manually integrate Events Manager into the most recent version of FullCalendar.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Field Suite] Export CFS Data from PostI would also like to know how to do this as I spent a ton of time entering data into a custom field loop and need to move it into a different page.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [W3 Total Cache] Server Technology is VisibleWell look at you Mrs. I’m super smart! lol
Thanks, that did the trick.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [W3 Total Cache] Server Technology is VisibleHello,
Unfortunately this has not resolved the problem for me. I’m still being told that my server technology is visible.
Thank you for your response though, any other suggestions?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Field Suite] Select Field doesn't retain selectionSo far the problem has not reappeared after I removed the colon from the values.
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Custom Field Suite] Select Field doesn't retain selectionSo, I believe the issue is related to the value passed for each select option.
Here’s why:
- The issue is only happening with specific select fields
- The values of these fields contain a colon
The select fields give the user a list of times to choose from, i.e. “12:00 AM” or “3:00 PM”. Without specifying a value, the label becomes the value. So it looks like “12:00 AM : 12:00 AM” in field editor.
I speculate that, while normally the value can be whatever, perhaps the way CFS parses or stores the values is creating the issue; especially since the “value : label” format is separated by a colon.
What I’ve done is changed all of the values to be military time (1200, 1500, etc) while keeping the labels at civilian time.
I’ll post again if this fixes things.