Yes, this takes a little modification to the plugin code. Go to your plugins editor on your WordPress admin dashboard and pull up the files for the plugin. Select <b>wordpress-plugin-random-post-slider/wordpress-plugin-random-post-slider.php</b> to edit. It should already be defaulted to that. Next look up this bit of code…
# gopiplus shortcode
function gopiplus_shortcode( $atts )
global $wpdb;
$sSqlMin = "";
$gopiplushome = "";
$post_tag = "";
Next, add this bit after the //[wp-post-slider] part…
extract( shortcode_atts( array( 'id_list' => '' ), $atts ) );
Next, look down a bit and you will see this line of code…
$qp_category = get_option('gopiplus_query_posts_category');
Replace it with this…
$qp_category = (isset($id_list) && $id_list != '') ? $id_list : get_option('gopiplus_query_posts_category');
You’re done!
Now you cant enter [wp-post-slider id_list=”3″] or [wp-post-slider id_list=”1,2,3″] like you would in the regular settings.