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Also, THANK YOU @axel13 for liking my FB page! I appreciate it.
Hey guys, thank you so much for the tips and feedback. I’m going to fix the link and poke around with the Add-on, but…?
*** update: followed this advice. Deleted the Alias pointing to the public_html root with subdomain p-school. Did and Add-on with the same information. Went to my dashboard in Network Admin and p-school was already mapped to projectica.org. If I Edit site, it still says “p-school…” But I’m not touching it, because I opened a new browser and tested and everything, including the links that were problematic below, worked! ***
Yesterday the tech support guy did manage to get projectica.org to point to where I wanted it to. But all links point to the subdomain p-school.… Of course this is NOT what I want. I want every link, every URL to be projectica.org/… He said that for me to have all links be based on the domain, I’d need to open up the SQL database and change all links from p-school… to projectica.org
In fact, if you click the links within my main content, they just take you to the Admin page on bigcity… that I mention in a previous post ^^ which makes no sense at all.
Ideally even if there were a problem, they would not connect back to Big City…?Ideally (I will get there one day?) if there’s a problem they’d lead to an error page on projectica.org (using our own header graphic)
This is aggravating me and I don’t see why it’s so difficult! Something must be wrong.
***SECOND RULE: WPMU SUBDOMAIN IMPLEMENTATIONS CONTAIN ALL SUBDOMAIN INFORMATION AT THE ROOT public_html DIRECTORY – YMMV if you do a WPMU subdirectory implementation for your subdomains.***I have submitted projectica.org to the google search console but I will not submit the XML sitemap or do anything further until this is all fixed
*** NOW THAT THE LINKS ARE WORKING I WILL DO THIS****Stop before you reply and read this update**
The site is suddenly back up. Again, my host tech support is looking at things and he “changed the document root and the website became live, I have also asked to clear the browser cache before checking it.” I asked him to clarify what he means by this so I can understand it.
WHAT WAS THE CULPRIT: I had redirected the subdomain to a folder of the subdomain, rather than leaving it at the root, public_html
- This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by janerette.
OH for CRYING OUT LOUD it has now wrecked the perfectly adequate, accurate pointing of a different subdomain! FML
I think the reason why they didn’t do the subdirectory install of the subdomain site was to avoid confusion between subdirectory sites (e.g. bigcity….ca/p-school) and subdomain sites (p-school.bigcity….ca)
I can’t help but wish how to do this were clearer… I’ve tried using an alias at the host, and it isn’t resolving properly for me to see if it’s satisfactory. Though I backed off all changes and p-school now loads like it should, the alias projectica.org now ends up on this page here:
I’ll keep working on this obviously but right now it makes me want to cry.
- This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by janerette.
Updated to mention: I did not use the plugin yet, as I didn’t see this had two replies I followed the native WP 4.5 domain mapping config field. It has now been 3 hours since I changed the domain in the Network Admin from p-school.bigcity… to projectica.org – and it’s still looking in the directory. What’s even worse is that p-school now redirects to that same empty directory. Really, the domain should be pointing to what exists at p-school.
It looks like I will just have to restart from scratch. Frekin’ dark magic happenin’s.
Thanks for your help!
But do you know why WP MU would do this (not use a subdirectory – as at the hosted provider, they do/must create a subdirectory for addon domains, which makes sense)? I have a hosted server that I use, I must addon the domain there to setup the cname and A records (which actually set themselves up; the IP addresses are correct).
The Codex still is baffling – it’s not explicit to “check this at your host.”
When I go to the Sites in MU, which is based off my baseline domain bigcitylittlehomestead.ca, Domain Mapping is about the root domain – I’m loathe to make any changes there, it appears that I have a dedicated IP address anyway. The mucking around that I have been doing has been slowing my site down BIG TIME… If I click Domains, it has the fields “Site ID, Domain, Primary” which doesn’t mean anything to me… I had created a new Site ID for projectica, but I got rid of it.
On a positive note, I have followed this point: “In the network admin dashboard, click on Sites to show the listing of all the subsites, and then click on edit for the subsite you want to map to. In our example, this is subsite1.mynetwork.com.
In the Site Address (URL) field, enter the full URL to the domain name you’re mapping – https://mappeddomain.com – and click save.”
Now I’m waiting to let things propagate and hope that it works. I’m still expecting to have a problem here as of 15 minutes later, my ISP is still directing https://projectica.org to the subdirectory that they created for it. (This is the donut – back to the top of this reply!)
As seen in cPanel:
Addon Domains Document Root Subdomain Redirects to Actions
projectica.?org /projectica p-school not redirected (Remove | Manage Redirection)- This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by janerette.
I’m having a tough time for two reasons:
1) I cannot find an index or glossary on the Codex showing what all the options are for page elements, classes, and things you can style with the CSS. I have been using a CSS dictionary from https://www.htmldog.com/references/css/properties/ where I learned some of the things I want to do, but not how to do them to the right elements/classes/ whatever in WordPress (not finding what I need in the Codex!). Without an index, glossary, or a place that defines things, I have to waste time using other people’s samples, dropping them into the CSS editor, and tweaking them to see what kind of effect they had. I’m not getting closer to my solution, and since I can’t retain the information of what I’ve seen and done in my head for future reference, it is not a good use of my time (yes, I am patient/impatient within reason). Especially since I can’t see the CSS sheet in my WordPress directory, which means the CSS is probably in the Php files and I’m not going there… I just want to use the CSS editor!
2) Here’s what I’m trying to do. I used a plugin to take away the big front page for Twenty Seventeen and make it a narrow banner (it also allowed me to use Google Fonts, yay!). What I wanted was a banner just a bit bigger than what it is now. I also wanted to use that background image that the subsequent sections/pages would scroll over. Then I would set their background colour, which is white (light theme), to an opacity of 0.8 so that the background header image would show through. Like, I’ve managed to take the whole site to 0.8 opacity, which includes the header image – just a dimming down effect, but it did nothing to make the white background transparent to show the background image. However, my base assumption is that the header background image is static to the site, and the Pages scroll up over it like a Bootstrap theme. The dev site is https://p-school.bigcitylittlehomestead.ca/
I have to put this down for now. A few hours of work on it has frustrated me and I have other things to tend to in my business. Would love to come back to it with my assumption confirmed or denied, a better set of references, and maybe even a solution! Or, could there be an online course for WordPress site admins who are getting started with theme customization? I used to know HTML and CSS back in the day but I was never a full stack kind of person even then. Thanks.
- This reply was modified 7 years, 10 months ago by janerette.