15 years, 1 month ago
Thank you for your help!
I’ve used ‘Global Translator’. Do you think that is a good plugin or is there a better one! The language of my site is Dutch!
How do I do that?
I’m the guy from
Those links are categories of the posts. I’ve used this code:
<a href="<?php echo get_option('home'); ?>">Home</a></li> <?php wp_list_categories('sort_column=name&title_li=&depth=2'); ?>
But I see you use the theme Pixel. Than you can just make a new post-categorie on this page
And…. How do I do that?
Thanks for your great great tips!!! I’m going to work on it!
Thanks for saying that in such a nice way!! But the tips are good! Thank you for that.
Ok, thanks!!
Oh, i’ve never seen or heared that before! What browser are you using?
I’m going to check why it’s black, it should be very light blue
15 years, 2 months ago
Thank you very much for your great tips!!! I already changed the dates. Now I only have to think about how I am going to change the black areas!
15 years, 3 months ago
Good to hear that!!
Thanks man!!
Maybe in a while I can write them in English also!! I also don’t get that much visitors when i’m writing dutch, so maybe i can get more visitors when I write them in English!!
Thanks for your tips! I changed it!!
15 years, 5 months ago
Oh, I found out you can replace this: < ?php the_content(); ?>
< ?php the_content(); ?>
With this: < ?php the_excerpt(); ?>
< ?php the_excerpt(); ?>