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  • Thread Starter jamkddr


    Thanks, Phil for your reply. For a contest they want me to have the age gate placed over the form entry. Our legal department didn’t want me to have a general checkbox or yes or no. I was just hoping that someone might have already done this by either turning it into a shortcode so you can place it where you want.

    Not too much of a problem for me to create an age gate, I was just hoping that this would make my life simpler.


    @wfmattr: It was the Wordfence plugin that helped me in catching the infected files so I trust the scans of the plugin. Now if there was a way to find what is causing it, that would be even more amazing.

    I know that the infection is somewhere that might be outside the domain level. It is closer to the root level in which the Wordfence plugin doesn’t/can’t scan.

    I was finally able to track down some of it in the root directory but just find it weird that it would be there in the first place. But with the plugin in place it at least gives me a heads up if any WordPress files are modified. And when the scan completes, at least I have a list of what to check. That is how I was able to find the base64_decode in files that was outside of our WordPress site.

    I would recommend this plugin to anyone looking to secure their WordPress site.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Long loading times

    Did you harden your WordPress so that it could reduce the chances of others being able to access files?

    I would use Wordfence to scan my website:

    It does a great job in finding infected files and will also show you if the files are not matching the repository based on the version. This way you will know if your site is really compromised.

    Just a question. Was this ever resolved?

    Fabian, it is one’s right to protect critical code but to what extent. I think that for plugins it would be better if the code was seen because using code obfuscation might make people feel that there is something to hide.

    I have seen what looks like this type of code from hackers. Either this type of code or a base64_decode which hides what the code is doing. Unless your methodology is completely unique to PHP programming, hiding the code seems more suspicious than being protective.

    I think that anyone that is purchasing a plugin would like to know what it is doing before installing it into their WordPress. So if it was me, I would use regular expressions than hide code. It would make it seem more trustworthy to people that don’t write code for a living. Especially since we are talking about WordPress which is open source.

    And to the people at Wordfence, isn’t there a way to determine if obfuscated code is malicious. I know that it is just looking at the code and based on recent techniques that hackers use, it is determining that this could be malicious code. I wonder if there is a way to decode and determine if it indeed is malicious code. Maybe not in the free plugin but the Pro one to reduce false positives?

    Just some of my opinions on the subject.

    Forum: Fixing WordPress
    In reply to: Long loading times

    That seems more like a hack than it being from a plugin. When it is making that request for the jquery.min.php it might be taking a long time for it to find so it will hold up your site while trying to load it.

    When I went to visit your site it also shows that it is trying to load resources from know servers on my computer. I would say that there is some kind of compromise somewhere in your server.

    Thread Starter jamkddr


    It looks like it wasn’t a memory issue but a configuration one. It seems like the way that it was configured didn’t have the hostname added to hosts file.

    Once that was added, it sends almost instantaneously. It now takes less than 5 seconds from when I hit the submit button to when it arrives in my inbox.

    Thanks for your help. I am marking this as resolved.

    Thread Starter jamkddr


    Not a shared account, so I was thinking that it might be a configuration issue. I need to check how much memory is actually allocated but I do have the config file setting the memory limit to 128M.

    I will check the server log files to see what is going on and get back to let you know.

    Thread Starter jamkddr


    Is it also possible to change how it is listed. I like how the tree view works but would like it to be able to maybe view it in a list or grid view using the same functionality as the tree view.

    There is a couple of plugins that do that but they don’t quite have the same either backend like yours or they can’t do the zip download of the category like yours is able to.

    I like the way that you set-up the back-end making it simple to understand and the way that the filing system works is absolutely the proper way to execute how it should be done.

    I guess it is more of a feature request than a question or support so I will mark your answer as resolved.

    Thread Starter jamkddr


    Ahh, I see how it works now. It does seem to be a z-index issue.

    For those of you who are having a similar problem this is what I did to solve it. I added into my child theme stylesheet

    i.a2a_i {
    	z-index: 99999;

    I was then able to click on the buttons and it worked fine.

    Thanks micropat, It would have taken me a long time to figure out that it was a CSS issue.

    Marked as resolved.

    Thread Starter jamkddr


    I would do it in the template code except that I need it for just the game detail pages and the page is built by clearing out the contents and then replacing it with new content. Basically, it is a catalog that has thumbnails and based on the thumbnail selected it builds the page.

