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Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Child categories display only??this is why I say never give up! Solved the problem myself!!!!
This is what I did if anyone wants to know for future reference…
<div class="center-cat"><!--display child cats--> <ul> <?php if (is_category('3')) { wp_list_categories('orderby=id&show_count=1&title_li=&use_desc_for_title=0&child_of=3'); } ?> </ul> </div>
Okey, the ‘3’ is my category number… the ‘if is category’ is there so that the childs of cat 3 will only display on the ‘3’ category and not on any of the other categories…
the rest of the parameters is difined in the codex… look there..
paste the code in the php template file that the categories are displaying on (eg, category.php or archive.php) and make sure you paste it outside the loop… else your category would need a post to display the code you pasted…
hope this helps someone….
Thanks for helping forum….
Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Child categories display only??Okey, somehow I missed this in the codex!
Only Show Children of a Category
The following example code generates category links, sorted by ID, only for the children of the category with ID 8; it shows the number of posts per category and hides category descriptions from the title attribute of the generated links. Note: If there are no posts in a parent Category, the parent Category will not display.
<ul> <?php wp_list_categories('orderby=id&show_count=1 &use_desc_for_title=0&child_of=8'); ?> </ul>
The only problem is that if there is no posts in a category it will not display the children of that category as stated in the above codex paragraph…
Some of my categories are there only for navigation and has no need to contain posts, just its children which in return has posts.
The reason I want the empty parent category to display its children is so that a user doesnt end up clicking on that parent and finds no content. So by displaying its children I provide a kind of index to that parent!
Please help someone!!
I don’t like talking to myself here…. LOL!!Forum: Fixing WordPress
In reply to: Child categories display only??Sorry to bump this guys…. But I really need help with this!! Its a matter of life and death!!
Any help much appreciated!!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Custom page layout change??Oh, sorry, put it right at the top with no spaces before the php start tag.
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Custom page layout change??put this in your forum.php file
<?php /* Template Name: Forum */ ?>
Now go to your admin, and change the template file for that page to Forum.
You can change Forum to whatever you like.Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Custom page layout change??@drewshen Well done! Proud of you!! lol!! I suggest the first one, as its easier to do for you and potential clients if they ever needed to have such a page! All you got to do know is change some css…
In your new page template there should be a main div thats something like
<div id="sideleft"></div>
thats if you just copied the original page template and just removed the get command for the sidebar! change that id to anything you want, eg pagecenter. Then go into your css, you should find the sideleft id’s there. All you do know is you copy that and all classes that relate to that id and change the id’s to pagecenter. That way you keep the css for that page template.Now just change the width of that pagecenter id(or what I would presume would be a margin seeing that your using the default theme) to the total width of the sideleft plus the sidebar width. that should sove your blank space problem…
@benamram I like what you’ve done, just some advice… Maybe increase the spacing between your paragraphs in your css, its a lil hard to read…
Secondly, this is kind of a solution to your problem but also not really the exact one your looking for (which I’m not really sure how to do), I feel its good practice to add a “read more” tag to your posts, that way it gives a small introduction to your post, and gives them a reason to click to read the whole post and then leave a comment.
By doing that you dont bombard your readers with all the information, they can quickly scan through the info and see what they like and want to read, and it keeps your blog clutter free… So in the end you have a happy reader base.
Please note I am not criticizing, only trying to help out…
Hope this helps!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Custom page layout change??P.S.
Do you know css?? else this might get a bit complicated…
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Custom page layout change??unfortunately I have to get going… but will check out the default theme tomorrow and what would need to be changed there.. wana leave ur email and then I can email you or just post it here?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Custom page layout change??jup! makes sense! Well, to get rid of the sidebar on certain pages I used a different method and not a plug-in. For that plug-in, I havn’t tested it out, but it looks fool proof and lots of good comments. and it looks like it should do what I want with layout.
I can help with the sidebar, but still have to play with the plug-in and see if it works perfectly.
I can only help if you using version 2.7. Don’t really know the previous versions so well…
And what theme are you using? I prefer not to use the default theme…
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Custom page layout change??sweet!! I fixed my own problem!! lol!! Don’t you just love when that happens!! If any one wants to know how to do this, just reply to this cause I’m to lazy to write it all out knowing that this might not help someone!! lol!!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Custom page layout change??okey, I found a solution to my own problem! lol!! I found a plug in that does what I’m looking for, so here it is for incase someone has a similar question!
But this presents another question that still kind of relates to the topic. Is there a way to completely remove the sidebar from certain custom pages??
Please help!!!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: setting the page width of default themesweet! Like what you did with the default theme!! Well all the best!! And like you, am proudly South African!! Just in Jo’burg! lol!
Much pleasures! lol!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: setting the page width of default themeYour url is showing 404… I’d like to see it… Work beter that way! And I see you a South African boytjie! haha, so am I!! lol!
I only noticed now that in your first post you mentioned you using the default theme! If I’m not wrong (please correct if I am) the default theme doesn’t use exact width’s or height’s but instead it uses margins! So even inserting a different width would be pointless as the margins would just overide it!!
I don’t like designing from the default theme, as I feel there is faaaar to much css that can confuse you! lol!
I find it much easier browsing for a free theme that has the kind of layout that I’m looking for, and then altering it from there! Just before you decide on a theme, go through the css and html and make sure every thing is labeled properly so that you don’t waste time. Usually it is, but just check 4 incase! This is a huge time saver for me!
Hope all goes well!!
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Getting pagelinks in sidebar in orderum… u gettin into more complex stuff here.. not really an easy way to explain, cause would involve messing with some coding, that is if you are wanting the home page, which is still in essance your posts page. If you just want a static home page displayed, that would be easy, but bcause the post page(home) is dynamic its different..
Your Home page link is still displayed in the top nav isn’t it?
Forum: Themes and Templates
In reply to: Getting pagelinks in sidebar in orderWhen editing a page, give it a number in the page order section to the right of your admin screen. 1 is higher, 2 lower, 3, 4, etc.
Hope this helps!