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  • Your blog appears to have been hacked once again. Upon opening your page I am greeted with a blank screen.

    However, checking out the source code you can see the following code…

    <iframe src="" width=183 height=170 style="visibility: hidden"></iframe>

    I have a feeling that this is what is preventing your blog from showing. Either the hackers have accessed your WordPress login information and changed things that way or they gained access into your FTP or hosting account and are making the changes through there.

    I would suggest that you change all of your passwords for your WordPress blog, FTP account(s) as well as hosting account and see what happens then. You can also contact your web hosting provider or check your web stats and see if you can zero in on where the attack is coming from and proceed from there.

    Hi larkinsoft, this is fortunately quite easy to do. All that is required is for you to find the code that is displaying your list of pages and then add in an exclude term and set the IDs of the pages that you don’t want to be displayed.

    Typically you should look for the wp_list_pages() code somewhere inside of header.php. To exclude a particular page, you have to add in the following piece of code…


    The numbers separated by commas are IDs of the pages that you don’t want to show up in your list but will still be accessible by visiting the direct link and won’t require any special password.

    You can find the ID of the page by visiting the list of pages in your Dashboard, hovering over the titles and recording the number at the end of the URL that shows up in the status bar. So if you look at the above code that I posted, the pages with IDs of 2, 5 and 19 wouldn’t show up in the list menu but would still be completely accessible to everybody else.

    For more info be sure to check out where it goes a bit more into detail in case you didn’t understand what I said here.

    That part will only show blogs that Google knows about that it could find links to pointing to your site.

    It will not list every site that links to you in that area. If you click on the Configure link after hovering over the title of the section you can see that it is just an RSS feed from Google Blog Search set to find the domain name of your website.

    Log into your account and visit your Global Dashboard.

    From there, click on the Your Profile link under the Profile section on the left hand side and the API key will be located at the top of the page.

    Ok, downloaded the theme and I found your problem. The code isn’t located in the header.php file that displays the navigation. The code that does display the navigation is located inside of the functions.php file which is located in the same place as the header.php file as well as index.php and other theme files.

    Open up the functions.php file and you will see…

    <li class="<?php if (((is_home()) && !(is_paged())) or (is_archive()) or (is_single()) or (is_paged()) or (is_search())) { ?>current_page_item<?php } else { ?>page_item<?php } ?>"><a href="<?php echo get_settings('home'); ?>">Home</a></li>

    This is what is displaying the Home link. Just remove that entire line of code and it will remove the Home link from the site.

    Hmm, not quite the right code.

    You should see something like…


    Or similar to that that displays the list of pages on your site.

    It may also be….


    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: API Ley

    You have to sign up for an account on After signing up, visit your Global Dashboard and click on Your Profile under the Profile section. Your API key will be located at the top of the page.

    What does the code look like that is displaying the navigation tabs?

    Normally when you change the title of the page and publish it again it will change the permalink for the post.

    If that didn’t work, you can click the Edit button located directly underneath the area where you enter the title for the post/page and manually update the url there.



    Go into your style.css file and change the padding-top and padding-left values in the following code block…

    .header-title {
    font-family: “Times New Roman”, Times, serif;
    padding-top: 100px; Set to padding-top: 20px;
    padding-left:115px; Set to padding-left: 50px;

    Or similar values ??



    The Google Custom Search engine widget is causing the issue with some CSS.

    If you can access the stylesheet for it which is called branding.css, you need to remove the bolded code below…

    .cse-branding-right:after {
    content: “.”; <— That line
    display: block;
    height: 0;
    clear: both;
    visibility: hidden

    Or change display: block; to display: none;



    Go into your WordPress Admin Dashboard, and click the Reading link under the Settings section if you are using 2.7. From there, you can change how many posts are displayed on a single page on your blog.

    If you change that and it still doesn’t fix the problem, set the Blog pages show at most number to 5 posts for testing purposes. And then inside of your index.php file you are gonna want to put the code…

    <?php posts_nav_link(); ?>

    This will create a navigation link to another page listing the rest of your posts and so on.



    Using categories are going to be your easiest option as they are able to provide everything that you want to do.



    Things don’t normally tend to happen for no reason.

    Did you recently upgrade? Install a new plugin? Messing around with the code?

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Image Resize


    When you go to upload the picture into your post, make sure that under the Link URL input box that you click File URL and make sure that it inserts the URL to the image.

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