    When you say that it is a CSS issue, do you mean that it is possible that the z-index of another element is covering the mini-menu? From what I can tell, it is showing the icons but there is no link associated with the graphic. <div class="a2a_col1" id="a2apage_col1"></div>
    is completely blank with no links whereas

    <div id="a2apage_2_col1" style="display:none"><a rel="nofollow" class="a2a_i" href="" target="_blank"><span class="a2a_svg a2a_s__default a2a_s_gmail"></span>Google Gmail</a><a rel="nofollow" class="a2a_i" href="/" target="_blank"><span class="a2a_svg a2a_s__default a2a_s_aol"></span>AOL Mail</a><a rel="nofollow" class="a2a_i" href="" target="_blank"><span class="a2a_svg a2a_s__default a2a_s_outlook_com"></span></a><a rel="nofollow" class="a2a_i" href="/" target="_blank"><span class="a2a_svg a2a_s__default a2a_s_yahoo"></span>Yahoo Mail</a><a rel="nofollow" class="a2a_i a2a_emailer" href="/" target="_blank" id="a2apage_any_email"><span class="a2a_svg a2a_s__default a2a_s_email"></span>Any email</a><a rel="nofollow" class="a2a_i a2a_emailer a2a_email_client" href="/" target="" id="a2apage_email_client"><span class="a2a_svg a2a_s__default a2a_s_email"></span>Email app</a></div>

    Shows links and when I take off the display:none I can click on those icons. That is the reason I thought that it might be a bug since even if I add it to the home page in a widget, it still doesn’t work.

    Let me try what you are suggesting first so that we can narrow down what is going on.



    Hello S Smeredith,

    If you are using the [product-catalogue] short code you have several attributes that you can apply.

    “id”,”excluded_layouts”,”starting_layout”,”products_per_page”,”current_page”,”sidebar”,”only_inner”,”ajax_reload”,”ajax_url”,”request_count”,”category”.”subcategory”,”tags”,”custom_fields”,and “prod_name”

    So you could have your products shown like
    [product-catalogue id=”1″ excluded_layouts=”Detail,List” starting_layout=”Thumbnail” category=”2″]

    What this will do is show your catalogue with the id of 1 and category id of 2 only. The detail and list formats will not be shown and starts on the thumbnail. With the [product-catalogue] short code you will have the sidebar that allows for search but that can also be hidden by adding the attribute of sidebar=”No”.

    You can also customize the catalogue layout by using the Custom CSS when you select a catalogue to edit. At least that is how I have been using it.

    The [insert-products] is also another great solution to add specific products that you would like to display and is done pretty much the same way that as the example above but also using the “catalogue_url” attribute:
    [insert-product catalogue_url=”/thepagethatyouwantittoload/” catalogue_id=”1″ category_id=”2″ product_count=”20″ products_wide=”4″]

    The [insert-products] is great if your are going to use it in a sidebar or mega menu. I hope that makes a little more sense.




    It seems that you have a similar set-up to how I have mine set. Where did you include your products? I have mine set-up with all the products in the catalogue.

    So in the site that I am working on all the products are shown in my video games catalogue and I have been moving them to arrange the order. Since I don’t have enough products right now (this is only a test site) to tell you how to move them from one page to another, I couldn’t tell you how to do it. I can tell you that if you wanted your latest to be the last one in the catalogue, you could arrange it to the last one by dragging and dropping the item to the last position. If that is not possible then you could delete it from the catalogue and then re-add it to the catalogue which should put it in the last position of the catalogue.

    The only reason that I am saying this is that it doesn’t seems to be appearing random is because it is showing up in the same position that you posted which means that you most likely can control the position by rearranging the items in your catalogue. At least that is what I think.

    Let me know if this helps a little.


    I also tried it without the action hook and filter and that seems to work as well. Just change ‘administrator’ with ‘edit_others_posts’ which is a lot simpler but the code that I had I found on while looking up how to allow different users to use plug-ins.

    If this has resolved your issue, I think that the authors would like this closed with a resolved.

    I also forgot to mention that this will work on thumbnail view only since I didn’t modify the list or detail view versions but at least this gives you an idea of what to build around.

    Hi garl,

    I did do a modify that makes things appear on the thumbnail view.

