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  • jamkddr


    Just a question, which short code are you using to display?

    [product-catalogue] or [insert-products]

    Also how is your catalogue set up?

    In the product catalogue, I have it set up as 1 category and used sub-categories for sorting major groups.

    I work for a video game company and have it set up as:

    Video Games

    • Coming Soon
    • New Releases
    • Classic Titles

    This allows me to control what is shown first while being able to keep them grouped. I have all of the title in the catalogue so that I can arrange them in any specific order that I would like as well.

    I hope that this helps.




    Here is what I did to make the editor and admin role to both have access to the plugin.

    /* Admin Page setup */
    function UPCP_Plugin_Menu() {
    	add_menu_page('Ultimate Product Catalogue Plugin', 'Atlus Catalogs', 'edit_others_posts', 'UPCP-options', 'UPCP_Output_Options',null , '50.5');
    add_action( 'admin_menu','UPCP_Plugin_Menu');
    // Modify capability
    function my_page_capability( $capability ) {
    	return 'edit_others_posts';
    add_filter( 'option_page_capability_my_page_slug','my_page_capability' );

    I used the add_action to hook into the admin area sidebar. Then created a function that added a filter to the hook. Finally adding the filter to the hook.

    I needed the same thing where a different role would have access to the plugin.

    It seems like there is quite a few errors with the site itself. I checked it in Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Chrome and it worked in all but Internet Explorer (not really a surprise) but in IE it shows only 2 errors:

    SCRIPT5: Access is denied.
    File: xanJX-VvKmY, Line: 1, Column: 1
    SCRIPT5: Access is denied.
    File: likebox.php, Line: 1, Column: 1

    I also noticed that it seems like you have a lot of plug-ins that are not being used or that they might be out of date. I would recommend to disable any that you are not using to see if this changes anything. You might have a conflict between plug-ins (usually not the case if the plug-in is well written).

    I would try to clean up some of the things that you don’t need first which is better for security on your site (Disable and uninstall) because the most popular way to hack a WordPress site is through the plug-ins.

    Also make sure that all the plug-ins are kept up to date and supported.

    Also try updating the WordPress to 4.1 as there is a few security updates.

    The plug-in seems to work perfectly fine for me in Chrome and Firefox. Other than that I would wait to see if the developers have some kind of answer.

    I think that the community could help if you posted a link to your website to see what is the problem.

    You may have to manually update where the image is looking for the image since it is using an absolute URL. It would be a pain to update them individually but it does save the URL in the database so I would think that this would be your only option.

    Glad that I could help. I am not a part of their team but I think that they would appreciate if you would mark the thread as resolved.

    To add to what Etoile said, did you clear your browser cache? And are you using anything like W3 Total Cache or WP Super Cache?

    The reason that I am asking is because if you are using any of those caching it creates a static page that in my experience can take a couple of days before you see the change. I have read in other forums that they needed to turn the plugin off and clear the cache before they saw any changes.

    Also clearing your browser cache might help if you didn’t already do that. I know that Chrome will keep a static version of your page sometimes because of lower page load times. Especially if you are frequently visiting the page.

    The link if possible would help to see if it is browser caching.

    I bet that you have a 120px gap from the bottom of the catalog and you can’t override the style since it is inline.

    This is what I did to solve that problem. Check in you js folder and find the upcp-jquery-functions.js. On line 272, you will see objHeight = objHeight + 120;. Change it to whatever height you want the .prod-cat-inner to. I would at least leave 10 extra pixels so I would replace the code to objHeight = objHeight + 10;

    I would think that this is the best solution to the problem since you can’t control it with css.


    Thread Starter jamkddr


    Email has been sent. Let me know what you find.


    Thread Starter jamkddr


    In the options tab I have the “Custom Product Pages” set to large screen only. I did have it check at one time to “Yes” and it does the same thing for either option.

    Did you try setting the shortcode to change the layout style?

    Let’s say for example that your catalog is id=1. Your shortcode would look like this:
    [product-catalogue id=’1′]

    You can add different parameters to make it display differently. Here is a list of the parameters:

    If I remember right the last two can have multiple attributes separated by a comma.

    You could then add to your shortcode
    [product-catalogue id=’1′ starting_layout=’detail’]

    This will make the catalog load with the detail listing.

    Thread Starter jamkddr


    Just to confirm as well. When you press the save layout button, does it give you a confirmation that it has saved the layout. If it suppose to then I am not getting any message saying that the layout was saved.

    I would think that it is saving because when I come back to the tab all the elements are still there just not sitting where they were placed. On the front end it will be positioned correctly but when I rearrange the elements to sit when I want them to stay on the back end that is when all of the elements disappear.

    Not too sure what is going on but it is doing some weird things.

    Are you using a theme or a child theme? If you are using a child theme you can modify you functions.php with action hooks to possibly modify how things appear. Not to sure without actually having the plugin but I am learning that actions and filters can do amazing things once you learn how to use them.

    Here is a link to introduce you to the API

    It may or may not work depending on how the templates and functions are set-up. It is worth looking into though because you might be able to use it in other parts of you site as well.

    Thread Starter jamkddr


    Yes, I believe that it has. I think that it has more to do with the theme than anything else. I think that it was me most likely rushing and not clearing my browser cache that might have caused the conflict between your plugin and how it was behaving on the site.

    I will mark the other one as resolved since I don’t believe it had anything to do with the plugin.

    Thread Starter jamkddr


    I think that I have figured part of it out but it is still weird since it didn’t work on other themes. The theme that I am using already uses an accordion shortcode which conflicts with the plugin.

    I don’t think that it had anything to do with your plugin because I know that it works well.

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