Forum Replies Created
Hey, I got it!
I added the line “AddType x-mapp-php5 .php” to the .htaccess file and it worked.Thank you all for the help!
Someone gave me this clue too, but as I am not a programmer, I don’t know how to edit .htaccess. What/how exactly should I edit in the file?
Thank you for the help.
But I don’t have access to the error logs. I asked the hosting server about it and the have limits for it and said I can’t have access to it.
I’ve tried a lot of things to get rid of this error, none of them worked and my admin panel crashes. So I reset the plug-ins through FTP to have back the access to the admin panel, and get a message on the top of the page that says:
“Please update the database of NextGEN Gallery. Click here to proceed.”
I click to proceed and get the following message:
“Could not find NextGEN Gallery database tables, upgrade failed !
Upgrade finished…”
Any help?
I have the same problem. It is the third time I upgrade the plug-in and I still can’t make it work. When I try to activate it, I get the message “Error 500 – Internal server error”
I already asked WordPress and my Hosting Server about this, tried all the proposed ways to solve it, but still didn’t work.
Can you please help me?
I still didn’t find a solution for the problem. The host company says the same message above. Any other hint where can find a solutin or what should I try? Thanks
Yes, I have. The admin panel comes to normal, I can access the plugins page, but I still can’t activate the plugin.
The host provider says: no error logs are generated by them. They can’t be activated or observed. The error messages mean occupied space and there are limits for that. It says:
The following limits are technicaly defined for scripts that run on our webserver:
– Process can only take max. 10 seconds
– Processes can only take max. 32 megabyte space
– Max. 24 Processes can run at the same time.Does this help? Original text in German below. Thanks
es werden seitens 1&1 keine error Logs mitgeführt.
Diese sind auch nicht aktivierbar oder hinzubuchbar.Die Fehlermeldung deutet auf Speichermangel hin.
Hier k?nnen Sie die Limits einsehen:
https://hilfe-center.1und1.de/hosting/scripte_datenbanken/3.htmlFreundliche Grü?e
Axel Tombrink
Kundenservice 1&1 WebHostingText from the link:
Folgende Einschr?nkungen sind technisch für Skripte festgelegt, welche von Ihnen auf unseren Webservern ausgeführt werden:
* Prozesse dürfen max. 10 Sekunden Rechenzeit beanspruchen
* Prozesse dürfen max. 32 Megabyte Speicher belegen
* Es dürfen max. 24 Prozesse gleichzeitig laufenNow I can’t even connect to the plugins page. The same error messagem appears just when I click on “plugins”, so I can’t reset them.
I tried renaming the theme – didn’t work. I tried renaming .htaccess. didn’t work. I used a theme called “paperblock” and edited it (css and html) to redesing it.
Where and how do I get the “server error log”?
Thanks for the help.
So I thought, but it doesn’t happen with the other plugins. The whole WP crashes with this message when the plugin folder is there, and comes to normal when I delete it.
Anyway, I will try a solution from the server too.
I tried it, and when I click on “activate” the next page comes always with the message “Error 500 – Internal server error
Ein interner Fehler ist aufgetreten!
Bitte versuchen Sie es zu einem sp?teren Zeitpunkt.”I tryed it sometimes, but it doesn’t work.
Any idea how to fix this?
Forum: Plugins
In reply to: [Plugin: NextGEN Gallery] Upgrade loopI have the same loop problem right now. Once I am not a programmer, I don’t know how to manually create the tables. Any help with this please?