There is no reason given for the error. Just a message to try later. On my site, the following warnings have appeared:
Warning: file() [function.file]: https:// wrapper is disabled in the server configuration by allow_url_fopen=0 in /home/content/79/11436879/html/wp-content/plugins/ap-extended-mime-types/ap-extended-mime-types.php on line 40
Warning: file( [function.file]: failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in /home/content/79/11436879/html/wp-content/plugins/ap-extended-mime-types/ap-extended-mime-types.php on line 40
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/content/79/11436879/html/wp-content/plugins/ap-extended-mime-types/ap-extended-mime-types.php on line 42
I have no idea what they mean. HELP!!