Interesting, thanks for the link, I read that post after I wrote the one here.
When you say
“simply because the email address coming from the OpenID provider is almost always self-asserted”
I’m guessing, for example, if I used my blog as a provider (which I’m testing with your plugin), I could easily set my email to whatever I like with out confirming it.
Interesting point, I never considered this. I’m adding OpenId to another application and I’m going to have to rethink that point. Thanks for the heads up.
Any chance of sharing a couple of ideas on how we can safely do this please?
I guess one way off the top of my head is if they do sign up as above, you could send them a confirmation email to the website account email address. After confirmation you could link the accounts. But I guess that comes with management issues too. eg, creating 2 accounts and merging later, or put the OpenId account on hold until the email address is confirmed?
Does OpenId have a solution for it?