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  • Thread Starter Jasonian


    Strange, after I look at the newly cloned site again, it IS cloned. Can you explain why this happens?




    I’m not support, but I’m curious to see what your settings are. What kind of error does it show on the front end? Any console errors, or error messages output by the plugin on the page?

    You would put it in your theme’s functions.php file, or you would use it as a plugin.

    If you are not using a child theme, I recommend it. It makes changes like this possible without fear of them being erased upon updating your theme.

    Thread Starter Jasonian


    It works, sort of. I am always adding and removing sites with turnover. I used a much higher number than I need right now, just so I don’t have to think about it in the future.

    I’ve also noticed that if the tagline is missing, it’ll push the <li> sort of under the previous li, so it looks like a nested list, but semantically it isn’t. (I fixed this with a little inline js(jQuery)).

    It also shows three non-existent sites if the number=”” is greater than the number of sites.

    Have you considered using the count() method to return the number of sites to use? Would it be possible to listen for the registering or deregistering of new or existing sites to update the number so it isn’t fired every time the shortcode is served?

    Just spitballing here. I don’t use PHP enough to be able to write it. I know enough JS to fix the output, but not enough to prevent the server errors, which were something I was hoping to solve with your plugin (which, btw, is an improvement already, so thank you!)

    WordPress database error 
    Table 'wp_bmadmin.wp_258_options' doesn't exist 
    for query SELECT option_value FROM wp_258_options 
    WHERE option_name = 'wp_258_user_roles' LIMIT 1 
    /* From [] in [/nas/content/live/bmadmin/wp-content/plugins/multisite-site-index/multisite-site-index.php:170] */ 
    made by require('wp-blog-header.php'), 
    require_once('wp-includes/template-loader.php'), include('/themes/make/template-builder.php'), 
    • This reply was modified 7 years, 11 months ago by Jasonian.
    Thread Starter Jasonian


    Any update on this? The old plugin throws errors, but still works on the front end. I’d love to use yours in its stead, but I can’t live with a 100 site limit.

    Thanks again!

    Thread Starter Jasonian


    I think adding the option would be the safest route, honestly. In all likelihood, those with more than 100 sites have a higher probability of understanding the extra load on their server.

    Thread Starter Jasonian


    Well, I now get 500 server errors. A new site is created with the correct subdomain url, but nothing is cloned.

    Thread Starter Jasonian


    Scratch that, it breaks the plugin. ??

    Still, though, this needs to be php7 compliant!

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [a3 Lazy Load] PHP7 support

    In case you’d like to roll your own solution,

    open up the effected file. In this case, /wp-content/plugins/a3-lazy-load/admin/admin-interface.php

    Replace the code on line 396 from global $$option_name; with global ${$option_name};.

    Then go to line 435, and replace global $$id_attribute; with global ${$id_attribute};

    For an explanation, see php7 reverse compatibility documentation

    Forum: Plugins
    In reply to: [a3 Lazy Load] PHP7 support

    It has also not been updated (since 4.5.4, latest WP Core release is 4.7). Is this plugin still being supported?

    Thread Starter Jasonian


    That ought to be the norm right about.. two years ago. Agreed? I wish I had the time to focus on developing this kind of thing.

    Nevermind. I found out that for some reason mine was on a server running 5.3. (should have been 5.5.. update pending. Please disregard my previous comment).

    Running PHP version 5.5. I still get the error. Is there another way to write protected $items = []; that won’t register as a parse error?

    hosting a multisite install on wpengine.

    So, just so you understand how this works.

    wp_enqueue_scripts() loads scripts. You don’t need that part, which strips you down to

    add_action('theme_enqueue_styles' );
    function theme_enqueue_styles() {
    wp_enqueue_style( 'parent-style', get_template_directory_uri() . '/style.css' );

    add_action() is adding an action to your theme. The name of the action, in this case, is theme_enqueue_styles. This is a function, as we see next.

    function theme_enqueue_styles() { }
    is a creation and naming of a function, which in this case is named theme-enqueue_styles. Now you see what the action is that you are adding in the first line of code.

    The function is doing something, which is what goes between the curly braces.

    wp_enqueue_style( 'parent-style', get_template_directory_uri() . '/style.css' );

    The first thing done is to call the wp_enqueue_style() method, which is used to load the style linked and named in the parameters.

    ( 'parent-style', get_template_directory_uri() . '/style.css' );
    this is where you declare the parameters for the method. The Codex lists these parameters for us here:

    These are separated by commas, as noticed in the codex (and most programming languages, to my knowledge). In this case, you have named two parameters.
    The “handle”, in this case, “parent-style”. And the Source, or location of the style sheet you are trying to enqueue. Which you have here:
    get_template_directory_uri() . '/style.css'
    the first part of that is getting the theme directory url. the second part of that is completing the string, appending the url with /style.css to complete the source url to the file.

    This means that you are trying to call a style sheet named style.css from within the active theme.

    You don’t have to use the php function to call the url. You can enter it directly. For instance, if your stylesheet is in a theme folder called “Romangie”, (or whatever your parent theme is), you could write it like this:

    add_action('theme_enqueue_styles' );
    function theme_enqueue_styles() {
    wp_enqueue_style( 'parent-style', '' );

    Obviously, change the URL to the appropriate URL. It should work.

    You know, a link to the site would go a long way in getting the specific answer much faster.

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