    If you are comfortable with a little bit of coding, open the Shortcodes.php and find the Build_Minimal_Product_Listing function. I made a change by moving the AddCustomFields($Product->Item_ID, “thumbs”); to a different location.

    function Build_Minimal_Product_Listing($Product, $Catalogue_URL = "") {
    	global $wpdb, $items_table_name;
    	$Pretty_Links = get_option("UPCP_Pretty_Links");
    	if (is_array($Product)) {$Product = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM $items_table_name WHERE Item_ID='" . $Product['Item_ID'] . "'");}
    	if ($Product->Item_ID == "") {return;}
    	$uri_parts = explode('?', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], 2);
    	if ($Catalogue_URL == "") {$Base = $uri_parts[0];}
    	else {$Base = $Catalogue_URL;}
    	if ($Product->Item_Link != "") {$ItemLink = $Product->Item_Link;}
    	elseif ($Pretty_Links == "Yes") {$ItemLink = $Base . "product/" . $Product->Item_Slug . "/?" . $uri_parts[1];}
    	elseif (strpos($uri_parts[1], "page_id") !== false) {$ItemLink = $Base . "?" . substr($uri_parts[1], 0, strpos($uri_parts[1], "&")) . "&SingleProduct=" . $Product->Item_ID;}
    	else {$ItemLink = $Base . "SingleProduct=" . $Product->Item_ID;}
    	if ($Product->Item_Photo_URL != "") {$PhotoURL = $Product->Item_Photo_URL;}
    	else {$PhotoURL = plugins_url('ultimate-product-catalogue/images/No-Photo-Available.jpg');}
    	$ReturnString .= "<a class='upcp-minimal-link' href='" . $ItemLink . "'>";
    	$ReturnString .= "<div class='upcp-minimal-img-div'>";
    	$ReturnString .= AddCustomFields($Product->Item_ID, "thumbs");
    	$ReturnString .= "<img class='upcp-minimal-img' src='" . $PhotoURL . "' alt='Product Image' />";
    	$ReturnString .= "</div>";
    	$ReturnString .= "<div class='upcp-minimal-title'>" . $Product->Item_Name . "</div>";
    	$ReturnString .= "<div class='upcp-minimal-price'>" . $Product->Item_Price . "</div>";
    	$ReturnString .= "</a>";
    	return $ReturnString;

    Next find the AddCustomFields($ProductID, $Layout). On the $CustomFieldString .= “<div class=’upcp-prod-desc-custom-fields’ style=’display:none;’>”; I added a css style to display:none.

    function AddCustomFields($ProductID, $Layout) {
    	global $wpdb;
    	global $fields_table_name, $fields_meta_table_name;
    	$upload_dir = wp_upload_dir();
    	$Fields = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT Field_ID, Field_Name, Field_Type FROM $fields_table_name WHERE Field_Displays='" . $Layout . "' OR Field_Displays='both'");
    	if (is_array($Fields)) {
    		$CustomFieldString .= "<div class='upcp-prod-desc-custom-fields' style='display:none;'>";
    		foreach ($Fields as $Field) {
    			$Meta = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT Meta_Value FROM $fields_meta_table_name WHERE Field_ID='" . $Field->Field_ID . "' AND Item_ID='" . $ProductID . "'");
    			if ($Field->Field_Type == "file") {
    				$CustomFieldString .= "<br />" . $Field->Field_Name . ": ";
    				$CustomFieldString .= "<a href='" . $upload_dir['baseurl'] . "/upcp-product-file-uploads/" .$Meta->Meta_Value . "' download>" . $Meta->Meta_Value . "</a>";
    			else {$CustomFieldString .= "<div>" . $Meta->Meta_Value . "</div>";}
    		$CustomFieldString .= "</div>";
    	return $CustomFieldString;

    Then in my upcp-jquery-functions.js I added this line of code in the jQuery(document).ready function to fadeIn and FadeOut on hover. The only thing is that this might be a little buggy in mobile since it is a little more difficult to determine where the cursor is on mobile. I did this as a quick and dirty workaround to have more interactive thumbnail but I am also working on one that will work a little better.

    jQuery('.upcp-catalogue-link ').hover(

    Don’t know if this will work for you right now but I am working on a major project and I needed some of the same things.


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